RPG element vs Min maxing

If you’re referring to covenants there is nothing fun about that system.

There’s nothing fun about wanting to choose a covenant for aesthetics (because they’ve baked a ludicrous amount of cosmetics into them) but despising the gameplay of the ability so much that you basically just drag the dang thing off of your bar. I.e. the Night Fae mage ability. Who cares what it does (which isn’t much.) It’s a 6 second channel on a 45 second CD. Who in the heck thought channeling for more than 6 seconds a minute sounded fun? You like doing nothing in a fight? Me either.

So now I can pick the covenant I want fore lore/aesthetics and get a useless, boring ability or I can pick a covenant I hate that offers slightly (note slightly because all of the mage abilities are lackluster) more enjoyable to play but the aesthetic is garbage.

Tying abilities into cosmetic choices is NOT fun. It is never fun and there is a reason very few games ever do it. Screw min/maxing, it’s just a bad, ignorantly designed system.

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You’re confusing active role-playing with RP elements. I agree that most people do not engage in active role-play. Personally I don’t. But most people do choose their character class, race, transmog, etc all based on RP elements they value in game.

As with any hobby, when you want to compete with others you must consider min/maxing.

The nice thing is, you don’t have to compete. You don’t have to do content to the extent that requires min/maxing. Just like in real life. You do not need other people to enjoy the hobby the way you do.


It really is. There was a DH in GD last week trying to argue that because he managed 3rd or 4th dps on Wrathion (TD was 75% of his damage) tank damage is fine. Like, it could be fine or it could be not fine, but TD on a fight like that (when dps are letting shards stay up) is stupid.

ya it is its theme that makes it fun really … this has been a thing since Dnd times… the cosmetic =abilitys is the entire point of having a rpg to have fun in…
You make a choice you live with it and even a cosmetic choice effects the characters abilitys…

Roleplay isnt exclusive to playing the role that fits you, but playing the role of a character. The relatibility of the character helps with immersion, but you are still playing the role of a character.

Yes, and removing covenants completely eliminates the RP element of it, the catch is, no one is asking for its removal (despite people using this as argument, god knows why), all people ask is having the impactful abilities swappable, you still have your choice and the other people have a choice now too, however with covenants as they are, the choices are removed.

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Some people really can’t wrap their heads around the idea that playing what’s numerically best isn’t necessarily the most fun, or that others play explicitly for their own enjoyment, or that there are parts of the game where none of it matters anyway.

It didn’t used to be like this. I dunno if it’s the prevalence of streamers in the past decade or what but it’s tiring.

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So the Stanley Parable is a role playing game? Super Mario 2 is a role playing game? Galaga is a role playing game?

These BfA systems have been awful and I have no doubt that covenants will be awful too.

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False in the overwhelming majority of games. I play a ton of RPGs and very, very few of them have systems even remotely similar to this.

If they must make idiotic choices such as this backed by ignorant individuals that blindly follow whatever they say, then they can at least make every ability fun to use instead of making some of them being completely and utterly boring to use.

Again. Channeling for more than 6 seconds out of a minute is BS. lol

If you are playing the role of a character then yes.

Maybe for a few tanks. Others stack versatility. Some stack ineffable truth… there’s more balance than you think. Certainly for dps.

For half the dps too. Corruptions bad.

By that definition then, what video games are not role playing games? Is Pong an RPG if there is a backstory?

Lol its not you know what killed the fun of unholy dk it was them removing the abomanation from us without pvping…

its a fact look at the older ones like breath of fire/legend of dragoon their cosmetic things like transformations was what made it fun and it was BASED ON A TYPE like dragon or element

This is the very truth of rpgs… and it has been since the first rpg was made… cosmetic ties into the character/class/job or in some cases the god you follow (dnd clerics) for example you haven’t played many rpgs if you think that isn’t true lol

This is a good point. The false dichotomy also because Blizzard makes the entire focus of the game on the holy trinity. If there were actual other things you had to focus on other than just damage/tank/heals then it might reduce the idea that there’s always a superior choice in every scenario.

To the truest definition of the word, then it’s any game where you take on the role of a fictional character, so… all except maybe Galaga.

However, the most accepted, common definition follows up in that there has to be some form of character progression (ie leveling) and, usually, a heavier focus on storytellling.

So things like FF and Skyrim are rpgs. While something like Super Mario isn’t.

The first RPGs were sets of rules to accompany tabletop wargames. The models were the character.

You mean where they have to go through 100x the effort and still suck compared to the “real” dps classes?

Farming gnomer hundred of times.

Power shifting.

And still lose to warriors/rogues/mages/warlocks each hitting 2 buttons by a wide margin.