Rsham nerfs are cringe and unnecessary

Nice, rshaman meta is dumbo

Played vs an rsham using the healing rain talent. They all stacked and he did over 100hps for a long game. It was wild, might be worth a try.

Thats the problem in a nutshell. It relies on stacking.

When? Mop?

Cap :billed_cap:

Considering what it takes to pull 100k hps in m+ when its 5 people taking constant rot damage and no dampening… yeah gonna call bs on that.

They dont play their own game do they?

Pretty sus how you only posted the nerfs but left out the like 30% healing buffs to your casted heals and 75% more passive mana regen with water shield

It wasnt a 30% buff.
no1 is hard casting healing wave in arena.
Healing surge makes you oom instantly

That is not the change they made. Its the change to the passive talent. This buff will give like an extra 5-20k mana per arena. Not significant.

o thank god, I thought they’d be even more harder to oom


thats literally the point of the buffs… they have been trying to shift damage and healing back to casted all expansion

check his twitter in about 3 weeks when he is spam queueing into dk cleaves.

No1 is going to cast it outside of NS anyways. The cast time is too long. Read the entire post.

how many times are you going to omit things in one post to make your strawman

I think the point ol’ Jimmy is trying to make is that shifting the healing to the casted spells isn’t just a matter of shifting the amount of healing raw output. Casted spells also come with a higher action economy cost (they take time to cast and you cannot move while casting), plus a higher risk of being interrupted (both literally, which locks one out of the spell school, or with CC and getting locked out of anything). Hard casting just opens you up for more trouble, so it is a nerf in the sense that there is suddenly a much greater risk and decrease in spells cast with this shift, even if the amount of healing is “redistributed”.

The only times I ever cast healing wave in an arena match is when I am either 1) out of all other options or 2) using nature’s swiftness (which is a 1minute cooldown). Just isn’t worth getting windsheared/stormbolted/kicked/feared/whatever as a result.

Playing a bunch of Hpal lately. Once I have to start casting I’ve lost.

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That’s the main drawback to Hpriest. Once Im out of instants, if there’s a melee sitting on top of me who isn’t a total idiot, it’s very hard to play the game. Lol

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The only bad thing they’ve done with rsham this season imo is try to incentivize healing rain. Making casted spells feel useful is okay. The reliance on healing streams is a little annoying, and a big weakness against DPS who can easily snipe totems

Yeah that’s a big weakness of lightweaver build. Been running divine image and prefer it waaaaay more

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This is probably why the conceptual basics of what healing in supposed to be like in PvP has gone sideways for me. I don’t blame not wanting to cast because that’s kind of the nature of the game right now with the way damage dealers are applying pressure. If anything, the better direction is to have most spell casters be as cast-dependent as spriest/aff with the exception of ele. The same rule should apply to pres evokers and rdruids. There is no reason for healers and casters to adhere to an instant cast template when interrupts/CCs have been nerfed and precog exists in prevalence.

I mean the nerfs to insta casts were only like 5% and the buffs to the casts were 20%? So makes sense.

I agree with what you’re saying except the above quoted text. I think the bigger issue with casting healing spells is the volume of interrupts/CC’s, rather than the length. The number of CC’s coming in prevents being able to cast healing spells when needed, plus the added issue of having to finish casting. Also precog isn’t something you can just turn on; even faking people out requires a global to be wasted doing so.

I would certainly rather have the game include much more casted spells, and casted healing, but the pace of the game would need to slow down (assuming we don’t change the number of CC/interrupts available). Right now, it’s very fast, and losing 1-3 seconds is usually GG if you can’t get off your casts.