Ruined Prot

Blizzard fix protection there was an outcry in the beta and is still so broken I have mained prot since WOTLK and have a prot tank in classic but never have they been this bad just remove the spec if you wont fix


What specifically dont you like about prot in SL?

I have been playing SL prot and I like it.


I think of all the paladin specs prot is actually the most put together, and the majority of feedback I’ve seen is of the same.


They were ordered to nerf pallies into the ground starting from wrath did you not know???

Ret is also garbage right now. A couple of crappy spells back, lost 2 passives that turned to be crap auras. Lacking dmg, lacking survivability, lost inquisition to a bunch of horrid talents, it’s going downhill.

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Wake of Ashes and Hammer of Wrath are crappy?

it’s really not

it’s really not

good riddance

it’s really not


Saying “It’s really not” without arguing why is just empty.


Lmao wtf if anything they got way better from bfa to sl changes.

You mentioned 0 about what you don’t like and what you suggest to change.


The same mob i was able to kill with just 1 or 2 Avenging Wrath CD took me 6 now. If you like the garbage way that they are treating the classes and specs, good for you.

Oh you forgot that corruption was removed, corruption was removed.


It just show how our classes and specs are being mistreated, as they are almost useless without borrowed power, and it is showing how it’ll be on SL as well.

Prot is literally top 3 strongest tanks in SL. What are you even talking about.

It does the highest DPS
It has the top 3 best mitigation
It has some of the best utility.

Only thing it lacks is mobility.


Ret does the highest dps out of melee…

prots insanely good right now. million x better then before


I’m talking about prepatch, not SL, since i did not get a beta key. With prepatch live on, it’s clear that they dont care about classes or specs at all anymore, just the borrowed powers we’ll get on said xpac, everything will be tuned about it, and it’s just crappy design. I felt crippled doing dailies in Nazjatar, 8.2 content.

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If you’re basing how strong a class is off how fast it can kill a mob when you just lost corruptions and everything got scaled, you’re looking at this completely wrong.


Anybody that’s been playing witch Corruptions from the get, is going to feel bad not have those absurd proc’s anymore there for in tern put the delusion that your character is broken when in realty your borrowed power is GONE now and you will have to wait till SL to get some more borrowed power and then lose that all over again and feel like sh…it.

So while I don’t think its ruined overall… I think its ruined for me.

Holy power is not better. I MUCH preferred having (3) charges of SotR to use when needed, rather than this building of Holy Power (having to use spinning hammers now… so -15% block, no blocking spells… just so that I can pre-charge/pre-cheese HP charges…) crap.

I understand you all saying in SL its top 3 for dmg… and top 3 for mitigation… yeah… with the Divine Toll ability, and your soulbinds. Go out and DO something LIVE that you did yesterday. I take more damage, and do less damage than I did yesterday against the same mobs.

Maybe at 60 I’ll like this, but I don’t think so. This feels like a dumped toon. No clue what I’m going to switch to if anything.


I am talking about right now too.

Prot is stronger in both dps and survive

Ret is stronger in dps both single and aoe.

They literally are stronger right now in prepatch.

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Blessed hammer is crap. Holy shield is still better.

Put on vision of perfection with lucid dream and you will feel like a god. I had 20 back to back procs of sotr in the heroic nya i was doing. It procced frequently.

I was out dpsing 90% of the raid. Was top 3 out of 15 dps, and was 3rd in heals.

And we had mythic geared raiders.

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