Rudeness in battlegrounds

I’m new to battlegrounds and I feel bullied every game. I cried my eyes out in the shower because there was one particular mage that said I should uninstall irl.

I never thought anyone could get so angry in World of Warcraft PvP. I just want a safe place to play without feeling attacked and make new friends ;(



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I know it may be hard at times but you need to grow a thicker skin if you’re going to play online games like this. Just like out in the real world, there are hateful people everywhere.

The sooner you move on from it the sooner you forget about it.


I feel you, had someone rage whisper me horrible things, in my case a window popped up showing a report tag which I used but I haven’t returned to blitz because of it. Its hard to not feel attacked, I know I should just let it roll of my back and move on , however these attacks usually take you off guard and rob you of any enthusiasm.
take care


If someone says something like that, you can always report them and get them a nice suspension or ban for their kindness.


I see what you did there


Sunday was yesterday.

honor level 1468
“new to battlegrounds”
People in here responding as if this is genuine.


1468 is pretty low… so, I believe him.


ive been suspended for 3 weeks so it wasn’t me.

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Criticism only hurts when you know deep down they’re at least partially right.

If they’re 100% incorrect it’s just funny.

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Damn owlcap. Your right but it still stings lol. Wishing i could hit 1400 but hard capped under 1300


Haha well said. After playing countless random and epic BGs, nothing in BG chat really bothers me anymore. I just use ignore list if whispers are full of boring curses, and sometimes I even find their comments amusing when they’re funny.


You don’t need a safe space you need to get thicker skin. Don’t listen to jerks and have your own fun. You pay for your gaming experience. Don’t let someone ruin your day. Also there are vids on YouTube and twitch that can help with certain things like objectives, damage rotations, strats etc…. Good luck and don’t be fragile. It’s ok to be tough.


Fernous is right. If you let the trolls effect you then you give them what they want. I’ve had someone tell me to shoot myself in a winning match leading pugs. Some people just want to bring others down. F-em. Pvp in this game is pretty toxic so get used to it or look elsewhere. If you stick with it though you’ll find quality players that are like-minded though.

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Everytime i see fistweave type in forums he’s talking smack, cant wait to obliterate him at some point


If I was there Swridhsg&$dcmd, I would have held you in my jacked and well oiled arms in the shower as you cried and pressed you close because I know exactly what you are going through. The other night I was t-bagging a hunter but then he sprang back to life and killed me through my ice cream. He probably cheated because he was dead and literally jumped back up. Since we both had potion of wondrous words, we understood each other and he said and I quote, “su$& a fat c@&$ you piece of donkey sh&@ tu$& muffin.” I obviously did nothing to deserve this and my feelings were instantly hurt. So I feel you deeply.


NGL Krienn is actually jacked irl. I watched your stream awhile back and I hope I can get into that kind of shape.


Thanks Mhoot me boy. You definitely can! I will assist you. Mainly just flex in the mirror 8 hours a day. That way you get the muscles that are useful(the ones for show). I grease myself whenever I don’t feel like doing the flex. This keeps me in the right mentality.


Sign me up! Im doing the flex right now.

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