Runes for Retribution Paladin

Good evening Blizzard,

Retribution in Season of Discovery has seen its fair of Nerfs as well as Flavor from Wotlk. While Wotlk Retribution Paladin saw many needed changes and is great version of the class and spec, I as well as many other Paladins believe there is more to Paladin that can be offered and enjoyed. Today I am here to discuss a few ideas for runes that would greatly benefit Retribution Paladin gameplay as well as the party and raid members around them.

Talents that could be used as runes

-Righteous Vengeance - Wotlk
-When Judgement, Crusader Strike, & Divine Storm spells deal a critical strike, your target will take an aditional 30% damage over 8 seconds. (Stacking like Deep Wounds)
–Notes: No brainer that Paladin needs a bleed while every other melee class has one. This needs to stack like Deep Wounds however.

-Sheath of Light - Wotlk
-Increases your spell power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power and your critical healing spells heal the target for 20% of the healed amount over 12 seconds.
–Notes: Everyone knows Retribution being Holy and Physical damage caused great issue with scaling and gearing. Sheath of Light helps to better this issue for Retribution Paladin and is heavily needed in Season of Discovery

-Communion/Judgements of the Wise - Catacalysm/Wotlk
-Your auras increase your party and raid’s damage dealt by 3%, and your own damage is increased by an additional 2% at all times. In addition, your judgement causes Replenishment.

Replenishment - Grants up to 10 party or raid members mana regeneration equal to 1% of their maximum mana per 5 sec for 15 sec and to immediately grand you 25% of your base mana. Lasts for 15 sec.
–Notes: Paladins suffer heavily from mana issues and that is no secret. Not only does this completely fix that issue but also ads overall value to Retribution Paladin in a party or raid group. Replenishment is an absolute must.

-Zealotry - Catacalysm
-Your Crusader Strike generates (X Amount of Strength or Critical Strike) per strike for the next 20 seconds. 2 minute cooldown
–Could see Zealotry not only being very fun but adding importance of choosing Crusader Strike over Divine Storm when Zealotry is ready.

-Crusade - Wotlk
-Increases all damage caused by 3% and all damage caused against Humonoids, Demons, Undead and Elementals by an additonal 3%
–Notes: Great overall talent tree. Retribution needs talents like these to keep their head above the water. Also adds great fantasy to the class and spec.

Abilities that could be used as Runes in Season of Discovery

-Avenging Wrath
- Increase all damage and healing by 30% for 30 seconds. (Should be 30 seconds as Death Wish for Warrior has been 30 second since Vanilla…
–Notes: No brainer here at all. Just needs to be 30 seconds instead of 20.

- Templar Strikes
- Paladin Cleave ability? Similar to Seal of Command in Wotlk or like Blade Flurry for Rouges in Vanilla? I think Templar Strikes has potential to really spice up Retribution Paladin Gameplay in Season of Discovery. Very excited if this was implimented.

-Templars Verdict
-Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals (163.02% of Attack power) [Blades of Light: Holystrike / Holy] damage to an enemy target.
–Notes: Could see Templar’s Verdict enabling Retribution to make a choice between Templar’s Verdict for Single Target encounters and leaning to towards Divine Storm for Cleave heavy/AOE encounters.

-Wake of Ashes
- Lash out at your enemies, dealing (351.12% of Attack power) Radiant damage to all enemies within 14 yds in front of you [Truth’s Wake: reducing their movement speed by 50% and burning them for (163.2% of Attack power) Radiant damage over 9 sec / and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 9 sec.]
Demon and Undead enemies are also stunned for 5 sec.

-Execution Sentence
-A hammer slowly falls from the sky upon the target, after 8 sec, they suffer 30% of the damage taken from your abilities as Holy damage during that time.
–Notes: Could use 12-15 Seconds. Another ability that could really add variety and spice to Retribution gameplay.

- Light’s Hammer
-Hurl a Light-infused hammer into the ground, where it will blast a 10 yard area with Arcing Light for (16 sec.5) sec. Arcing Light Deals 2513 to 3071 Holy damage to enemies within the area and 2513 to 3071 healing to allies within the area every 2 sec.

I hope you can take a look at these possible suggestions and use the as runes in the future for Retribution Paladin in Season of Discovery.


Add twisting please

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You realize there is an in game method through clicking the “?” On your mini bar, followed by clicking “submit feedback” right at your finger tips?

Writing here and getting the attention of Blizz is about as successful as winning the lottery.

You do you though.


I like some of these ideas, mainly Righteous Vengeance, and Sheath of Light.

Wake of Ashes would also be awesome but I’d be worried that 351% of attack power might be too powerful in classic?

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I’d like to see something unique at some point, such as a Dual Wield rune for Paladins. That’d be dope.

Imagine a ret Pally exploding every two seconds from their Vengeance. Should be a rune called Myrmidon.

Interesting idea, however i dont think dual wield would be very good for ret. Reason being is that on one handers there is alot of competition for one handers, however if they stick with two handers their only real comp would be arms warriors.

Edit: Also alot of our new ability scaling would be hampered down. With our cooldowns the way they are having a two hander is fantastic to get value out of them.

I’m sure Wake of Ashes would be scaled properly to accommodate for Classic Wow and SOD. Wake of Ashes is basically the Howling Blast for Paladins and could see this being a lot of fun in situations and encounters.

Sheath of Light is absolutely vital in assisting Paladins with the terrible scaling issues suffered in Classic Wow. Sheath should definitely be introduced as a rune in Season of Discovery.

Righteous Vengeance should also be introduced as a rune. All classes have bleeds and dot affects and Paladin should be no different.

