Conduits first. They make a huuuge difference. If only we could start with 40 renoun and unlimited anima + conduits that cost 1 copper each. That is what you get with a Beta 60 template toon which is why I can try them all out.
How long does it take go gain renown. Hoping this system is pretty open and easy to grind out so we can play the game.
Can we move this discussion of SL and the Paladin in SL to this more positive and constructive thread (I give some good information about Conduits etc) about SL prot?
To answer your question, renown gain should be much faster than reputation gain. That has been my experience so far. I have received sever al renown tokens which give you 1 renown. Renown rank ups also give you specific rewards. You get most things from unlocks from daily quests(not sure about that one), world quests and the campaign. You get conduits as quest rewards. The quests seem to move along pretty quickly and the unlocks with them. If you will respond to my SL Prot thread, I can list some things you unlock over there such as
Forge of Bonds - Conduits
Sanctum Reservoir - Covenant or Zone Unlocks
And so on. Dont let yourself get distracted with grinding dungeons for gear. Conduits are more important than the best gear.
Maybe if you play ES/FR playstyle. Anything outside of that is pure garbage.
Check this buff to Divine Toll out:
Kyrian Prot Paladin Conduits (Pelagos)
Let Go of the Past
Using a spell or ability increases your Versatility by 1% for 10 sec. Using another spell or ability increases this amount by 1% when it is not a repeat of the previous spell or ability. Stacking to 5%.
It really works.
It does btw. But FA is capped at 30% max hp so it doesnât get too ridiculous (just moderately ridiculous)
I have no idea what acronyms youâre using, honestly ES and FR?
Its pretty much what Im worried about. Pally was nice to play in a non optimal group comp. It felt like a more relaxed tanking style where you can rely on using the charges of SotR and self heal when needed.
It was a system based on cooldowns. It made it great when I was playing with newer players, friends coming back to the game cause its easy to keep track while you are tanking. It gives time to see whats happening on the group, help dispell debuffs, etc.
Mixing the core heal and big defensive on the pally on the same system (Holy Power) while the charge options are based on cooldowns, Im afraid it will make tanking irritating again on the pally when we start eating more damage in SL. Im tanking stuff, probably babysitting some new players on some runs and we will have to choose between 2 core cooldowns.
Prot was fine without Holy Power. Its a Tank, not a dps powerhouse. I get it that its probably fun on the numbers right now for dps, but forcing the player to monitor more stuff on top of cooldowns and stuff running around, Blizz is not making it appealing to tank by revamping (again) this system that was working before.
I completely disagree. im actually thinking about switching to my prot pally because of these changes.
you now have the ability to keep your mitigation active way more then ever possible on the 3 charge system even with top tier gear it is weaker then the new system with poor gear. you also still get free healing casts for using your mitigation that you can still throw on other people if you need to.
you can not like it thatâs always going to be subjective, but it is miles better then it was before from a performance stand point. Im very happy with how it plays and its overall performance in all content right now.
Prot without Holy Power = Mana Tank LOL!
Prot was a boring, faceroll, too easy tanking spec without holy power. Holy power is a huge improvement for prot and holy.
Execution Sentence and Final Reckoning.
Brm is literally the best followed by prot than dk for raids.
Oh thatâs what I was thinking but this thread was regarding prot so you threw me off with ret talents
Yeah, not sure why honestly at this point BUT MY POINT STANDS! haha
I disagree lol
Have you tried anything outside of those talents? I posted on the beta forums about it. Their proc chances for the other talents are so crazily undertuned that you have no choice in what to pick atm.
Not too much since I mainly play prot. But, I used zeal and the longer wings. I just recently switched to final reckoning because i havenât tried it before and I like it, I like that itâs a targeted thing and itâs ranged
Which will be nerfed the moment someone cries about it too much. The other playstyle you can have is closer to WoD but the talents you take are so undertuned for a proc chance that sometimes you will forget they are even a âmeaningfulâ choice.
dude you dont even play prot
this is false prot pally is third in raids. Dont have to believe me turn on a stream of the best tanks in game and ask them.