Ruining Mythic+ for Tanks - Pushing Us Away

I’m a long-time tank and I’ve noticed an increasingly frustrating trend in Mythic+ pugs that I feel needs to be addressed. It seems like more and more DPS (and even some healers) are going out of their way to be hostile and toxic toward tanks, even though they’re the ones messing up mechanics or barely pulling their weight on damage.

What’s crazy is the very same DPS who demand that we pull according to the meta or expect a perfect route are the ones who aren’t playing anywhere near a meta level themselves. They’re not doing mechanics properly, underperforming on DPS, standing in avoidable damage, and yet they’re the first ones to jump on the tank when things go wrong. It’s ridiculous.
Tanks have a lot on their plate already in Mythic+, balancing routes, positioning, cooldown management, and controlling aggro while trying to account for everything going on in the group. We need to focus on survival and keeping the group together, not babysitting DPS who think they can brute-force through keys by facerolling their way through pulls and ignoring mechanics.

To make matters worse, some healers join in on the toxicity, criticizing every little move the tank makes while failing to keep up with healing, cooldowns, or utility. We’re all here to get the key done, but it feels like tanks are being set up as scapegoats when it’s usually the underperforming DPS that are dragging the group down.

Honestly, it’s no wonder so many tanks are steering clear of pugging Mythic+ these days. The experience has become toxic to the point where it’s just not worth the hassle. I’ve been seeing fewer tanks queuing, and I don’t blame them. Why would we want to put ourselves through the stress of leading a group when half the time we’re dealing with rude DPS who don’t know their own class or the dungeon mechanics?

At the end of the day, Mythic+ is a team effort. We all need to work together and take responsibility for our roles. Tanks can’t carry groups by themselves, and it’s unreasonable to expect us to. If DPS want tanks to perform like meta, they need to hold themselves to the same standard.

Just some food for thought, but if this kind of behavior keeps up, don’t be surprised when you see even fewer tanks in the pug scene. If you’re DPS or a healer reading this, remember: a little bit of respect and cooperation goes a long way


I don’t do group content, as I play this game for the making gold and crafting.

So from my understanding. Tanks are the people who control the pace of the group, who decides what the group can take, and a good tank does not just hold aggro but can adapt to what the group needs and can handle correct.

So how did it get this bad where tanks and healers pull and treat the set pacer this badly? Was it bad design by Blizzard or something?

Yup, I enjoy tanking but I’ll only do it with groups of buds just because I don’t have the time/energy to deal with people like that lol. Defo the sole reason why there are a shortage of tanks right now, and its the community.


Fake news. Of the thousands of random groups ive been in (from leveling normal dungeons, gearing heroic mythic and m+), theres been maybe a handful of people who could be considered “toxic”

This more sounds like you cant handle criticism and need to grow a bit thinker skin. One tank to another


You need to scroll around the gen threads and see that i am not the only one. You are an example of the issues in keys right now.


Half the threads in GD are made up to be controversial and stir the pot.

And GD is not representative as the game nor the population as a whole.

And im not a problem at all. The fact i was very straightforward and not insulting and gave constructive criticism just proves my point


My suggestion is as always: find friends, a guild, a community, a Discord or use WoW Made Easy so that you don’t have to deal with the possibility of getting nasty people.

This forum is roughly one percent of the playerbase, as told to us by Blizzard.

This is not a good way to make your point.

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You did no such thing.


I did

Then what are we doing here ? Why is anyone posting.

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You can discuss such things. She never said anything against that.

But trying to use GDs numbers to back up your point falls short when its not unanimous and roughly represent 1% of the player base.

“Look around GD” is saying “ive got .5% of data examples to back my claim”

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Saying that the forums are a small % of pop doesnt disqualify anything. After all, specs and feedback, bugs and what have you are posted here.


It disqualifies a claim that a massive amount of people are unhappy tanks with toxic groups in M+.

That’s all we’re saying.

We acknowledge you had crappy experiences. Yes, it sucks. I gave you some ways to avoid that in the future. It’s entirely up to you if you wish to use said methods. There’s nothing more that can be done. If people violate the CoC, then report them. If they’re just making life miserable, ignore them and use the other methods to run stuffs that I mentioned.

Sure. But its not the be all end all that you think it is. Bugs and suggestions have other avenues of getting to Blizzard.

Again, you can use the forums as you will, but its a minority of a minority. The demographic youre targetting does not help back up your claim.

Just because i walk into an all Irish Black meeting doesn’t mean thats representative of the world as a whole.

You have been the only poster here to use the words massive amounts.

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You grouped all tanks together when you used the word “us” in your title.

Which even as the smallest represented of the 3 roles, id say all tanks grouped together would be considered “massive amount” of players

Regardless youre deflecting from the issue.
Just because something is popular amongst GD regulars doesnt make it a wide known problem

Whoa whoa whoa there pard…ive never seen any healers ever abusing the tank except when they get over zealous. Even then its not abuse, just a little word to slow down or make sure they get aggro on all mobs before the healer pulls aggro on everything the tank didnt touch in his bullet train route. I have never seen that, in any of my groups…

Oh yeah. I was the healer. What i meant was “I…I have never abused my tanks!”

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No just the small % of a % that uses the forums.

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Found the douche that does exactly what the OP mentioned.


I am the tank lol

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