RPG element vs Min maxing

Generally min-maxers do not play the game for the story at all, but just want to grind dungeons or whatever. I don’t have a better answer than that, because I honestly cannot fathom playing a RPG and having zero interest in RP or story. It legit blows my mind the majority of people skip cutscenes and don’t read quest text. I just don’t understand it.

Absolutely, there is a lot of good media from the past (the classic horror films are some of my favourite movies… bands that include Uriah Heep, the B-52s, Iron Maiden, Steppenwolf, et cetera) but it doesn’t invalidate any of the modern stuff.

I’d advise you to dig a bit deeper my friend. There’s still worthy media out there today. Opeth’s progressive rock (their newer albums) for example, is heavily inspired by progressive rock of the 70s and it is amazing–but it is new.

Likewise, modern games such as Pillars of Eternity, Divinity OS2, and Pathfinder Kingmaker are all inspired off of the classic infinity engine games of the 90s but are modern and they actually improved upon the formula in their own ways.

History is great. It’s my favourite subject by a mile. However, it is important to always keep an eye on the future else you risk stagnating in the past.

Oh am I in denial? I must have missed all this time in leveling dungeons not seeing any trace of minmaxing until 110, where BFA dungeons are run by people in current content.

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Did you take the time to chit-chat while in those dungeons?
Did you do any sidequests while you were in there?

Or did you just get them done and over with as quickly as possible?

Did you take the time to chit chat while in those dungeons? I’m not proving something that is unsubstantiated.

maybe for some people while I collect swords I buy online id never go near a modern weapon even as a collection like my swords and daggers i’ve bought… hell about the only reason to game honestly any more is there is nothing left that has mystory are an unknown thing for a lot of people because not everyone has the bone density to go into space … and well ya so the cosmetic thing to older rpgs and picking a meaningful choice that effects you forever is highly appealing honestly I prefer the past way above modern times which is why i will never play a future themed ga me I will play med/fantasy but not anything about medeval time

I don’t get it

why is this even a thing

why is it these RPGer people keep coming after people from not having fun the right way

Yes, at least during earlier WoW expansions (Vanilla through WotLK).
Took the time to guide people through mechanics if it was needed.

Needless to say, I haven’t stepped foot in a single dungeon in several months (and probably since WoD, actively avoided doing random groups) because of the “GO GO GO!” attitude.

… because the “GO GO GO!” attitude is simply a lesser form of min/maxing, when you get right down to it. You’re trying to do it quickly and efficiently, to improve your time-to-benefit while in doing so.

They gotta one up those evil, toxic elitists.
It’s the titanforging threads again.
Some people just have fun making others more miserables instead of trying to go up the ladder, they gotta bring you down.

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I agree with another person who said neither needs to preclude the other. I think the RPGness improves the flavor of the levelling experience, but minmaxxing seems inevitable once you hit level cap. I’m thinking of what happened to people over in classic while they were levelling and then what they all became when they hit level cap.

Over in classic for instance, things seem very ‘RPG’ in the sense you have to actually practice with various kinds of weapons in order to become proficient in them, and talk to trainers or do quests to learn important new skills. But once you hit level cap, you go on icey-veins to look up the optimal talen-tree configuration, equip the BIS gear, and grind stupid daily crap endlessly for a title, or raid over and over again for whichever BIS thing you’re missing.

Classic felt better if you played it like a sandbox game while levelling and just explored and did whatever. I could wish they had maybe more than one cemetary or flight master per zone. But having all the stats useful in some way to any class, instead of them just being damage damage and damage, is neat. And going to weapon or other skill trainers to learn things, instead of just having new skills spontaneously rain on you every level, is very RPG.

Funniest RPG experience I had in classic was when the warrior trainer sent me to Old Town in Stormwind to learn something new from some guy there. On the way there, I stopped by the AH to upgrade my gear a little, and saw a nice battle axe with good stats for cheap. I bought the axe, vendored my sword, and proceeded to the bar to learn the new thing from the guy. My task was to take a mug of ale from a local drunk, a fight ensued, and I couldn’t hit the guy for the life of me - I was hitting air with every swing of my awesome new axe He proceeded to kill me. Then I remembered the thing about weapon skills, grabbed a random cheap sword, redid the quest, and crushed the guy. Then I took my axe out to the woods and killed some kobolds and boars until my toon got the hang of it. So all by myself, not typing stories to other players, the game design itself had me playing my role. I also practice the unarmed fighting because so much stuff disarms you, and I don’t want to be helpless everytime I get disarmed. (Actually spent the last few months in retail using catchup mechanics to get my retail mains set for shadowlands. Also hadn’t played alliance on retail and have my alliance main going through the alliance story for rpg reasons too. Classic is terribly fun to me, just too many competing other things in my life right now. :))

I suppose I just have broader tastes. I’ve just recently been studying ancient Mesopotamia and the 30 years war (which couldn’t be further removed from one another) but I’m also highly interested in modern advancements and would love nothing more than to eventually join a colony to the moon or Mars (as unlikely as that is.)

I know that modern life can get boring–everyone feels that–but the simple matter of fact is that we’re all very fortunate to have been born when we were… It’s entirely plausible that half of us wouldn’t have made it past the age of 5 in the ancient world, as interesting as it is to imagine what you could have been like in such a setting.

See to me thats what makes it appealing to me is knowing at anytime an infection or a war or even bad water could be deadly its exciting … and honestly the thought of the daily risk of every walking around is what makes it appealing … see most people like the safety of the world today I don’t I honestly wish it was extremely unsafe the closet ive came to it is getting in a car and driving towards where a tornado was spotted or going in eras that hurricanes can hit its knowing one mistake could end everything that feels well free to me

Have you considered bungee jumping or other such activities that give a hit of adrenaline? You may be an individual that needs that sort of thing to be happy.

I’ve done a few things but bungie jumping seems kinda pointless consinder there’s rlly no risk I did sky diving once was fun but kinda expensive lol

Fair enough. You know, those wing suits that people hop of of mountains in look pretty fun. I’ve wanted to try it myself but haven’t had the time–nor the training–to do so.

I did and yes.


But technically, if they are role-playing a farmer in their home village, they aren’t stuck in the stating zone, they are choosing to stay there, and they don’t need weapons and armour; they need a pitchfork and some overalls. Maybe a straw hat.

Min/maxing is a strategy but strategizing does not have to include min/maxing.

Min/maxing is building a character based on the meta to make it as optimum as possible. Basically a player’s strategy is picking to win.

But players can build a character according their role-playing preferences or what they find fun or any other reason and then strategize with that build and still be effect. And, as an added bonus, the challenge is greater.

Back in the day, I played PnP and we would literally roll a character and then figure to how to adventure with it. The only people who needed to pick a character were beginners that needed a leg up in an already existing group.

Hyperbole, i assume. And you were doing so well.

That’s a hell of a stretch to try to fit your definition of min/maxing.

Seems to me the braindead people are the one crying about gatekeeping that can’t make a group or joing a guild, so they blame it on min/maxers.


If only they made four different levels of content for raiding and countless difficulties for dungeon content so that anyone can do the endgame they’re suited to.


roleplaying, to me, has meant trying to keep things as realistic to the environment setting that you’re in.

A good example of this is D&D and Counter Strike, where if your character dies - you don’t just get to rez over and over again and keep flinging yourself into battle.

But honestly “RPG” is so generic of a term that “role-playing” can be applied to just about any game. Mario Kart is a “role-playing” racing game where you play the “role” of driver from the Mario universe.

People use the term however THEY interpret it. The problem is when they impose their interpretation on everyone else.