I was just made aware of a video going around created by a former ED member - a clip of him defeating ‘‘Owlcapown’’ in an Arena setting. The clip shows him bursting with JOY and laughter as he saw ‘‘my’’ name. First of all, my name is Owlcapwn. Second of all, Barn couldn’t beat me 1v1 if I came down with all 70 covid variants at the same time. I do not appreciate the clip or the rumor. I sent him a tweet from my brand new twitter account (@RealOwlcapwn) inviting him to track down the real thing come 2022 - my return to World PVP. My name has been tarnished for two years now by that guy.
I take my name in WPVP as seriously as you Arena players take 2400-2800 rating.
It’s funny how so many of you look up to people like Barn, simply because he can land 2700 with a pocket healer, and a flawed mmr system. It’s not impressive. It’s being done by clickers. You should be looking up to Owlcapwn. I single handily defeat any person(s) I come across with no help whatsoever. Just pure brute force, speed, and intelligence. I’m the only player in this game who has never been beaten in WPVP.
Long story short - Barn has not, nor is he capable of beating me in any setting… especially 1v1. Maybe YOLO RBGs, where I afk for free conquest. He’s just too soft, and lacks the killer instinct it would take to beat somebody like me, especially in open world, where I am a master of my surroundings/terrain.
There’s no pocket healers in my world.
Man, don’t you think it’s about time to retire this sad schtick?
As soon as bad players stop making clips of them beating ‘‘me.’’
Clip is like 8 months old. Nobody cared then, and don’t now.
Yeah. That’s pretty obvious.
You hear the joy in his voice when he thought he beat me? Why was that match even clipped? What was so special about it? Because they thought it was me. Did you see the title of the clip? ROFL. This guy lead his viewers to believe he beat me. It’s pretty sad that I’m not even allowed to retire my ‘‘sad’’ schtick without guys who cant even crack 800 twitter followers running my name into the ground.
And people condone the behavior.
‘‘Oh!!! It’s Owlcapwn… It’s Owlcapwn!!!’’
Yeah. He clearly didn’t care.
The decent thing for him to do is to delete the clip, and apologize. Unless he wants to correct his mistake and beat me for real. It’s getting ridiculous that I can’t deal with real world issues going on in my life - without five people whispering me in game the first day I get back about how this 700 twitter follower claims he beat me in game. This isn’t shtick - this is about a guy I never bothered before in my life disrespecting my name. I’m telling you right now - I have seen him play the game. He is heavily reliant on pocket healers, and could never beat me. I beat Baj, Swifty, Soda, and many many top rated players… all better 1v1 than Barn (especially Soda.) Do you know what Soda did after I beat him? He tweeted me out of respect. That’s all I ask… respect. Delete the clip, and apologize. He has never, nor will he ever beat me in game.
If you condone a liar - you’re no better.
nobody cares
the game is dead
didn’t read any of your posts
Owlcapwn gets told to shut up by an actual Emerald Dream legend. Love it.
I’m not surprised to see Emerald Dream support one of their own (referring to the fraud streamer) but this issue has been addressed. As upset as I was, I had a chance to cool down - and put things in perspective. The streamer in question averages like 50 viewers, and has less twitter followers than some deceased people. So, honestly, how wide spread could this even be? Not very.
I still do not condone people using my name/reputation to try increasing their status in game, or real life. I don’t ask much. I just ask that if beating me is something you would like a shot at doing - you can find me doing whatever the hell I want to do in game… to whomever I want - with war mode on. Jan 1st.
This matter is closed.
Now watch him edit a post 5 times that nobody reads anyway
Keep it to 1 line moron, I’m not reading that autistic gibberish lol
This all has me thinking about something from my past. Really. Quite a day that was. One time at band camp…
I don’t care that you broke your elbow 
They added paid name changes a long time ago you know
So, now he’s claiming that I changed my named to Owlcapown, then back to Owlcapwn after he ‘‘beat’’ me? Interesting, and not surprising coming from him.
Thanks for the update, Agg.
No, im just reminding you that you could have changed that cringey meme name years ago. Let me guess, you have a shaman alt named Oprahwindfury?
It’s an interesting theory - but it sounds like it would come from a guy who pretends to beat people he clearly cannot, clips it, and misleads his 40 viewers.
So, I’ll chalk it up as a claim from the man himself.
He knows where to find me.
I’d like to thank ED for taking this autistic neck beard off of our hands on Tichondrius. Nice to see him still being a joke after all of these years.
Andrew is a cheap imitation. Owlcapwn #1
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