RTX 3060 looks like it kinda sucks







Only 2060 super-level RTX performance

In a perfect world, the 3060ti is a way, way better option.

Was considering one to replace the 5700xt in my wife’s computer, but its slower and at these prices…no way.

With 12gb VRAM…this GPU seems to appeal more to miners once they figure out how to bypass the mitigations.

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in the internet world, it’s a in-between the RTX 2060 super and RTX 2070 in performance. In the real world, it joins the theory of water on mars; it probably exists but nobody really knows for sure.

Regardless of how it performs, Nvidia screwed up again by only releasing a few instead of flooding the market and resetting the secondary market prices.

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Yep. I hear rumor Best Buy is doing a drop today of MSRP on multiple products, not just the 3060.

If you or anyone is interested in components, I’d keep an eye out on them. My best guess is around 8 or 9 pst.

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Newegg Shuffle:


Some $329 cards.

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Of course they will, nothing is unhackable forever

Linus called this out on his video already, at the end of the day this is just another card miners will use

Nvidia doesn’t give a fel of gamers because they already making video cards in progress exclusively to miners

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Judging by the performance of the 6800, the 6700 or whatever budget cards AMD releases early March should be the right choice for gamers

The whole Nvidia miner mitigation things was just giving some easy PR to the gamers. Every morning Huang checks the Nvidia stock price and that’s all that matters.


assuming they ever get to gamers

Yep. That’s why I said, “once” not “if”. Because we all know they will find out easily or nvidia will leak out how.

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Thing is I knew about this for a long time now and why I say what I say about Nvidia on here the past 3 years now.

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That’s a given I suppose. The right choice is the best MSRP card you can actually get, I guess.

Remember 6 months ago when you could get $300 5700XTs and $250 5600XTs?

Man how we squandered those days away.

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I’m pretty sure this wasn’t an original thought - most of us have known none of these companies are loyal to anyone but their shareholders.

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On a discord server I was once laughed at for buying my rx 5700xts in June/July because the new cards were coming out soon.

I still share that screenshot every now and then and remind them “hey remember the good times where you guys told me this”

I mostly bought those cards because I had a bad feeling about the cryptocurrency, I was keeping track of bitcoin price and when it started going up and up week by week I had to make a decision

I’d be on my Vega Frontier today if I had decided to wait



I did my best. I pushed those cards HARD here and most other places.

Plus they came with Shadowlands too. Bestest of deals.

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i shed a tear every time I get reminded of this. I sold my 5700xt nitro + gtx 1080ti for… $600

:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

Why would you ever do that

I remember people unloading their 2080ti’s the day of the 3080 announcement for $500 because of the 3070 data

then subsequently there was a disturbance of the force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror

If you couldn’t afford the new video card and you have to sell your current one to make the difference, you shouldn’t be buying it at all imo

I don’t think it was about being able to afford it, it was trying to get max ROI

just lost the bet :frowning: