Rsham nerfs are cringe and unnecessary

This is the least crowd control we’ve had in the history of the game

Only outliers with mega broken cc are sub rogues locks and druids

Closest thing to mop was s3 shadowlands outlaw hpriest meta with entire teams being kidneyed at the same time and then hpriest chastising u from across the map and door of shadows blink fearing every go

Marks and BM literally did not even have freezing trap in Legion S1

Purging pop/ns/as was always so satisfying tho can’t lie

Maybe micro CCs, but certainly not the major CCs. MoP CC felt never ending in most cases especially when you had things like fear/clone not sharing a DR.

MoP, in a vacuum, played out great even with all the painfully long CC chains people have to endure because classes had well-established kits. The expansion was still festered with flaws from start to finish - the only great thing going on for it were the last 2 seasons where class balance & design felt reasonably good which in turn allowed a ton of comp diversity.

The problem with this phrase now is that it is open to many different ways of interpretation. Some people genuinely enjoy healers the way they are right now barring RSS because some healers feel amazingly adept in this current environment. Then you have players that do not play rsham/rdruid/prevoker that won’t share the same perception. You also have players that play almost every healer and say they feel indifferent or that they don’t like the state of the game from a healing POV. You either make potent healing actually feel difficult to execute but great in value once done successfully, or you simplify it to the point where its done through a bunch of instant casting and high value CDs. You can make every healer follow this guideline with certain tradeoffs and make damage dealing & dps survivability less forgiving to yield more effectiveness through coordinated playmaking and outplays (CCs & disruptive gameplay instead of high damage reliant gameplay).

What does this have to do with anything?

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Healing people on the same page as you and succeeding because of it is infinitely more fun than healing people that are rarely ever on the same page as you.

People never started talking about “making healers fun” or " incentivize healers" until rss became a thing this expansion. People fail to understand this is a problem with shuffle being a bad gamemode.

Poster said that there is less CC now than ever. S1 legion counts as ever and had a lot less cc.

This is just intensely anecdotal. Unreliable narrator autobiography of headless chicken gameplay allowing more cc than comp stomp bots do is weak

Or from another perspective, you’re only cc’d half the game if you’re losing in the opener. That is a skill issue

This wasn’t true the last time you said it either. Healer players flocked to this forum to say that healing against retwar and rmp in SL was unpleasant

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Legion: pruned meta. Players found it unfun because the game mostly revolved around throughput. Games either went to high damp before just ending in damage or ended in openers/super fast to overwhelming damage depending on tuning. The comps that still had a basic setup like jungle/cupid or RMP felt massively strong around that one setup because they were the only ones that realistically had it. Or when it was dampening season, the casters with spammables felt insurmountable.

MoP: Opposite of pruned meta. Everyone has lots of buttons that do everything that their class could ever need to do. Games don’t ever end without very long CC chains because everybody (healers included) have so many buttons.

MoP → WoD was one round of pruning. WoD-> legion was the second, bigger round. We have consistently gotten things back in one way or another from Legion → BFA, BFA → SL, and SL → DF. Everybody can do more things/has more abilities at the same time than at any point since MoP. Various elements are not the same, and it’s not tuned the same.

It feels like in order to prevent us from having to go full MoP again, we’re at this weird halfway point where we have a lot of the buttons back, but healers are intentionally shackled because designers are aware of the rabbit hole/slippery slope it will create. I.e. unnerfing CC and/or adding the remaining layer that we had in MoP. This is a decent philosophy on paper, but it’s made the healing role feel “unfun” to a lot of the people who would normally enjoy it because it feels so frantic and intentionally held back.

That is incorrect, even with MM/BM not having trap legion still has alot more CC then DF lol.