Ruining pvp for casters

Blizzard man you gotta stop, you’re continually making PvP even worse for caster mains. All the mobility and infinite healing that every single melee spec has is just so far beyond out of control that it’s unreal. Warriors having multiple charges of charge on a 16 second cd? Heroic leap that gives +30% move speed for 3 seconds on a 30 second cooldown? Monks having multiple charges of roll on a 20 second cd and flying serpent kick on what 45 second cd? Not to mention the absolutely ENDLESS healing that they have. Warriors will stay 100% health all the time that they’re on you (which they’ll stay on you because of all those gap closers) and as a lone caster you just can’t outdmg the healing.

At this point it’s not even really a skill issue anymore of not letting melee touch you, I say that because in SL I was a master of not letting melee classes touch me (You can see in my Youtube videos if you need proof) and now in DF it feels next to impossible to get certain classes off me now, like warriors for example. Not to mention you ruined DK outplay as well, before Abom Limb came into the game, if I had to port away from a DK and I reflected his death grip, well then it was GG well played, I ended up killing him because he couldn’t grip me again. Then abom limb came along and if they get grip reflected it doesn’t matter because abom limb grips you through magic reflects and it continues to grip multiple times.

It was much better in Wrath because there were details to know and if you outplayed, it really mattered, like A LOT. If I forced a DK into death gripping me and THEN I port away from him, it was over because I could setup and cast on him and kill him, EZ. However if I couldn’t get grip and I had to port and he grips me off the port and I die, well then it’s on me for playing bad. Same deal with Warriors, if I pre-seduced a warrior charge in wrath, that was HUGE, like massive, because it forced out intercept and Shadowflame and port, at that point I can setup and kill him BECAUSE I outplayed him by knowing he was going to charge and seducing it so he got no use of it. On top of that, there’s no heroic leap or another charge of charge to reconnect to me and there’s also no self healing if by some miracle he does reconnect to me. He can’t take himself from 20% to full health in a matter of a couple globals. Now come to retail, same exact scenario, you know the warrior is going to charge you and you press seduce and catch him on charge and he doesn’t touch you. You get a soul fire or chaos bolt off or something and chunk hi health because you just outplayed him and you’re playing off that. Well guess what happens next, he’s gonna charge again and its fine in most cases because you just have port, but then he heroic leaps and you remember that 40% health you had him at? Yeah you can forget about that because he presses impending victory and he’s full health again even though he’s done nothing so far in the encounter except get outplayed and punished for it.

But think about other classes in the game, that was just warlock POV obviously but there’s other caster specs that don’t get to have a port or a gateway, like frost mage. Yeah sure they have blink but that’s only 1 escape and it’s on like an 8 or 9 second cooldown, so really you blink, he charges again and by the time blink is back up off cd, when you use it the warrior just has charge again because its back off cooldown.

“Well why don’t you just slow him ya noob, you ever heard of that?” Yes as a matter of fact we all have. Sure, warlocks and mages have a 50% slow, wooo big deal, guess what, all those other melee classes have a slow that’s literally just as powerful, WW monks, Warriors, DK (theirs is 70% btw) they all have a slow so with their endless gap closers they can and will slow you and you can’t get away, you’re both just going to be moving like snails while the melee is beating your brains out. It’s not a fun experience.

“Well charge has a range limit so why don’t you just max range him so he can’t charge you?” Yes, I’m fully aware it has a range limit, but one thing you might fail to realize is that specs like Destro/Demo lock, shadow priests, frost and arcane mage, we all have to stand still to cast, STAND STILL, you know, like a pole. So they’re going to get back in range and get to use charge. You of course have the option to keep running and max range the charge but then all you’re doing is prolonging the matchup and waiting for him to heroic leap back all while doing no dmg.

Now I have a hefty background in WoW, multiple KSMs, former mythic raider, AOTC every tier, and gladiator pvper. In all these years and doing every form of content, there has never been a case or scenario where it’s justified for melee to have SO MUCH mobility. Yes there’s raid/dungeon mechanics where you get a debuff and you have to take it out of the group, and you have A heroic leap to get out of the group, and you have charge to get back in, that’s fine, totally understandable. In like every raid I’ve ever been in, there’s never been a case where you get that same mechanic multiple times in under 30 seconds, it’s just never happened unless there’s a raid tier or boss fight I missed. So what is the point of having that extra charge of charge or roll (WW monk) when you’re just going to forever sit on the other one and have the first one back before the mechanic ever begins again to start with? In Dungeons you’re not going to charge to pack A and then instantly charge to pack B to pull them together. You charge to 1 pack and if you want to pull another you axe toss/jade lighting/death grip the other pack. If you’re the DPS in this scenario then yeah sure, charge to the pack, whatever. You’re not gonna kill this mob and then charge to the next mob thats 4-5 yards in front of you, besides, even if the next mob is further away, majority of the time you have that first charge back before your current target is even dead if not coming off cooldown within 2-3 seconds. So as I said, there’s literally no scenario in the entire game EXCEPT MAYBE spamming pulling open world trash mobs, where you would ever need that much mobility.

