Ruined Prot

The biggest problem is you are going to be pigeonholed into taking talents that let you generate more holy power than the other talents on the same tier. Also, like in MoP, there will probably be situations where you can’t generate Holy Power, such as being out of range, so your SoR won’t be available when you need it to be. So, what we need is something like activating Avenging Wrath giving us 3 Holy Power instantly or at least have Avenger’s Shield generate 3 holy power for each mob hit, once every minute. Basically, we need something that lets us generate 3 Holy Power instantly if we are going to have to stick with Holy Power.

Blessed hammer lets you generate HP at ranged, along with judgement as well. Blessed hammer can also be used without a target to generate HP.


Yea the issue is I never ever spec out of Holy Shield. It’s the main reason I got into Prot Pal because you have actual decent blocking and can block spells/dots then start pumping up Mastery.

So that row isn’t an option. At the moment that brings me down to judgement and being forced into Crusader Judgement at this time so I have enough judgements. Granted in SL with Legendaries better gear that will change.

If they removed Holy Shield I would consider dropping the spec. It’s the spell that makes it feel like old school mitigation tanks. Granted in SL I won’t be hitting block cap unless they add some set… fingers crossed.

Think that it will be fine just wish there was some way Holy Shield generated HP in comparison to the others. Maybe 1 HP every 6 secs or something. Just throwing out ideas because it’s mandatory first talent then I have to navigate the other talents to find ways to generate HP.

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That’s why I switched off from Holy shield. Low chance to block makes it too inconsistent since mastery corruptions are gone. Though, blessed hammer prot feels more like older ret used to be, more like a holy mage hopping around throwing hammers and heals than a tank.
It is funny though to have an entire team of horde trailing you while you fling hammers into the air healing yourself non-stop.

this is false blessed hammer/holy shield is a huge important option that changes based on fight/what dungeon your doing.

I mostly do PvP but build Prot around Holy Shield because you have too. It’s not even a question if it was removed from Prot it likely wouldn’t even be viable. It’s mandatory and what makes it a fun spec. It was what let me be one of the top Prot Pal’s in NA in RBGs.

I think WotLK mitigation tanking is what tanking should be like. High dodge/parry/block. So I am looking for something that fits that play style and in BFA it was accomplished by Holy shield and items/mastery.

Not an option. Right now I am at 55% block with Holy Shield and hope we can get that higher but sorry if I can’t be a block tank wouldn’t even play Prot and my build core is built around Holy Shield. Also super mandatory for tanking all the dots/spell/magic in today’s PvP or you flop over.

As for dungeons I would still want to play go for building a mitigation tank and getting block/dodge/parry as high as possible.

If I am at 30% block just not even gonna play Prot lol… hard pass. Holy Shield is mandatory and hope there are some sets that make Prot fun like it was in BFA. Granted the dmg and burst is looking even better in SL so there is that.

Was a Prot Warrior main for a long time but they gutted that class and the devs totally lost it’s identity. No Dstance, purge and utility anymore so I had to reroll Prot Pal. Glad I did though since I found it to be the most fun I have had since Wrath in BFA.

Even in BFa holy shield wasnt the best in every scenario you switched constantly. Even in arena/bgs. But Especially in raids/mythics. Thats cool that you only use holy shield doesnt mean its the only talent. It is the best talent vs magic though.

Yes it was. It’s mandatory and what made Prot viable in PvP especially since tanks take 50% extra dmg. You could literally nullify those nerfs with blocking and conc. Making it the supreme tank for taking dmg.

Since 99% of dmg was magic in BFA PvP it was what Prot Pal success was based on. Blocking gushing, rogue psn, essences, trinkets, Gpie, Cbolt, Dh’s, thorns, brambles etc… etc…

No competitive Prot Pal ever switched out of Holy Shield it wasn’t an option in PvP.

Not trying to get into a debate because who cares. Just wish there was a few more options in talent choices, maybe some talents could be baseline to open up more exciting choices.

However I mentioned Holy shield generating HP only because it’s on an HP row and it’s one of the best talents in the game. It struck fear into so many classes hearts in BFA.

I mean your just wrong. And BGs isnt the only content for prot pally in fact is literally the lowest. When discussing prot pallys in general both those talents change constantly. Which is the main argument. Also the Best pvp prot pal na who’s my good friend didn’t even use it every game. Holy shield is low on the list for what makes prot good in pvp.

This is not even remotely true.

I don’t think Stunandbung switched out of it never asked him though. However he stacked mastery and used Holy Shield because it’s OP.

Really not though but again I said not here to debate. Was here to comment on talent options for HP at range since Holy Shield is mandatory. Holy Shield is literally thee talent that made Prot Pal OP in BFA. It hard countered so much.

You are wrong. He used holy shield vs casters mostly. Never vs melee/physical. Also lets play hypotheticals. Lets pretend you were right. Theirs stll Arenas/Mplus/raiding. So saying dumb stuff like holy shields the only option because you only use one talent in your one playstyle doesnt mean the other talents are bad. Because in all other content It changes constantly based on what you need.

Yea Holy Shield is what you stay in Arena. Any way not arguing. :rofl:

If you removed Holy Shield I wouldn’t even play Prot. I’d probably uninstall again since they killed Prot War and then Prot Pal would also be dead. 8.3 PvP was the longest I played since WoD. It was refreshing and why I came back to the game because of build options. Didn’t play Legion cause of templates.

Yea I get that and I only do that content to get PvP gear. If I didn’t have to do M+ or Raid I wouldn’t. Look I get your PvE perspective but again you are shifting the focus off what is important. TALENT CHOICES or the lack there of in many situations. Then this causes HP problems.

Again I said I think it will be fine with Legendaries and enough gear latter in SL. However to keep focus on what I was stating would be nice for some better ranged HP generation. Would be nice if Holy Shield generated HP every 6 secs or something to compete with HP generators in that row. That’s all…

PS - weren’t you a Bear druid?

no I wasnt a bear also The first tree isnt meant for holy power generation. Its meant for different mitigation. So the first row is completly fine as is. Blessed hammers letting you get holy power from range is a nice bonus but doesnt really impact why you take the talent. If anything they should buff the third talent in the row.