Runic Ward chest in upper Zskera Vault Az cannot be solved

Does not work

None of this worked. Interact key isnt the problem - the solution is clearly supposed to start with number 4 for everyone with bugged chest - as that is the only rune that doesnt knock u back and take ur health.

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not working for me, i’ve tried everything, and have the same issue described here.

I too was having an issue with this, and I submitted a bug report in game, however I tried something new and had success this time that I went in and gave it a shot.

I noticed during my attempts previously that the targeting circles were a little buggy, and realized that was connected with the “Enable Interact Key” option in Controls.

I turned that off, and when I went straight to the box I was able to open the chest without any issues whatsoever, using the combination of 2-4-3-1.

Also, I was in the same boat as most everyone here previously when I would attempt to open the chest, clicking the 4th rune would make the second one disappear and then the 1st and 3rd would knock me back with the 4th rune doing nothing.

Admittedly, when I was successful I did also just run straight to the chest. I didn’t kill any spiders nor did I pick up any of the buff items, and just relied on using Disengage to get to the room with the chest.

But if you’re still having trouble with the chest, I would definitely suggest checking to see if you have the “Enable Interact Key” option enabled, and try to open the chest with that option disabled.

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I was skeptical but I decided to go back in and try again with these instructions, and it totally worked! Maybe they just fixed or something, I dunno, but thanks anyway!

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Still bugged for me as well. Have tested with the interact key on and off. Have tested with absolutely no buffs from within the vault. Nothing is working.

THANK YOU!!! This worked!!! I had to diable the Interact Key and it worked perfectly!

Still bug never had interact key activite and i try enable/disable nothing changed

I tried for over 30 minutes… dying multiple times… but the same bug kept happening to me… i logged out for a few hours in front of the chest… i logged in, and got the chest to open with 2-4-3-1 in my first attempt

Adding myself to the list of people that tried removing the interact key, and it still doesn’t work.

Still bugged. I’ve tried every combinations.

From what I experienced, it had remained bugged until I went ahead and restarted the game after shutting it down. Ever since, a few bugs that were occuring no longer did such afterward, the Runic Ward included. Under normal circumstances, this should not be happening to begin with, but this is probably the best solution I can provide for now until they properly fix said instance for all players.

Did not work for me - never had interact key bound to start with.

Interact key off. No buffs. Still not working for me using the sequence above.

works now as intended for me. 2,4,3,1

Works for me post-maintenance.

Worked for me post maintenance. Disappointingly, the chest only contained a stone.

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Yeah fixed Now :slight_smile: finaly