People are already full of piss & vinegar over Avenger’s Shield being usable on a 30 sec CD - after swapping from a 2h to a shield - to slow up to three targets. A 14yd cleave(even just a 5yd cleave) that would give a 50% slow would have people be feral.

If it’s just damage, people would probably be more or less fine with it. The Demon & Undead stun would probably go completely under the radar of the anger of players, until Meta warlocks realized that paladins currently hitting them with Exorcism don’t actually have to have the Exorcist rune equipped to do so.

I generally would prefer stuff not to just be ripped wholesale from future expansions for SoD. I know this is what most runes are, and likely what most are going to be, but I’d prefer some originality. I had a thought earlier, so I’ll quote myself from another one of my posts earlier:

Sheath of Light would be a much, MUCH easier and quicker way to improve ret’s damage, though it’s not anywhere near as beneficial for prot paladins. The idea I had may be more beneficial for prot paladins, though I don’t know how it would compare to something like the WotLK talent Touched by the Light. (I’m not sure what strength would be like for a paladin tank in SoD at 60, nor how 60% of it being given as spell damage would fare.)

That having been said, this thread is about ret paladins, not prot paladins; maybe people posting in this thread wouldn’t care as much.
(EDIT: This was poorly worded. I didn’t mean to suggest people posting in this thread have disdain for prot paladins. Rather some people are interested in playing explicitly retribution paladins, and a thread that is titled “Runes for Retribution Paladin” may not get the best discussion on how a rune may affect prot paladins.)

I’d rather they address rolling Deep Wounds than adding a DoT to everyone else. That having been said, kind of weird to have Crusader Strike and Divine Storm - two rune abilities - trigger this, but no Seals, especially when Seal of Command - the primary seal for ret paladins - has a chance to proc in Classic, whereas in Wrath it’s a 100% chance when you have it up. Again, I know the OP copy & pasted the text from Wrath, but I can’t really help but think past the surface, to my own chagrin at times.

No. Paladin was figured out a very very long time ago to just simply be a BAD choice for dual wield. Please dear gods people, stop asking for it.


For Feedback:

Regardless of how it happens, Ret’s gonna need some love just like several other specs next phase to be able to keep up worth a crap. Though my, I’d say pull some inspiration from other Blizzard products. I’ve said it elsewhere, but I think Diablo 2 and 3 would be good sources for some fun possibilities, such as:

Zeal - Rapid-fire extra melee hits, perhaps as an on-next hit
Conviction Aura - Offensive, attached to Sanctity perhaps. Reduces enemy armor and resistances
Heavenly Strength - Allows a 2h to be equipped with a shield for a slight damage penalty. Reduces itemization glut.

These 3 abilities in particular seem like solid and iconic Paladin or Paladin-like (Crusader) abilities that would be solid options to be played with. But, for now, Phase 2 we need some support and scaling options.


I don’t see Dual-Wield as a legit request. Especially if its 1-Handers.

I see it all the time. Lots of places. And have since 2006. :confused: Will never understand why.

Blade of Justice - Pierce an enemy with a blade of light, dealing (166.387% of Attack power) Holy damage to your target and (93.6309% of Attack power) Holy damage to nearby enemies

This sounds great as well!

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Please just give me a gap closer and make DS holy damage

Here is my suggestion:

-Holy Potato
After your whole mana was evaporated with a single Mana burn cast you turn into a potato. While activated you do nothing. This effect can occur every 3.5 seconds.

-Holy Crap
After having all your seals, blessings, even righteous fury purged you enter into a Holy Crap state. In this state you remain angry but yet do nothing.

-Holy Chase
This ability only gets activated after the enemy starts running away. In that moment you realize you have no slow effect or gap closer and enter a holy chase state. Holy chase state only ends if the enemy chooses to stop otherwise it continues indefinitely.

If anything, I’d rather have the 7.0 Blade of Wrath - the one that had a 6 sec CD and did a DoT of Holy damage.

Only people playing ret for the Legion pre-patch and first two months would have even experienced using it before they turned it back into the Art of War-style Blade of Wrath, so why not, can introduce it as “brand new” that only a handful will be able to call BS on.

I’m not against a more single-target focused Blade of Wrath at all

Ret paladins should be bottom tier next phase while shaman dps should have a chance to play the game. Give ret a phase at the bottom to help the faction balance.

I’m fine with that, especially if either:

  • prot paladins can be as loved as tanks by the player base as enhancement tanks seemed to be loved currently, or
  • ret gets nothing to help their own damage, but has selfless runes to be even better buffbots for the party.

If neither happen? Well, I guess I’ll be learning to heal and donning the dress for the phase.

A lot of these are fine for a few talent points out of 71 in Wrath, but as a rune (which we’re expecting to get just 9 slots) they leave a lot to be desired. Especially when you compare them to phase 1 runes on other classes that add things like 15% crit, a 3% damage rune is decidedly unremarkable. Righteous Vengeance, for example is only about 3.5% of my damage in my most recent parse. It’s fine for 3 talent points, but would be a sad rune.

The main runes I’m looking forward to are:
The Art of War
Judgements of the Wise
Sheath of Light
Improved Crusader Strike (93.8% weapon damage, 4% mana return blue version of the rune Phase 1 rune)
Avenging Wrath

Wishful thinking
Heavenly Strength - equip a 2H weapon in your main hand, freeing your offhand
Holy Fire - mobile Consecration centered on the caster
Zeal - 20% chance to make 2 additional melee attacks on melee attack hit

Yes, I have been playing Diablo lately. Thanks for noticing.