RPers Unite Support #pulltheripcord

Agreed. Very toxic and to be honest I wish WoW wasnt like that. Not every character should be expected to be perfect. I like the lore more than the min/max culture. Even if Maldraxxus wasnt good for my char, Id choose them anyways. lol

The guy invites a certain group of players to tell how a system may or may not negatively impact their game, and your response to it is “wrong”? I mean, he could have worded it better, but it’s quite clear what he meant.

This quote is nothing like how Blizzard has implemented the covenants in game. You play through the base stories, and don’t get any sort of conclusion to any of them. Pick a covenant with just a menu prompt, no story beat to drive you to now have to pick only one to represent after fighting and helping all of them. Then you get the conclusion to only 1 story/covenant(for example you learn some stuff about Uther during Bastion leveling and if you want the conclusion to his story you better pick Kyrian).

It’s a mess from both a gameplay and story experience. Feels more like a case of them designing these abilities, soulbinds and stories the deciding the choice/lock will force people to play more and improve time played metrics. Kind of like when companies cut content from a base game and package it as microtransactions to squeeze a bit more money out of a consumer.

TLDR the idea of a covenant choice being a part of your character’s identity is a disengenous statement from Blizzard.

Don’t believe the hype.

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If you have strong feelings for a toons RP, go for that. If it causes a true adverse play ability, come to the forums and balance will happen and all those that chose the flavor of the day will be screwed. Seriously.

Yea let’s label players so we can truly divide us up so we can keep fighting. We’re wow players. There is no good lore or gameplay reason to keep us locked into covenants. None.

I will now judge less harshly when I see RPers due to the OP

Restored my faith in the people who I believed have been trying to murder my enjoyment

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Since I don’t do high end content, mythic raids and mythic + dungeon, I don’t really have a skin in this game, but I wonder at what level of content will Covenant choice really matter? Is it going to be a big deal for anyone doing Mythic 10 and under? Will it really only matter if you’re doing Mythic Raids and Mythic 15 and above? I have a feeling that a lot of the people complaining are people who are not really going to be effected much. Too many people feeling they need to have the cutting edge builds and what not when they really don’t do the content that will require that.

It’s not about having “the cutting edge build”. What if I want to switch because I like another covenant’s mog better? Oh well can’t do that.

It affects casual players just as much if not more so than the “evil” min/maxers.

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Cool story. Than I’m all for Blizzard changing it.

The thing i don’t get is the story they’re pushing is that all the covenants need each other, and need to work together to keep the shadowlands safe and functioning and we’re helping them to do so.

So with that in mind…Why are we forced to pick one and only one again?


ITT Ive been called a faux RPer and a min/maxer lol

Im just an RPer who likes to heal keys with friends. When I have the wrong talents for M+ the tank I play with (a very good friend) tells me to switch em around so that they are optimal. For example… I love the Tree of Life talent. Its important to my RP (stomping around as a big tree is amazing) but I switch my talents to be optimal for M+ because it is expected of me (as a healer especially) And I can switch talents easily with a tome or being in a rest area. So easy. No compromise required.

I would like to try key master (all dungeons +15 in SL) that is the goal Ive set for myself. My friend the tank already has it easily this season and the main dps I play with was almost a gladiator so he is amazing at everything in the game. So yeah… necrolords here I come! (I’m gonna hate it tho…cause Ysera is in the Night Fae …and all the wild gods being reborn)

