What do you think they’ll add? What do you hope they’ll add?
Shadow Priest:
Shadowfiend or Mindbender, kind of boring but mana is a huge problem in classic
Void tendral proc on mindflay, something to make mindflay > wanding
A rune that modifies vampiric embrace or otherwise makes shadow have comparable utility as a dps healer like an arcane mage
maybe a rune that changes shadow weaving to a debuff that increases all magical damage rather than just shadow damage, helping shadow secure a spot even if it’s low on the dps totem poll again
extra charge of mindblast, or proc instacast mindblast
voidbolt, maybe with some interaction with our dots like warlock’s haunt
dispersion or spectral guise (stealth), some get out of jail free card for raid mechanics or pvp
rune that turns mindflay into mindspike; shouldn’t be objectively better or worse, just a playstyle preference or situational
dominate mind, turn mind control into a pet enslaving ability for those who liked it
I’d like to see affliction warlocks get some love too. Maybe crit-able dots.
I wish for warriors to get Natures Swiftness + Healing touch in one rune once deep wounds is nerfed to bring our damage in line with the other hybrid classes since the hybrid tax doesn’t seem to matter to people.
I mean, there was an argument to be made about nullifying the ‘hybrid tax’ in another thread by locking you out of certain abilities / utility if you’re pure dps.
I don’t know how to incorporate this for warrior, but maybe for shadow priest they can have a dps rune mutually exclusive with a utility rune kinda like arcane mage does. One makes healing spells useable in shadowform or vampiric embrace viable for single target or raid healing, the other locks you into shadowform permanently (as long as the rune is equip) prevents using holy abilities, but buffs your damage / crit ability etc.
Another thread of insert retail into classic yawn… They should focus on creating new things instead of porting the changes which are the reason we’re still playing classic to begin with.
The floor is open to suggestions if you have better ideas than anything produced by the development team in the past twenty years.
Retail as a whole being bad doesn’t mean that talents and abilities that exist in retail, or have at some point existed in retail, are bad. Nor does it mean all changes that happened in retail contributed to it being bad.
You completely missed the point as usual for a reader of this forum. I didn’t say no changes. I said make new unique changes and stop porting over retail to classic, it’s lazy and shows that the developers lack creativity and vision.
“I want the team to come up with completely different spells and abilities that haven’t been thought of for the past 20 years, that are unlike anything I’ve seen before, while keeping the game fun and balanced even though I can’t think of anything like this myself.”
Alright I’ll start. Maybe priests can get some kind of dot… that does shadow damage but also helps regenerate mana to deal with their mana regeneration issues, that also has pvp utility by harming the target if dispelled. We can call it “Touch of the Vampire!”
Dominate Mind with a permanent or longer time like DK’s Control Undead would be fun.
Something like shadow crash would be cool but imo they just need to make mind sear not suck. At the very least make it useable on other players so I can help a mage friend aoe farm.
Feel like they should just bake this into the meta rune to replace hellfire while in meta.
I’d be kinda surprised if they didn’t add this tbh
Coats up to 5 nearby enemies in the poison on your off hand weapon. Generates 1 combo point for each enemy hit. Your next combo point finisher hits all targets affected by poison. 30 second CD
Warlock - green fire!
Make this a rune that makes every fire spell/mount have green fire instead of red fire.
Oh and change the spell type to “fel-fire” spells instead of fire spells so we can get around fire resistance