- Fan of Knives (Rogues generally lack AoE)
- Unfair Advantage (Wrath talent) but make it work off Dodge and Parry and remove the CD, or make the CD per-mob, and make it the same rune slot as FoK
- Cut to the Chase (Wrath talent) where certain finishers refresh Slice and Dice and/or Blade Dance
- Combat Potency (Wrath talent) where OH hits can generate energy
- Smoke Bomb, creating casting LoS anywhere to forcibly group mobs and alleviate ranged nukers from gibbing back row players
- Killing Spree
- Update Main Gauche to be actually worthwhile to use (more damage/threat) over Mutilate or Saber Slash
- Update Just a Flesh Wound to activate on more than just Blade Dance, such as Main Gauche, Ghostly Strike, and Evasion
- Felguard, make him hit especially hard if Demo spec’d properly
- Grimoire of Supremacy (MoP Talent), because cooler demons is always fun and Demo spec should feel good about actively using their demons instead of just using them as Sacrifice fodder
- Alternatively, have Grimoire of Supremacy and make it so Doomguards and Infernals can be summoned anywhere, without sacrificing people, and permanently controlled
- Some kind of passive rune that dramatically amps up pet scaling from player stats, including health and damage
- Shadowfury, I just think its neat
- Pandemic, for Affliction to scale better into late game
- Fel Synergy, help Demo Locks keep their pets healthy
- Any number of passives/procs that allow Warlocks to feel OK about casting Soul Fire, seriously, perhaps so it becomes a signature nuke for Demo
- Update Metamorphosis so that Shadow Cleave isn’t utter trash, just straight up increase the damage and/or make it scale with skills other than Shadow Bolt-specific modifiers or else Tank Locks are going to Hellfire themselves to death. The only thing that really modifies Shadow Bolt right now are useless or anemic, because Shadow Cleave is instant, Meta doesn’t have mana problems, and stunning/dazing people isn’t really all that good
- Just make a rune slot that amps up professions in some way, like giving us passive bonuses for particular professions, grants unique activated skills based on professions, etc