Rune Wishlist and Speculation

For hunters, some of the idea’s thats in there.

ideas that will never get in but I’d like to see some random stuff like:
Befriend Beast - basically Enslave Demon but for beasts/dragonkin (maybe longer duration since 5 mins is kinda lame now)
Invisible mushrooms - 2sec arming time, does nature damage, 2 second disorient, 2 charges with a 30 second CD, low stealth level like NPCs have
Rabies - auto attacks in bear/cat inflicts bonus poison that reduces enemy attack speed stacking up to 20% @ 5, would scale off attk power like current feral sunfire does.
Healing Wisps - summon 2 allied wisps that cast a few learned healing spells each at random on the most injured party member before disappearing.

but we will probably just get the greatest hits with like maybe 1-2 “custom” spells which is also ok.

If you like complaining so much why don’t you make a youtube channel and monetize your contempt for a game you’re voluntarily choosing to pay for and play.

-Healing Aura: Basically the old heal aura that was removed way back when but added back as a Rune and scales with spell healing.
-Augmented Seals: Seals now have no duration, no mana cost and cannot be dispelled. In addition to perhaps buffing effects (ie Command proc rate, SoR damage, Martyr cleave, Light providing healing buff etc)
-Holy Radiance: AoE heal for Holy Paladins
-Vengeful Wrath: Hammer of Wrath is instant cast and auto crits.
-Holy Strike/Templar’s Verdict: Big holy damage attack that scales with physical/holy damage with a longer CD of maybe 30 seconds.
-Avenging Wrath: Increase damage/healing and crit chance by 20% Hammer of Wrath is usable regardless of HP value. Lasts 20 seconds. Puts forbearance on the user.
-Art of War: Auto attacks have a chance to refresh the cooldown of Exorcism/Avenger’s Shield/Holy Shock
-Aura Mastery: Can have more two auras active at the same time and they can now affect Raid Wide.
-Empowered Seals: Judgment grants a bonus based on the seal used, lasts 1 minute.
-Equality: Holy Wrath is now instant cast and affects all target types, instant crit vs Undead/Demons.

-Anything that enables smite priest to be a thing.

-Something that can augment Firestone/Spellstone due to the nature of Metamorph tanking since you can melee while doing Searing Pain.
-Master Subjugator: Subjugate Demon now is indefinite until dismissed. Doomguard and Infernal also gain special bonuses from Master Demonologist talent.
–Could bake in that no one dies by Doomguard Summon and either summon it auto subjugates.
-Demon Hunting: Able to dual wield weapons and gains extra hit chance to prevent always being missed.
–This could go hand in hand with the Firestone/Spellstone talents/abilities.
-The Demon Within: You gain extra benefits from using Sacrifice Demon and can now Sacrifice Doomguard/Infernals and other subjugated demons.
-Immolation Aura: Hellfire now no longer needs to be channeled and generates extra threat.

For the future after all runes are filled up and if we see (my hope) post Naxx content, Runes that could in fact Augment other runes and buff them in some way. I mean we got all our runes as “green” so in that case what could a “blue” rune be or a legendary?

what a wild thing to say in 2024. “hybrid tax” only meant something while levelling in OG vanilla. It takes 2 days to get to 25 in sod


And if “Path of Arthas goes through” what hybrid tax xDDD

But yea thats gone now.

Here is hybrid tax: i stop to use Holy Light or FoL as a clutch in raid, there goes my parse. The Hybrid Tax is Warcraft Logs topkek

  • 15% baseline bonus movespeed from pursuit of justice

  • Divine Steed and pursuit of justice is moved to 10% movespeed

  • Improved holy shock (reduced cooldown to 7-10 seconds and increased effectiveness)

  • Flex rune spot so we can have seal of martyr and divine storm

  • Judges not longer consume seal and judgement returns 4% mana

If we’re going to have the “hybrid tax” then we might as well have enough mana to be a hybrid

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I’m Glad Someone else sees the potential of DH like Runes for Locks to build on Meta.

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It started making more and more sense when im getting auto attacks in while taking BFD and other stuff on my lock and it had me really thinking about Firestone. Really excited to see where they take the Meta tank.

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I’m trying to think of a way to justify Eye Beam being a thing. Like what Lock spell could possibly be changed into it.

I agree with thunderstorm but no Typhoon for druid they already have a big tool kit

If all else fails: Rain of Fire

Both are channeled
Both would be a huge mana cost regardless
This one wouldnt be interrupted because: Eye Beam


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Too also add the potential of the Meta tank is just as OP and Fun as what DK tanks were back int he day, all specs will be able to pull it off with sacrifice

Sacrifice: Succ, go Drain Life/Siphon and Shadowmastery
Sacrifice: Imp, go all the way down to Emberstorm
Sacrifice: W/E who knows what youll get with runes
Dont Sacrifice and just go Soul Link and let Boo Berry have fun

Frankly the playstyle choices are going to be amazing and if Blizz does put in “multispec” this is def a tank that will need them.

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Yeah there’s just so much potential that they can do. I’ll Pray for Immo Aura and DW at the least.

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General Hunter wish list
Beast Cleave
Combat Traps

My personal wishlist
Survival Tanking rune (co tanking with BM pet would be baller)
Rune that lets your pet learn an extra special ability from a different pet family
Some kind of dead zone rune, especially for lone wolf players, since flanking strike makes it pretty clear that melee hunter is meant to have a pet.
bring back original kill command that affected pet specials (maybe change it from a damage amp to a cleave, but the bite/claw thing is boring)

Oh and for the sake of Warriors: Titan’s Grip

Naw but Rune: Taste for Blood, Rend tics proc and refresh Overpower with a CD, and Rune: Whirling Death, weapon strikes while Dual Weilding use with both weapons. Both of these would share the same slot to restrict DW arms.


Druid thrash but extra juiced up with that legendary effect that makes your thrash able to proc another thrash

Oh yea that one i forgot, also Colossus Smash/Bladestorm of course somewhere in there?

Druid: Thrash
Warlock: Felguard
Warrior: Heroic Leap