Ruin "Gaming" and Nazjatar

Ok there is a crate dropping in this shard

If this doesnā€™t work soon Iā€™m off to do other stuff

I see crate drop now

Create is dropping Far East

Ironic, considering you were insulting him not long ago as well. Still waiting for you to man up.

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Shut up lol

Ok ffs I tried having my friend invite and I donā€™t see crate. Is it still there?

My buddy is gonna inv you on his tich horde.

And Iā€™m more man then u could ever handle

Weird flex but ok. Still waiting on you to duel to prove all your bluster is warranted.

Ok can we hurry this up? My friend wants to do a mythic plus now

Iā€™m still waiting for u to cut these strings that bind u and be a big boy in this world

Stay at Thoras

I was there with trixzee didnā€™t see u. I need to do this dungeon. They been waiting on me.

Also I quested with that person before lol

Thanks for clarifying! I was truly starting to feel bad for you because you thought being known on the wow forums was a life accomplishmentā€¦

Nah not at all. Take it more as an experiment to just show how nerdy and obsessed most of u are with it though. Like literally I came on here a couple months back out of nowhere and people havenā€™t shut up about it and the in game experience has been really fun for wpvp. Like Iā€™ve stated before. Itā€™s like a wrestling gimmick and Iā€™m a heel and u guys are the dumb fans falling for my persona lmao

Less a heel, more a pathetic little kid who needs to act like a :poop: to get attention. Whatā€™s even more pathetic is youā€™re a full-blown adult acting this way. And how easy it is to kill you in game.


Ladies and gents another fanboy who gets his butt hurt over forum posts haha. Sit down kiddo at the kids table with the dk :slight_smile:

And also I donā€™t need any more salt in my diet for dinner tonight. So suck back in them tears boy. Itā€™s going to all be ok. gently pats your wittle head