RSV In Shadowlands


But the thing is that Survival for the most part has always been a melee-spec. It’s been like that since Vanilla.

Please, pick one and stick to it…

Once again you managed to completely miss the point. To be as clear as possible, when someone says that they have no interest in playing a spec as long as it remains a melee-spec, that’s not something that requires them to have in-depth knowledge of how the spec actually plays in order to figure out.


So, your argument was that you didn’t want to split the community, even though the part of the community that wanted Vanilla back, for the most part heavily dislikes the current game and by large, rarely plays it, if at all? :thinking:

What use is it to keep fans of Vanilla tethered to retail when they have little to no interest in playing it? And in many cases, don’t.

One one hand, you argue that if people don’t like something, they should just accept it and move on, or quit. But on the other, you say that you don’t want them to move on(to something else).

I’m sorry, was this a legit question or? Feel free to elaborate.