RUIN is ruining Battle For Nazjatar

I wouldn’t go that far. In my little opinion, a guild reputation should sell itself, especially when it’s a large known guild. A guild of that stature shouldn’t have to use addons like super guild invite. I think that addon should be broken anyway.

But people on the forum say there is faction imbalance.
How can the Alliance win in a World PVP event if there is not enough Alliance players to fill a 10 man raid?

Also, in PVP, alliance player should never be able to kill a horde player.
Hear me Blizzard! Patch it for 8.3, mmmk!

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Let’s see what is happening.

Horde is dominating said “balanced” BfN shard in NA and EU without needing to even bring in raids.
Alliance is utterly dead and destroyed in hordemode outside of Oceania where the opposite happens.

In other words the Horde is dominating through unbalanced favorable means the vast majority of the time.

And now the Horde is whining that a minority of Alliance are dominating through their own unbalanced favorable means.

The people who are so greedy like that are pathetic, you already win most yet you cant handle the fact that you cant win all.

You problem.


Good for them! Keep up the great work Ruin.

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World PvP is about the zerg. It has always been about the zerg. Somebody is zerging better.

Up your zerg game.

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Is that why Alliance players flooded the forums for months, screeching that WM was “unfair” because of some childish BS, because they just don’t have the guts to actually turn it on, and needed a bribe to do so?

And WE’RE the “carebears”? Kek.

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oh baby dumb child from blizzard is talking no sense ; how cute is play the game in ez mode .

Imagine papa giving you everything you want baby ; such a cutie.

Just to refresh some history in wow : vanilla wow ( the real one ) was 70% alliance and 30% horde . Imagine the pvp there ; literally we didnt have enough horde to kill because most of them were in pve servers .

And please dont be such an hypocrite ; blizzard pushed like a lot of Alliance players to move to the dumb faction because wasnt enough appealing to people.

So what papa blizz did to help their dumb children ? give them broken racials and bloodelfs with a retcon lore . NAISU.


Awe poor horde can’t 10v1 people and can’t handle being 10v1’d yourself when its “ok” for you guys to do it? Oh the irony of the horde cries.


I feel like regardless of which faction is in the majority here it’s not fun because the game turns into a slideshow. When they hit a Battle for Nazjatar instance you basically can’t do anything.


Horde has always been more willing to PvP. Your faction has always been carebears. Deal with it.

Vanilla rolf at this so hard .

I don’t agree with filling shards full of raids either, and I have been a part of Ruin for years. I personally don’t like participating if there is more than 1 additional raid. I hate when your enemy is so demoralized they won’t fight back. It’s no fun.

But the fact is, it isn’t only done by Ruin. You only hear about it now because Ruin is mainly alliance. As per usual, it’s only bad when alliance does something. Remember when Blizzard turned the Highmountain area for Patch 8.2 into a pacified zone? That only happened after Alliance started dominating shards.

Good world PvP systems and open world battlegrounds were, and have been in place for years in old content. Blizzard just doesn’t want to utilize them for some reason. Battle for Nazjatar is an extremely lazy attempt at pleasing the Wpvp crowd. The issues you have just lie with its design and either lack of vision or inability to act on that vision.

The other issue is using 2008 Hardware to run a 2019-updated MMO. They haven’t invested in new server tech in a long time, and it has been showing since WoD. The good news is, they stopped blaming players for the servers being weak. Taking responsibility is the first step.

Blizzard has the ability to balance the shards. They just don’t, and let’s be honest, phasing itself is detrimental to World of Warcraft and has been damaging it for years now.

Instead of changing the threshold at which Low, Medium, and High show up in the server browser to hide the fact that the game is dying, they should of just merged servers and removed phasing in its entirety.

Not enough people fighting on one side then? The solution isn’t phasing. It’s incentives.

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Please learn English. Reading your posts causes my eyes to bleed.

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How in one sentence can make 3 spelling errors.

Bloodelf player iq. :rofl:


I made none. Meanwhile, every post you make reads like back-translated Engrish.

No you didnt buddy ; you didnt :rofl:

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You didn’t use proper punctuation. No periods, no commas, and poor spacing.

Sorry bloodelf player . Next time i will do it 1000 better so your iq can understand it. :rofl: .

My bad .


Almost as funny as not actually reading the post…


A ton of your faction is former Alliance that transferred over the years.