I’m a long-time tank and I’ve noticed an increasingly frustrating trend in Mythic+ pugs that I feel needs to be addressed. It seems like more and more DPS (and even some healers) are going out of their way to be hostile and toxic toward tanks, even though they’re the ones messing up mechanics or barely pulling their weight on damage.
What’s crazy is the very same DPS who demand that we pull according to the meta or expect a perfect route are the ones who aren’t playing anywhere near a meta level themselves. They’re not doing mechanics properly, underperforming on DPS, standing in avoidable damage, and yet they’re the first ones to jump on the tank when things go wrong. It’s ridiculous.
Tanks have a lot on their plate already in Mythic+, balancing routes, positioning, cooldown management, and controlling aggro while trying to account for everything going on in the group. We need to focus on survival and keeping the group together, not babysitting DPS who think they can brute-force through keys by facerolling their way through pulls and ignoring mechanics.
To make matters worse, some healers join in on the toxicity, criticizing every little move the tank makes while failing to keep up with healing, cooldowns, or utility. We’re all here to get the key done, but it feels like tanks are being set up as scapegoats when it’s usually the underperforming DPS that are dragging the group down.
Honestly, it’s no wonder so many tanks are steering clear of pugging Mythic+ these days. The experience has become toxic to the point where it’s just not worth the hassle. I’ve been seeing fewer tanks queuing, and I don’t blame them. Why would we want to put ourselves through the stress of leading a group when half the time we’re dealing with rude DPS who don’t know their own class or the dungeon mechanics?
At the end of the day, Mythic+ is a team effort. We all need to work together and take responsibility for our roles. Tanks can’t carry groups by themselves, and it’s unreasonable to expect us to. If DPS want tanks to perform like meta, they need to hold themselves to the same standard.
Just some food for thought, but if this kind of behavior keeps up, don’t be surprised when you see even fewer tanks in the pug scene. If you’re DPS or a healer reading this, remember: a little bit of respect and cooperation goes a long way