RPG element vs Min maxing

Character development and story arcs / choices usually are good indicators of RPGs.

For you - they certainly might be. You may also weigh those things more/less heavily than someone else that also finds them valuable.

But not everyone will agree 100% on each and every single “indicator”/characteristic that feeds into their personal definition of an “RPG”.

Well that’s irrelevant because RPGs have a very specific definition. Otherwise what would be the point of the label? RPGs are stuff like Divinity: Original Sin, commonly knowns as CRPGs (Computer RPGs). RPG is just an older term for tabletop games like D&D.

Rocket-propelled grenade, for my entire childhood.

It didn’t mean role-playing-game until I was well into my 20s.

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Care to link a source and acknowledgement from the entire gaming community to support this?

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I do have to take a disagreement with that. I took a few a classes about this kind of stuff in college. Things like genre labels are hecka subjective.


This is a hella long article for something that has a very simple, straight-forward definition everyone agrees on:


Especially since there’s an entire separate article for:


Which is also long as heck, and includes sub-sections like:

  • Action RPGs
  • First-person party-based RPGs
  • Roguelikes and roguelike-likes
  • Sandbox RPGs
  • Tactical RPGs
  • Hybrid genres
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People should be free to play the game however they choose to play it, and surround themselves with other players they choose to surround themselves with.

This means that a person’s ability to RP a farmer with white weapons in Westfall is just as valid as someone attempting to gain BIS gear to down the latest big bad of the week, that does mean that the player trying to get BIS gear may likely wish to surround himself with likeminded, BiS players to achieve his objective, just as the farmer will hang out with likeminded farmers to acheive their objective.

Both styles of play are valid, though sometimes mutually exclusive, and that is okay.


I’d play along a RPer mentioning my name. While I’m here to progress, I’m also here to have fun. 5 minutes of my time won’t kill anyone.

I didn’t see anything in those entries about playing badly as a superior form of gameplay to playing well.

Just one more thing about these games that I dont like. I love finding new gear, I love it…dont get me wrong…but the god gear concept in this particular game ruins the RPG aspect of it for me.
Its precisely one of the reasons I lock characters at 60 to stay in lowbie dungeons and content. I want out of the rat race. Same reason I pretty much stopped at 420 ilvl. One druid has 3 or 4 pieces that are 430, but i didnt really go looking to get them. They just happened to be on the emissaries that day for the most part.

Id prefer doing without the placebo of leveling and gearing up in such a fast paced manner. Make it less about gear and more about the story, transmogs, even pets and certainly make dungeon running fun but pay out something other than perpetual number grinding.

You can have better gear without the mad race and utter and complete obsession with it, lol.
I like getting small upgrades.
I HATED legendaries in legion where it was like god himself was handing me down some deity crafted chest guard from on high.
The way this game is set up is why we keep having squishes in the first place.
SMALL increases over this lottery system any day.

Well, neither did I.

“Badly” is subjective. Are you bad because you cannot clear top raid content, bad because you can’t figure out a quest, bad because you can’t find a rare pet, bad because your DPS is low, bad because you haven’t leveled up one of every class?

Bad is subjective.

I can log in and fish every day and just search for pets; doesn’t make me a “worse” player than someone rocking a 480 clearing mythic raids for the nineteenth time.

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A lot of people liked getting legendaries in Legion. Your idiosyncratic preferences should not be forced on others.

While bad is subjective, choosing gear with inappropriate stats and the wrong talents can feel bad no matter how low-grade the content someone is playing. Should it really be a goal for players to feel like crap when they’re playing because they should set up their characters so as to be inoptimal?

its my OPINION…and you can stuff yours.

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This is a good point tool.

None of my characters are min/maxed. They aren’t even raid geared… Let alone Mythic +

I clear all the content that I want to do, so am I bad? I’d say no. I do everything I want with fair amounts of ease.

There’s nothing wrong with it min/maxing, but I don’t feel like you should shame anyone for not being that concerned with the meta…

I don’t “feel like crap” because I set up my characters sub-optimally. Do I check sites for proper enchants and gems? Sometimes.

Do I min-max? No way.

And I feel good when I play.

I collect mounts (over 500), I collect pets (over 1100), I collect transmog (thousands of pieces), I have one of every class at max level, and four or five toons over a 460 right now. I have a brutosaur, ages of accocunt time, and all the RaF goodies.

These things make me feel good. I could give a rat’s if I don’t have the “best” corruption or talents.

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Tell us how you really feel. Oh, you don’t have to. You think everybody else is playing the game wrong, and your peculiar style of gameplay should be forced on them.


you obsessing about my opinion, bro?
Go find someone else to whine at.
I gave my opinion…DEAL with it.

Well, amazing. Every class and spec has dead talents that no one should ever choose. Choose them and your character will play clunky even if you’re just doing world quests.

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I picked my talents based off which made the most sense from an rp stand point and also which took less effort to use.

I mean, come on. I use the Gargoyle talent for my DK because “more pets”

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