Daitenshi-Female Dwarf- Pally
Looking for members from:
Protectors of Darkness
Was Galadrain a a druid tank?
Hey man, I definitely remember you. Relativity#1669 if you want to add me! Playing Herod-Alliance in classic.
I’m on your btag friends ya’ goof
- Giblet, Gnome, Warlock
- Peace Keepers
- I haven’t rolled regularly on Runetotem in a while, but I really do miss the old PK crowd. Leftytwo, Fizzban, Einherjar, we all had a ton of fun raiding and rolling dungeons. A wonderful guild, would love to see it back up and running in Classic. Also any of my old friends I haven’t reconnected with in a long time from old RT. Let me know if you’re up to anything!
- Tsoroth, NE, Hunter - got renamed on the original realm
Zenthalas, NE, Druid - still around, as a utility
Trinthalas, NE, Rogue - still around, as a utility - Titans of Glory, Hotel California - this was a BC guild
- Anyone that remembers, but no worries…
Dang it’s been forever! Kayede, Night Elf priest.
Awesome Lobby, I’ll check it out I havent locked into any server as of yet but was thinking thalnos since its east coast and pvp and doesnt seem to be making too much noise among streamers.
CoderX! man long time no speak. I created a new clean account for classic add me if your gonna be playing man Street#11173
Nice to see names I recognize. McDougal and I will be rolling somewhere. Probably Faerlina, Herod, or Pagle.
I am on Atiesh, so is the wife. Running a mage again!
hahaha omg i totally forgot about that, it was my middle school days and i wanted to be cool like him so i copied his name. sad times.
Notredamus here, was a human paladin had to change name. enjoyed classic wow.
I was in Prominence for a while with my Rogue before the guild self destructed…
Nyobac was my Rogue’s name at that time. I think he’s still on that server, naked and everything sold.
I bounced around a lot of guilds, Wolf Pack, Peace Keepers, New Dawn, to name a few, my characters were Valex - Night Elf Hunter, Ebrithal - Human/Dwarf Priest, Diefool - Human Paladin, its cool to recognize so many of yalls name after all this time!
Wolgan/Calysto from Fury here. Coderx, Lobby, Chuncha, good to see you all!
Wow long time no see Calysto, Where is Xall? Add me coderx#1580
Omg Nyobac!! I remember you just barely! Galsh here. How have you been?? Heard from anybody else?
Im looking for Kuddles, a Gnome Mage. Spent a lot of time killing me in AV while I played Hunter (remember that dead zone they had?).
He later made a guild called KDF (Kuddles Defence Force) which didn’t last too long past the first Xpac then they all stopped logging in. Just want to make sure Kuddles is ok
Anybody know where to track down Galash at? I can remember people confusing us so often in vanilla/BC because the names were so similar. People even believed we were holding conversations in general chat with ourselves. Or anybody able to get a hold of Olorin?
I remember your name, but I didn’t remember the prairie dog thing. Lol, I guess I was kinda sweet back then.