RPG vs Gameplay....Why not both? (Covenant Swapping)

Why? The game right now is so far away from RPG elements that they don’t make sense to compete with gameplay

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In other words, make them totally meaningless and fluff. Got it.

Doesn’t matter.

A flexible covenant system still wouldn’t prohibit us from making a single choice that suits our RP-style of play. Nor would it impact our actual gameplay any differently.


It’s an expansion of a video game everything about wow is fluff

Some people derive their enjoyment from different places. This system specifically allows players who get their enjoyment from others being punished to do so.

Never argued there shouldn’t be more RPG elements in the game.

You’re right, it doesn’t make sense for a fire mage to destroy fire elementals. And going to Argus should have required some suiting up. Plenty of engineers, alchemists, warlocks, etc…at your service in that regard.

But here we’ve got some meaningful RPG choices coming and all folks want to do is trash them.

They call the Mythic raiders/ Mythic ++ min /maxer crowd the elitist .

Maybe the true elitist of wow are rpers

If that’s the case, I’m sorry to say: Your position is invalid because it has a negative impact on the game as a whole. Reducing the fiscal hit to blizzard and supporting the community is more important than your schadenfreude. I will not respond to you in the future as I consider you a troll.

I mean this only pushes the narrative that the WoW playerbase is pretty self destructive.

Because RPG elements that compete with gameplay makes no sense when the game doesn’t support serious RPG elements anymore.

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Your fun isn’t going to get ruined. Your covenant will be functional in all aspects of the game.

I think it should start supporting them.

Then they need to start with the core and not include borrowed power with RPG consequences.

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No it will, you’re destroying how I like to play the game. You may not realize that. But that’s what you’re asking for. Your RP is something you can do with them switchable. My game play is not because you’ve dictated a very destructive mechanics decision for your own gratification. Thus the only reason to support the “They can’t be switched” argument based on what you’re putting forth ( I hate using “you” in a post BTW) is self gratification e.g. schadenfreude.

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It was like that during its core.

As much as I dislike about Vanilla, the RPG aspects were not one of the things I complained about. My only criticism is that there weren’t more of them. EQ beats WoW in that arena.

So it’s destroying the game for you if you don’t have access to every option at all times?

Please don’t use hyperbole, borrowed power has never been mutually exclusive. Making it so is destructive to quite a bit of the playerbase hence we’re even having this conversation. The best solution is not having borrowed power but blizzard seems allergic to that.


I’m aware of that. I’m playing Classic too. But if we’re going to seriously start trying to say that RPG elements should matter all of a sudden then players need to start advocating for more changes to class design to fit the overall world that we play in. Adding in this “RPG” element before we’ve even got the core right is a bad decision.

And that’s a fair argument, but it is what it is. I think what we’ve got coming is interesting and has potential though.

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That’s your opinion. for the record, I don’t think you’re opinion is invalid - because it’s an opinion and your entitled to it.

The dev’s seems to think differently than you and their direction aligns with my enjoyment - so maybe they don’t think it will have a reduction in revenue.

Whereas I’m a realist, I see this having about the same effect on subs as 8.0 azerite did: a major drop off as people get frustrated at a garbage system. The devs will react by removing the RP elements and the lock in, this to me is far more destructive to you in the long term. Compromising allows for the preservation of both.

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