You see what you have done is create an increasingly miserable experience for casters in pvp and for the better health of the game it NEEDS to be addressed and I can’t put it any nicer than that. There’s only 1 single caster spec in the entire game currently that actually has the kit to deal with a melee and that’s Arcane mage. If they’re a really good mage and know how to manage their mobility then yeah sure, melee won’t touch them, but if they’re bad, well it shows, and they just get annihilated. I’ve covered just about every angle you could look at from for the forum trolls here that will read this and laugh. But I’m serious, go to twitch and ask ANY caster main what it’s like to try playing a caster in PvP. Ask Venruki what it’s like to play a frost mage in pvp these days, ask stahp what it’s like to play a spriest in pvp against all these melee. Go ask Dakkroth what it’s like playing a warlock in pvp these days. I’m willing to bet you that all 3 of them tell you the same thing, that it’s a miserable and/or unfun experience.

Somethings got to change, and it’s that simple. For multiple xpacs in a row it’s been becoming a worse and worse experience to play a caster. You know how awful and unfun it was to play a frost mage or destro lock in Shadowlands? It was truly miserable because of the uptime and self healing as well as casting interrupts that melee have. (By interrupts I’m not specifically talking about just a spell lock, but other tools in their kits that can be used as well such as a grounding totem, DK blind, DH stuns or rogue gouge). It’s a growing problem and to be completely truthful, I just can’t be bothered to play retail anymore with how out of control it is, it truly is an awful experience to fight any melee as a caster. So thanks for classic, because that’s where I’ll be


I still want to play Dragonflight because WOTLK PVP is dead. However I agree, the mobility creep, the cc, and the dmg casters bring do not equal remotely what a good DH can do for example.

Like why should I try so hard to get a SINGLE cast off after interrupt incap stun stun cc. When it does less damage than a single Melee GCD?

I went this lava build and I’m not casting at all but it still feels mediocre to some of the zug zugs I fought at high rating who will outpace me if their healer dispells or has monitor on by infinite amount. Not to mention I have no MS pressure.

Ele feels great still with all the new toys we have including earth grab and some of the utility in the general. However when I want to push with it I’m going to be annoyed getting outpaced by people who spam 3 buttons and are unstoppable with no surefire way to survive as I’m super squishy.


Holy TLDR.


I feel the same, I would LIKE to play DF but at the end of the day, it’s just not that fun to fight to melee and that’s all that exist, but now let me tell you what, fighting other casters is a TREMENDOUS joy, like its actually just insane fun. I have the best time in the world fighting other casters like warlocks or ele shams, I think my favorite fight so far as a destro lock is fighting an arcane mage. They have such a toolkit and if they’re good, it really makes you use your head, like “what should I reflect, how can I counterplay his burst? How can I bait him into this or this? When should I spell lock him to get the most out of my abilities?” like all these things go into account when fighting a really good caster but then you fight a melee and it’s like none of it matter because you can’t stop their dmg, and even if you’re able to get some dmg off on them it’s pointless because they just self heal it back up you know what I mean? At least with a mage, if you bait out CS and dont get spell locked, thats a huge deal because he doesnt have much else to really stop you other than going insta invis or blink/DBing you. You really get the opportunity to punish them for missing their counterspell and thats fun gameplay, you can force other cooldowns with it like Iceclock


Ye I always enjoy caster vs caster arenas as when I lose I feel like I misplayed and when I’m dominating it feels like I’m actually getting to play.

Melee sometimes feel so unwinnable I look back and I did 3x their damage but can’t kill due to blizzards toxic self healing goals of pure dps classes having more healing than shaman hard casting.

Remove healing from warrior rogue dh please and severely limit it on classes that are not hybrids who have crap defenses.

I think that’s more of the problem than all the other things I mention above some classes just have way too much as they want it to be user friendly to all classes and back then wow gave pros and cons to every class.


Honestly there’s just too many interrupts to make playing a caster fun at all. sure is great to have someone run at you and now you just can’t attack. melee doesn’t have to deal with that.


The amount of mobility melee specs have compared to the tools wizards have to keep their distance really isn’t fair at this point. You realistically just don’t have anything you can do about it. Other than giving casters an extra tool to build / maintain distance, I don’t really know what the “right” answer is long term.

