Ruin "Gaming" and Nazjatar

Still waiting for you to man up and duel anyone with gear.

I’m sure u are. U obviously been thinking of me all day my dude. I told u that u would be :slight_smile: when u get tucked into bed tonight ask whoever it is that does it for u to tell u my legacy stories. I know u might have some nightmares about it. But don’t worry dude. When u wake it will be another day. And u can think about me until your next bedtime :slight_smile:

TL;DR- I’m a coward, so let me try to save my ego by projecting my own insecurities on others.

Don’t get down on yourself that much man. Someday u will find self worth and confidence. And realize these forums aren’t the only place u can attempt to feel u are someone. I heard it’s tough but there are professional cheerleading jobs out there. So don’t give up hope

What if he’s secretly wise like Yoda and this is all some weird test?

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This guy knows what’s up :slight_smile:

I’m also curious how long u have been watching my back and forth on here? Because if u just came in recently u are figuring things out way quicker than some of your guildies and other peeps on these forums :wink:

That you like to make a fool of yourself for attention? We all know

Here comes another fan of mine :slight_smile: u ready for work tomorrow to pay my sub?

I didn’t realize welfare paid wow subs, that’s interesting

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I think welfare pays for a lot stuff. I could be mistaken. But anyways ty for following me and cheering me on my dude. It’s quite nice to have fans. Now that the dk dude might have shut up for awhile I might knock your cheer position up for me :slight_smile:

Never going to happen

It can be fun. Be sure to let me know when you get some.

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Keep telling yourself that my dude as u follow me from thread to thread and also replying to me in same threads :slight_smile: what’s the saying u kids have today? U mad bro? Because it’s really starting to seem it haha

This is fallacy called “Post hoc ergo propter hoc”
logic based solely on the order of events, rather than taking into account other factors potentially responsible for the result that might rule out the connection.

While I am at work, I pretty much read through most of the new topics and look at the unread tab to see any new posts in threads I read or commented on.

So any perceived connection is purely your delusional mind

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Interesting so even though I’m pretty sure I’ve never addressed u first in any of these threads but only have replied to u and in different threads I am the one that is delusional. I mean u can tell yourself and even try and prove u don’t follow up stuff I say with comments even at times that have nothing to do with u in general as me having the delusion. Hell even this banter back and forth today was from me responding to something else and u having to respond to it. Did u respond to the others today that have dragged this thread on? Or did u simply single me out with your first response to it today? U seem very confused and a bit obsessed with me tbh. I mean it’s cool bro u can be a fan. But I mean u don’t have to lie to kick it ok?

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This place is built to be conversations open to the public to join, with the only requirement that you have the actual capability to have an active subscription with a video game.

If you dont want to be addressed by anyone dont say things in a forum.

You join threads with topics that I am already active on, so if you comment on it I will probably see it.

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Yep and u have the ability not to address me. U know the person that doesn’t matter or my opinions mean nothing? Or whatever stuff u tell yourself everyday to get by about me lol. I mean to me it’s becoming quite obvious the obsession. But maybe u are a masochist for verbal beat downs. :wink: I’m sure u will have some response to u don’t even have good grammar or sentence structure and u have no point as a come back. Lmao. Get some new stuff man. Like for real.

I have decided to message you, am I a fan now?

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Seem to be. The fact u took the time to actually make a response to me over this kinda shows it :man_shrugging:

Do you sell Tshirts?