No I said that thinking a person should have to think or do as another thinks they should and not having a choice in the matter is fascist .
Whatever you say bubblegum your freespeech is safe here.
THis here is my exact issue . I am mid range and I want to optimize.
Wanting meaningful RPG-style choices in the game that impact gameplay is not being a fascist.
Again, what about my “choice” to have a set of mythic raid/mythic+ 15 gear handed to me upon hitting 120 on an alt? You don’t have to make that choice, but let me have it, otherwise you’re a fascist, right?
Or maybe, for the sake of the game’s integrity, it’s probably a better idea to have some checks in place.
I guess my struggle is that I don’t see others having the ability to swap be a negative to your gameplay. Mainly because those players aren’t really partaking in content that you’d be interested in to where you’re being pushed out from it. You could still do whatever you want however you want while players who are more calculated in their decisions can utilize the abilities to their fullest potential.
I also don’t think that it’s impossible to make everyone happy. You can have RPG elements in the game but they have to actually boost the gameplay element as well instead of creating a restriction. I think about the Artifact weapon in mind.
It was an element of the story that granted players unique abilities, transmog and didn’t have any restrictions outside of your progression through gaining AP to become stronger while in combat. It also reinforced ideas that had players stand out in certain situations. For instance I think about Prot Paladins searching for the hidden demon in the Court of Stars.
Well again I refer to the Artifact Weapon in my response above.
The thing is the game has taken a far step away from those RPG elements from old and reintroducing them would only cause frustration at this point.
Should a Fire Mage be able to damage Fire elementals? No but they do now. Should a Death Knight and Warlock even be allowed to join the Kyrian? Probably not but they’re doing it. How in gods name did we have air to breathe on Argus? The list goes on and on and on.
If Blizzard wanted to go the RPG route then fine. But go all the way with it.
My free speech only protects me from the government . Something I learned over 30 years ago in high school
Gotta get that .2% Parce up there m8 big D energy.
It waters down the system, makes the choices less meaningful, and at that point they might as well just scrap covenants and put in an extra talent tree or whatever. That is a big negative to me.
Why is it a negative?
People have been asking for more talents for years.
But does it fully ruin your gameplay? Because that’s the sacrifice you’re asking of others.
I could still make those kinds of meaningful RPG-style choices in game if the system was made to freely swap covenants/abilities. Just like I can do so now with specs/talents/flying/xmog.
Other people having the option to swap doesn’t prevent us from being able to approach the system from an RP perspective.
Which I explained would only be applied to players who push content as the initial quest wouldn’t be available until you hit a certain breakpoint. So your gameplay wouldn’t be changed.
I’ve already explained how it’s a negative.
Because I’m looking forward to joining Team Venthyr, with all the flavor, advantages and disadvantages that come with that. I’m looking forward to the rivalries with other covenants. I’m looking forward to my Venthyr Mage being a fundamentally different creature from a Kyrian Mage, and so forth.
Scrapping covenants and making them nothing more than a thing you swap at a rest area would ruin all of that.
I planned on doing the exact same thing with my priest and my mage.
But a flexible system wouldn’t prevent us from making those choices - and a flexible system wouldn’t impact our gameplay in any way.
I just disagree. I think everyone should have to make the tough choice. Even the elite.
There it is.
Isn’t “flexible” coming in the form of soulbinds?
No one said scrap covenants.
Keep the covenants for the rp aspect but make the various covenant abilities talents.
I want the Venthyr too for the rp aspect but I want the right talent for when I am out daily questing in random battle ground lfr hero mode.
So you’re willing to fully ruin someone else’s fun and thus potentially harm the game financially and community wise for your own enjoyment?