Ruining pvp for casters

Getting a team together for 3s is a hassle on classic. Seems like 90% of classic players only want to play meta comps even if it’s only 1400mmr.


insert (evoker) have fun

You think warlocks have bad mobility, look at the poor spriest. They get 2 speed boosts of 40% that only break a single snare if you have FADE talented. And right after you break that snare, you will be snared again.

I think mages and priests had a pvp disarm back in the day. Not sure why the devs removed those disarms.

Anyway… I will not be wasting my time doing any sort of wpvp as long as this game has idiotic stealther classes like rogues who have high burst from stealth, copious amounts of crowd control, godlike self heals, and the ability to run away and reset any fight they are losing.

Once people have their wpvp gear, I expect wpvp to die.


It’s definitely a “hope you know someone” or “join a guild” thing. Durotar’s empty which ruined my plan for dueling people until I found a mage I liked.

luckily i know people, hopefully our schedules line up

Spent hours looking for group only to get dropped when they saw me as demo. That never used to happen back in the day. They would at least try a few games with you and discuss strats. I guess years of retail lfg has corrupted people and they no longer know what manners are.

Faerlina or where

And yeah. unless it’s pve where demo’s ok iirc. People aren’t super keen on playing random off-meta specs. it’s basically a private server. so meta slaves and beyond scripted.

I didn’t think of that. Definitely possible. Kind of how we saw pvers get elite in BFA with the changes to mythics. People think they know better.

I wanna try rls but even the people I know don’t wanna play something that’s not popular in the current meta. lol.

is it just me or do you Casters find in PVP when facing Melee Classes its the never ending Global, as in when they start Raging on you they global you non Stop especially when there is 2 Melee Training you down. if it was not for that we casters could at least have some type of Counter play and i am not talking about getting silenced when casting.
or am I the only one experiencing this Never Ending / Resetting Global until your Dead PVP Matches

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On faerlina, yes. I would be down for demo rls too it was one of my comps I played back in original classic.

I’ve decided…even though healers get insta queue PvE/PvE….it’s simply not worth it. Playing an off-spec caster sucks, and they specifically never help those specs too.

Much easier to be a Prima Donna tank, get insta queue M+, play a melee DPS that will still be raid viable, and suffer longer waits for SQ/ PvP….

Why hate myself, and cause unneeded stress playing something I won’t enjoy for instant queue times?

Either reign in Melee, or give everyone instacasts, healing, etc so you don’t feel like your punishing yourself playing…

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i’m 67 on faerlina. maybe one day lol. my buddies tranferred when wotlk hit to avoid the queues.

honestly this is the worst ive seen it for us casters. I literally just get hard stunned while getting jumped on by a million different melee champs at this point.

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blizz designed melee to catch mages while forgetting not every caster is a mage


I mean even then, mages were still catchable back in the day, all that was required was that you just be good

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I hard agree that Dark Pact needs a huge huge huge nerf well said

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Just think, the OP was able to write his opening post while someone tried to break dark pact.


Everything you said is pure truth.Well done mate.Blizzard needs to change this, as well buff certain casters, Arcane mage same damage(if not worse) as Fire and Frost but has only 1 school of magic like hallo?You cant dmg if you get kicked on polly, you cant polly if you get kicked on dmg, you cant even kick others if you get kicked on dmg.Then you have destro warlocks who got their most significant and the spell that the spec is recognizable for renamed into “Noodle bolt”. Chaos bolts needs to SCARE people when they see Warlocks casting it, now they just ignore it because it hits for about 20% of hp maybe even less.

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Are you not casting fear before Chaos Bolt?

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Yea, and started an arms race that is favoring melee right now.

What they should have done was focused on group play mechanics where self dispels and dispels from your partners played a bigger role instead of simply giving every melee endless gap closers with godlike self healing.

Priests and mages used to have disarms. Time to bring disarms back.

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funny story actually, dont pact is only good about twice a game now lol, the dmg absorb just gets shredded through lol. using it below 100% health is worthless lol

Not sure about mages, but warlocks did with voidwalker.