Queue content already is devoid of meaningful mechanics in LFG dungeons. Even if mechanics do exist, they are without any meaningful penalty for failing them.
I do dungeon finder only for weekly and a goodie bag.
Otherwise I dont bother.
It’s been suggested to give DPS mechanics they have to do, and if they fail, rather than one-shotting them so they blame the healer, giving them a massive dps debuff. It’s worth a shot.
The real root of the problem is that one role gets the “it’s a game, time to turn my brain off and zug zug” experience. Which, ok, it’s a game, there should be content like that. But it shouldn’t also be highly rewarding.
The reward structure needs to be looked at too, and firmer lines drawn to insist on how much is expected to be hyperfocus and what’s a causal getting a weekly thing done.
In leveling dungeons right now. the rpg trinity of tank, healer, and 3 dps is a joke. Tanks are the only ones actually holding aggro and killing all the mobs and bosses as well as healing themselves. The healer runs behind the tank barely spot healing, as well as the dps get carried as the group speed runs through the dungeon. I guess this is due to the leveling system changes and squishes. But the effect has been the creation of tank-twinks. As well as dps that expect to be carried without them contributing any effort.
Looks like the changes the devs made to how the leveling system works in dungeons has effectively negated the archaic trinity system. I mean, it’s all rush rush rush, go go go now.
I mean when’s the last time you saw anyone do a crowd control?
The sad thing also is these leveling dungeon dps players get to max level fast, then try to play in Mythic plus medium to high tiers and are shocked that they actually are expected to know how to play their class and contribute to the group effort.
Maybe cause they think there’s nothing to fix?
The Devs might not think there is anything to fix. Or they can’t seem to find a solution for the problem. But I for one would like them to do something so that I don’t have to wait half hour or even over an hour to get into a dungeon group.
I tried making a tank character, and I found out I sux at tanking. I tried making a healer character and I found out that I sux at healing. The class that I am any good at is mage.
So I join DF as a dps. Then while I wait, I can go make dinner, or walk the dog, or watch reruns of judge judy, or paint my toenails. Even then, when I check. My character is still waiting to join a group.
Can someone at Blizzard please fix this.
It’s not the trinity mechanic. What’s causing the very long wait times in d-finder is that wow has been losing their player population. over the years. Now many servers are almost empty and the number of active players has dwindled down to a mere ghost of what it was. So yeah, Blizzard can’t fix it since there are not enough players anymore.