RSV In Shadowlands

You should probably idk, watch something and study it before assuming anything.

I use the same tone for pretty much everything online. Again, you would have to watch more than one or two videos to understand that and im not gonna be upset if you dont and just assume, but taking 3 minutes and looking at what some of the content in the channel shows, its beyond obvious what it really is. Again as I told bepples, Before like 2 years ago, I made a video making fun of MM just showing how stupid it was for fun. Reasons like that is why idk how bepples who has seen that very video, assumed anything else.

also I took the time since i mentioned it yesterday, the channel description does in fact say they are joke videos. So it does and did make it that much more obvious they are meme videos. You guys dont do good enough detective work nor listen when im telling you for weeks what they are.

Why? Its obvious from his massive fragile ego he would just invent some other reason to complain since everything has been trivial af.

LOL no they wouldnt. Hes been clear on that. He would still complain about the hunter using a different weapon, ya know that thing every other class in game can do?