On one hand I feel borderline helpless when someone jumps on me. It’s frustrating that I can play well and still lose to someone that played sloppily simply because they had more mobility / anti mobility buttons than my kit had answers for. But on the other hand, I remember feeling similarly helpless playing as melee into casters when I didn’t have mobility options and frostbolt, frost nova, and cone of cold were enough to ensure that I just didn’t get an opportunity to play.


Back then casters could get away and while they still absolutely were viable the melee weren’t running around full healing while kicking your teeth in.

It’s funny when I blow mobility on my rogue in wrath I get punished and I love that. The game felt better when melee could be punished.

Not pushing any serious rating hovering in duelist range in wrath felt better than all of prepatch. I’m hoping the hp buffs gives casters a chance to setup cc chains.


it’s pretty funny that non-hybrid melee can self heal through the dots of a warlock, who cant self heal outside of CDs lol


Exactly, I’m glad you get it. When I fight another Destro lock, I already know exactly what to do because it’s all I’ve mained for going on 17 years now, I know this spec literally like the back of my hand. So in the event that I do lose an arena against another destro lock, more than likely I already know exactly what I did wrong and when I did it. It’s really nice to be able to go back and really see where you messed up against casters because caster vs caster honestly is a skill matchup rather than a zug zug match. Sham drops grounding and I see it, okay, sniped with a shadowburn alright now I can bolt him, and he doesn’t have shear, well most likely I can force astral shift if I have a good enough setup and pressure rolling in my favor. However if I miss the grounding and send chaos bolts into it, that alone could ultimately decide whether I win or lose the game because I couldn’t force any cooldowns with those bolts and I lost pressure, and the best part is that it’s my fault too. I like gameplay like that


Melee do more damage then a single cast often enough have multiple ways to stop a cast and then proceed to heal back the damage of your burst or cast when you get it off finally

By then you lost a good deal of health and don’t feel like you accomplished much


Yea well Shaman should win vs most caster caster matchups occasionally I’m bested by Maldiva or Numbing when they play well and when I win off a good ground or thunderstorm incap kick purge perfect game it feels amazing.

I really do like arena still after all these years and shaman feels great when Im not just thrown into the sewers vs DK War DK DH and actually get to play.

I switched from rogue and see how valuable shaman is to a team, but the defenses make it so unfun vs teams that just w key.

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That’s what I’m saying man! Let me use MoP as an example because it’s a good one, Warlocks had A port and A gate, that’s it. Warriors had A charge and A leap, that was it. They had victory rush i believe but it could only be used AFTER getting a killing blow on something (totems, pets, etc.) You could very easily play around that if you were good and if you misplayed, you ultimately paid the price


Yea I won’t be doing much pvp this expansion/season. Prolly push 1800 for the set, call it good. Not about to try with DKs and DHs being totally anti-caster.

I always go for the glad drake at least once. The best season to do it is S1 with the activity. From there I either quit the expac altogether unless I have a good set of ppl to play with.

For some reason I enjoyed SL PvP, the pacing felt insane, but it felt like dampening was a joke and you had to play make in first 2 min or you lose.

Exactly man, if I pre seduce a warrior charge and I get THE JUICIEST Soul fire off on him, and I chunk his health with that giga long cast time, that SHOULD matter, and it doesn’t because he’s just gonna impending victory and be full again within 0.5 seconds of touching you, meanwhile seduce is on cooldown and soul fire has a 45 second cd. It just feels so painfully horrible

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I usually do 2.1-2.4 pushes, depending on rewards/how I feel. but considering I lost my account for getting pissed off at DH/DK in Season 4, I’m not about to have it happen again.
I’m absolutely sick of MONGO MONGO ME MONGO DER DER. Bring back some skill into the game pls.


Best way to vent is on discord with friends or just never type. League taught me that. Forums is fair to vent on too as I constantly complained about SL Warrior S tier level - mindgames being busted beyond belief and warlock 2x Chaos Bolt Tier.

Honestly the worst part of SL was Warrior being so free. But I’m sure there will always be a class on top of the rest.

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i literally just get 2.1 every season and just flat out quit playing arenas. If i do find some people to play with, then sure ill play, ill push, see what we can do. But other than that, theres no reason whatsoever for me to keep playing other than gladiator and im just not bothered by it. I personally like going out and finding the 1vX in wpvp or bgs, or further increasing my already phenomenal dueling ratio in durotar

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I don’t have friends to play with. They all said I sucked after I rerolled shadow.
so instead I complained at every single player who played a DH/DK, and got 4 bans in 6 months and my accounts now gone. =)
New expansion, not about to have my experience ruined because of 2 classes.