When you use phrases such as “more and more,” along with “so many” and the like… then respond to this:
With this…
Am I to suddenly believe you think this isn’t a large amount? That you are arguing for no reason, then? That using “us” for all tanks is not a good sized group of individuals?
And when I go out of my way to give you options… why do you not acknowledge that and instead continue to focus on this “many” and “more” scenario?
Considering how tanks act in most every other form of content the majority plays, be it leveling dungeons, normals, heroics, LFR and PvP, Tanks treat people like utter and absolute garbage as a rule.
Team effort is a two way street, and many, many people are absolutely tired of tanks, as for the longest time they’ve been literally unkillable juggernauts who adamantly refuse to play as a team in large swathes of content.
This is a self inflicted injury.
It’s also no doubt one of the reasons Blizzard blanket nerfed tanks heading into TWW to try reign them in a little and get them off of their high horses (Pun intended for the Paladins of course).
While I’m not saying you specifically are this kind of tank, you’d be remiss to try and tell us most… aren’t given the way M+ and 13~ minute arcade style flashing lights go go go go content has conditioned them to be.
I’d like to meet these healers… and then smack them all upside the head. I wasn’t useless at all. It was nice to not have to babysit my tank, because I had to babysit the stupid DPS all the time.
I was in one such thread trying to explain to these healers claiming one shot mechanics from trash mobs in a 10 key (showed logs that that didnt happen until Fort 18 keys) made them useless because it was either all or nothing.
I enjoyed being able to DPS on my healers as well. Now it feels like tanks havent adapted to the changes yet and now im spending 300% of thr GCDs focused on the tanks than i was before
So now how does this work when theres multiple claims on both sides?
Tip of the iceberg for toxicity
Tip of the iceberg for no toxicity
In all of my runs, not even a total of a percent of the runs has seen a toxic person. Which would further be decreased if we wanted to look at each individual in the run as not being toxic?
Well. On one side we have individuals who seem to think they are working for a PR subcontractor. There’s a variety of comments by players who say they are indeed going to be tanking less or not at all.
I’m sure it’s safe for Blizzard to completely ignore reality if you tell them to.
Amen, brother. I gave up the M+ scene and went to playing world content. Blizzard has done a fantastic job of ruining endgame content for those of us who play a more relaxed game.
I’m having fun just going up and down rivers and fishing. Went from a top notch M+ tank to a fisherman. Screw it.
I’m not saying there’s a massive wave of toxicity. But you’re claiming that no one has ever had a bad experience with toxicity in the game. You think that if you repeat it often enough, you can hypnotize them into a trancelike state where they decide to accept that none of their experiences have ever happened, and you can program them like their mind has become a blank slate for you to write on.
I never claimed no one. I said the problem isnt near as wide spread as the OP makes it out to be.
If it was such a problem, then id have had to experience it at least a few times out of the tens of thousands of strangers ive grouped with over the years.
Yet all my experiences over all my years, can be counted on one hand for what can be considered toxic.
If YOU cause a wipe and someone says “get/do better” and you get upset. Thats not being toxic. Thats you having thin skin, as it was your fault, and you could do better.
I caused a wipe last night on last boss of Echoes. Owned it right away. Hey that was 100% my fault, we’ll get it next go. Which we did. No one lost their marbles…only thing that was said was “all g”
According to you and the OP, at least 3 of the other 4 in the group should have been acting like their world was ending because of that.
But that never happened. It rarely happens. People try to take their bad experiences and blow them out of proportion and project it onto the rest of the player base. But thats not how it works.
And again, just because you take everything personally doesnt make it personal nor toxic. Toxic is so over used its lost any and all meaning
imagine that in the first week, players, including us tanks, are trying to figure out how the new season’s dungeons are working, routes, mob counts, etc.
As a longtime tank, I can guarantee you this is nothing new and is the risk you take with pugging. Short of finding a (relatively) static group to play with, your options are:
Optimize your own play as much as possible to give them less to complain about
Push back and call out the DPS for standing in bad and not pushing buttons
Option one comes with time and experience; we’re not even 24 hours into the first season of M+ keys yet, and anyone expecting perfection from a random pug tank this early deserves to be put on blast. Option two will either shut them up or get you kicked (if it’s the group leader or a guild group), both of which are a win for you. If you get kicked, you don’t have to suffer through their shenanigans bricking the key or dealing with tension that could escalate. You may already be halfway through your next key before they find a tank willing to put up with their crap, depending on the key.
Unfortunately there’s nothing to address here from Blizzard; the tools are already in place to report crappy humans violating the social contract, and Blizzard has gone on record multiple times saying they don’t bother with policing handpicked groups outside of in-game chat violations. We (the players, not necessarily you/me/the tank) pick each person for the group ourselves, we’re responsible for the consequences and success/failure that comes with it.
Bro, or Woman, whatever, You be the tank, dps are a bajillion in numbers, healers and tanks are what are important. If a DPS goes ahead, you sit back and let them die. Doesn’t matter what they say, YOU are the TANK, you do the PULLS because they’re too weak to survive them. And if they have a problem with that, it doesn’t matter, because they’re not tanks.
Been doing M+s, M0 and Heroics, everything seems normal. There are some few dramas like 1 in 15 runs. I just ignore them.
Most of the time, it was smooth sailing even if my DPS is a bit low as i am undergeared when compared to no Life player. They are not complaining becoz i provide them Lust from my Pet plus interrupt/stuns, mass stuns. As long as we beat the game together, no need to have dramas. We share loots that we dont need. There are some respect… it’s more of these than the drama mentioned by the OP.
I just had the classic DPS pulling for the tank b/c we aren’t going quickly enough compared to the youtube video they watched, and everyone in this game needs to min-max even the lowest level keys.
No one is allowed to learn anymore and doing well isn’t allowed, it needs to be the best route people online saw or people immediately get toxic.
Everything is a race in this game now which I am not a fan of, I will be taking a break. Game is in a good spot right now but the systems around it just bring the worst out of people.