Ruined Prot

You can’t even do 2 mob packs in freehold as a prot pally anymore it’s sad as hell to play a pally and we got “nerfed to the ground” once again!!!

Prot feels amazing what are you on about?


The problem is being locked into using Holy Power and needing to have 3 stacks to use your major defensive. MoP showed us plenty of times where having to use Holy Power to build those 3 charges wasn’t sufficient enough to ensure survivability, thus why the 3 charges were introduced. The other one is having to choose between using your defensive or being able to cast a nice heal as opposed to being able to use both in BFA. I much preferred the versatility of the BFA Prot Paladin and I wish we wouldn’t once again be forced into Holy Power. Make it an optional talent, if anything, but don’t force it.


Not going to lie. I know its not Sl and this is just prepatch and that things might or are supposed to change in SL but right now, this minute, Prot is weak. Hit very weak and are getting wrecked by other classes easy in PvP.

now granted I only played for like 40 minutes last night but I was annoyed quickly. Just didnt feel the power of versa/mastery I did before.

Is not class problem, is just bad players.


I’d actually challenge that the reason YOU like HP is that you might be the bad player.

Than you are bad. I soloed a mythic freehold yesterday on my prot paladin testing it out.


Thats great but you can expect prot to not be so OP at level 60, at least until you get some decent gear.

No…prot is LITERALLY top 3 tanks currently in SL. It hits harder than every other tank and has better defensives than most. It goes monk>paladin>dk>dh>…than Lol warrior=druid.


Seriously, prot is kinda squishy at level 60 in blue/starter gear. Its still a good tanking spec but it is kinda squishy.

Ive been on the beta for months. It has not once felt squishy to me. If anything it feels more sturdy.


I think I’m with you there, but it didn’t feel too terrible in the small test I did last night.

I’m more worried about choosing between first avenger and crusader’s judgement once essences are gone, I love the extra shield hits :frowning:

We will have to agree to disagree. Better gear may change my perspective.

Clearly you’ve never played a prepatch before. Everything is going to be out of balance until SL which is the xpac things are currently being balance around. Stop crying for the sake of crying and either adapt or quit

No point argueing with trolls dude. I fully support what you’re saying as someone who’s also been playing alot of pally in beta. Prot is by far the best pally spec right now and is definitely top 3 for tanks. People just don’t know how to adapt to a new playstyle

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Actually ignoring corruption you do more damage. And overall your much tankier then you were before. Your the raids arent /your class arent scaled for 50. They are scaled for 60. The holy power allows you a a lot more uptime on your mitigation. which was trash overall in bfa. It also allows you more access to healing. it makes the class much more enjoyable and gives it more depth. The issues you have are just false.

Also more skill rotation/priority which I’m not saying is difficult but the older playstyle is defiantly for worse players. Holy power definetly adds more difficulty. The button you hit changes based on your holy power. Whereas before it was just a priorty and hit stuff on cd.

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crusaders judgment

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no dk is above those but its only worse in mplus cuz prot pallys do more damage but in M plus dhs are the best tanks on beta atm. In raid prots third best tank though

On the beta right now with the right setups prot can 2-3 shot people in pvp, and that’s without busted pve trinkets.

You’re saying nothing. You’re just trying to use buzz words and justify an issue you think is happening.

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This thread was a tough read could only get to like the 12th post. Prot is currently in a fantastic spot likely top 3 tanks in PvE and is top tank in PvP. Will be interesting where everything falls after all the legendaries are buffed. However Prot is insanely fun.