RPers Unite Support #pulltheripcord

salutes You do you. I tried to extend an olive branch, and you just stamped all over it with the equivalent of “Do you know who I am?” by commenting that you couldn’t believe somebody would even question you from our realm. I even explained why I felt the way I did, which you’ve ignored and just being all “HOW RUDE” and how personally offended you are. If you aren’t willing to forgive people their mistakes, which I made one and told you I take your rp at face value now, then you aren’t somebody that I want to RP with either. Nobody is perfect, and it feels like you would be rather punishing and unforgiving of people.

I hope you enjoy your rp.

You came into this thread basically calling me a liar lol. You didn’t apologize at all and you are being rude and hick jacking my thread with some odd personal thing has seems to have a lot to do with you and not much about the topic Ive posted. You have 8,000 posts on this forum lol. Ive have very very few. So maybe this is the thread to chill out a little and nurse that hangover.

You’ve said your opposition to the topic I’ve posted. Hoping you are done here.

Cause I certainly am in dealing with you in game and on these forums.

Inviting you to a guild event and telling you I believe your rp at face value was the apology… I believe in words mean nothing, actions mean everything. What better action to show I take your rp seriously than inviting you to an event? My action was extending an olive branch. Your action was spitting on it. That says everything to me.

Well NOW I’m calling you straight a liar. I’ve never met you in-game or whispered you that I recall. If my memory is wrong and we’ve conversed in-game, then I apologize, but now you are just trying to paint me in a worse light than is actually true. YOU should be the one to apologize now.

You invited me to an event and I declined. You are being rude. Lol

I have never contacted you in game nor will I ever. And will stay well clear of your guild as well. Not a good look.

If there is such a thing as objectively bad game design, it must be defined as game design that accomplishes the opposite of its intended goal.

If the purpose of tying character power to story choices was to make me more invested in the story, then covenants meet this definition. By having to choose a covenant I don’t want to be in because it has the objectively best power payoff for me, this design ensures that I will emotionally check out of the story because I feel forced into one I didn’t want to follow, just as I emotionally checked out of BfA’s war story because it was forcing me to go along with choices my character wouldn’t make.

If you want me to care about a story decision you ask me to make, the results of that decision can’t be tied to the game mechanics I need to use to clear content with other people. Needing to cooperate with other players to accomplish goals puts immensely more weight on the mechanical side of that choice than the narrative side, because my mechanical power directly plays into my ability to clear content, to get into groups, and to help my guild, while my narrative choice only affects my personal aesthetic and story preferences.

In a single player game, sure, I’ll take a weaker option to go with the story I want to pursue. But that can’t work in an MMO, because the entire selling point of an MMO is that your experience is shaped by interacting with numerous other people.

So as someone who is beta without giving away to many spoilers I am actually proud to be with the necrolords because in the shadowlands what seems to be dark is actually more light then you realise. Those under a pretty light might be more dark and treacherous then you realise. So before picking a convenant due to pretty effect or zone pay attention to the story line ;). You might find your opinions will change vastly.

You do not RP.
#Fakenews #KeepCovenants

Give an actual reason besides wanting to punish min maxers. There isn’t a story one all the covenants work together and your daily emissaries are going to be defending and aiding other covenants. You actually have reputation with other covenants as base factions as well.

You’re not an RPer, you’re a Min Maxer, SMH.

Nice try.

When did “min/max” become defined as “follow the basic game mechanics”?

Saying that people who don’t want character power tied to story choice aren’t roleplayers is like saying that anyone who transmogs their gear instead of wearing the actual low level greens and blues isn’t a roleplayer, because a REAL roleplayer would accept getting their butt kicked by every trash mob outside the city walls as the price they have to pay to make the MEANINGFUL CHOICE of looking how they want their character to look.

WoW is an RPG. A Role Playing Game. That means that both the roleplaying and the game aspects of WoW are supposed to work in harmony with each other to create the experience. Covenants do the exact opposite by positioning roleplaying choices and game mechanics in opposition to each other, forcing us to choose between roleplay and game when the whole point of an RPG is to do both together.

Just pick night fae, the difference in stats isn’t big enough to be relevant, if you have skill you can make up the difference.

RPers out there have my full support! I was never smart enough or a good enough typist to RP well, but you all have my blessing.

Much like all facets of this game there are gradients. Gradients of hardcore to casual raiding, pvp, mythic plus, pet battling and even RP. Most of us find we are a pie chart and have various distributions of the above - and more I am sure I neglected to mention (auctioning?).

Just an ephemeral thought.

I don’t get the idea what unless I’m a world first raider, I shouldn’t get to pick a fun ability… I really want to be Night Fae, although it seems odd for a warlock, but I’ve always said this, and the Nigh Fae come with by far the most boring ability out of the four, and by far the weakest on top of it. The other options come with far more interesting abilities…

That’s the entire point of the ripcord thing, why compromise fun gameplay for RP reason and vice versa…

If a choice feels natural, makes sense in the story progression and doesn’t come with unpredictable consequences to gameplay, it’s a good choice to have.

Joining a covenant feels forced, makes no sense in the story and comes with unpredictable consequences to gameplay.

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We keep seeing how people forget the MMO part or the RPG part of MMORPG, but now I see we have people who seem to only be playing either MMORP or MMOG and won’t accept anything else.

I play an Orc Warlock and lore, and rp is important to me, although I dont participate in it very often. I like what theyre doing with the cov system and it sounds very interesting, but I dont believe they should have made the abilities linked to covs…Dont get me wrong, keep the whole choosing a cov, but maybe should have made the abilities linked to them cool unique utilities, or out of combat items, so that anyone could choose whatever cov they just identify with, and it wouldnt affect their gameplay SO much. For example, myself, a lock, I want to go Maldraxxus because it makes sense to me and I want to experience that cov…and for me I am lucky because their ability is good too…but if that wasnt the case I would be very upset. People shouldnt have to think to themselves “Should I do whats best for my gameplay, or what is best for my character’s lore?” They should have just given us the abilities that they have for the covs now as talents, and given the covs less important, BUT EQUALLY COOL, abilities so its not as important.

But tbh I am grateful to blizz for whatever they give us. I love WoW and am excited to play Shadowlands and experience the covenant system for what it is! :slight_smile:


I love immersion too and you know what i’m doing? I’m going based on immersion so druid will go night fae. I don’t care whats best or worst for me. I like the lore and i will keep it as such. If you need the handicap then so be it, but just like the toxic response of removing raider io “just form your own group lol”


Wrong. Very wrong.

Well said!