RPG element vs Min maxing

I’m just making fun of it. Your statement was perfect for it.

That’s what sub genres are for, and even then it’s kind of subjective. Gaming is like any other entertainment media, they use these broad strokes for classification but everything has a bit of wiggle room. There are entire PhDs dedicated to examining and classifying this stuff. You think we’re going to knock it out in an internet forum.

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the statement is the truth of it older stuff is still lasting and alive and still gets ppl to buy compare to newer stuff that honestly is hardly worth pirating let alone buying it

There’s a question to ask, maybe you are no longer the target of those games/music and etc.

History is important and learning from the mistakes of the past is important too. However, blindly screeching that the past was better when that is objectively false does nothing but stifle progress.

I constantly study history and enjoy old movies and games but I don’t think of myself as superior for doing so as you evidently do. There’s still more than plenty of creativity in people (and no, you don’t need drugs to be creative) and there are plenty of great things yet to come.

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ya i’m younger than half the games made and still (by age group this games are trying to target my age group same as the music today) and i know for a fact the older stuff is better lol this games are trying to target “millinerals and same for the music honestly” which i sadly fall under so ya thats not the proplem is they just suck and ppl in my age group have such horrible taste because they honestly don’t care about it as long as it suits their sjw needs

please if i could take a time machine if one was real id return to anicent times because honestly there alot better than current era completely hell id probaly be at home in anicent greece or even anicent rome or egypt

Dead after about 3 weeks due to disease or war?

Kids these days.

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It’d be interesting to visit but I think you’d find out very quickly that you’d miss the modern advances that we take for granted.

death isn’t something to be feared it doesnt matter if you die in a week or 50 years what matters is if you belong in the era and you feel at peace and you have fun idc if i die tommorow as long as i have pure joy idc honestly i dont want to live to 50 who does want to live to be a old sack of meat that has no point at all

I would say you’re trolling, but since I knew a few 20 somethings…

I do not miss my 20s.

I’m being honest … Live life to the fullest and when you die won’t matter if you live every day like you can die tommorow it doesn’t matter when death comes if you enjoy yourself daily and say what is in your heart and mind and tell everyone who doesn’t like it to go to hell

It’s like SLC Punk without any of the irony.

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I apologise for my fellow 20 something. He has lost his way to the edginess as many have.

That being said… Thinking of older music has me wanting to listen to some of Opeth’s older stuff. So I’m going to go do that now. :grin:

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Min-maxing is fine. It’s natural in an RPG to want to make your characters as strong as possible. The problem’s that in a cooperative game like an MMO this has undesirable social ramifications. Couple that with the fact that the optimal way to play is not always the most fun one, and we have a problem.

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Nothing wrong with liking whatever you like. But we all should be careful to not fall into that nostalgia trap.

That said, I’m actually listening to some chillhop, so I guess it takes all kinds.


if you really got the taste for older stuff then have to know the older stuff is far superior look at the 1900’s batman movies to today the villian character in them far better
horror movies better in older gens
music well you have type o negative,ac dc,iron maiden just to name a few way better than the stuff today…

and books omg the books were great that were made at those times this era well we got twilight trash that destoryed the entire vampire sub culture

I mean essentially, the idea is to choose to specialize and be best at one thing instead of trying to be the best at everything. The validity of that is arguable but I can see it making sense in an RPG context.

Whatever you do. Do not tell him about New Kids on the Block or The Boxcar Children.

Either you’re blind or in denial.

Min/maxing is so endemic in this game that few seem to realize how little it takes to fit with the mindset, failing to realize all but the most extreme examples as min/maxing.

While I do agree that Blizz is certainly at fault, I disagree that they’ve gone “scorched earth” with their approach and have only enabled it further. Their best attempt is to make min/maxing overly complicated… but that simply hasn’t worked.

The main causes of min/maxing behaviour need to be addressed… and they’ve only made those causes all the more prevalent in the game. What are they?

  • Run-away stat-inflation, a.k.a.: exponentially increasing stats and damage output.
  • High difficulty content requiring high levels of optimization, and especially when it’s glorified.

Put these two together, and it ALL becomes about getting the most throughput out of your characters. They are what make it so unavoidable, as it sets the precedent that everyone should be striving to optimize their performance… ergo, min/maxing is actually the norm when it comes to WoW rather than a niche activity for the extremely dedicated.

Needless to say, removing them would be… “traumatic”… to the game at this stage.

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