RPers Unite Support #pulltheripcord

Well when you go back into the Blizzard headquarters tomorrow, be sure to let them know yo have decided to change things on covenants.

Man - someone got me DEFENDING Blizzard of all things. Just because I said I understood something…

100% #pulltheripcord

Blizzard isn’t all bad, like when they pull the Ripcord because they listen to our feedback. Just gotta hope it comes before we have another mass exodus. Though, I guess we’ll have TBC classic to save the day this time. Hopefully they get their act together before Cata classic, don’t think they’ll get as many people back to keep them afloat that time.

LOL I am the kind of guy who would grind for months just so my troll had the ability to enter Freeport. Because RP.

But that’s how I play these games. I don’t do the min/max push as high a key as possible / push the highest raid possible etc…

Come on Bipzi, log in and we’ll see who the ‘real’ RPer is. Gate of Org NOW! Lol.

I can’t believe that a person on my own realm would say this. /sadface

Only part I despise Covenants for is I once again need multiple characters to get the full story.

I freaking hated that with Legion, and I have to do it again in Shadowlands.

Can you explain how it affects me then?

Affects more than mix maxers <> affects everyone. Maybe it doesn’t affect you, but having covenants be purely cosmetic and the player power behind them swappable wouldn’t affect you either, I suspect.

To be fair, I did say the thread “feels a bit”, not that it is. If you RP a lot, I’m willing to take it at face value. That, and I’m hungover and my mind just isn’t into doing anything other than auto-pilot right now.

I’d be willing to take a rain check though if you want, and invite you to our guilds barge brawl on Weds for some harmless fighting action. We are primarily a Goblin guild, and don’t get many Tauren hanging around.

You do know that min max means you want the absolute best power choice for your character? I mean you are asking to make it so you can pick the most powerful choice for your character, then claim its not about min maxing?

I can still make the best choice in one area of my character, but make a bad choice in another area for the sake of fun. Making me not a min-maxer.

If you aren’t feeling well…then get off the forums until you feel better and stop spreading negativity. I can totally accept that you would disagree with my reasoning/stance on this thread and be vocal about it. That is what a forum is.

But to question my sincerity about RP… that’s really negative.

You are definitely not someone I would want to role play with. /shrug

No, you’re wrong. What I want, is the ability to experiment with my build, and see how I could make covenant class abilities play off of talents, and see how they work in different forms of content.

Again, making covenants cosmetic and having the player power untied from them and allowing players to select them like talents. How does this system negatively affect your gameplay?


I’ll support it, but the impression I get is that covenants are gonna be more flat than a glass of soda that’s been sitting in the sun for a week if all they amount to is transmogs and minipets. Not exactly xpac tentpole material.

… then why did you DEMAND I rp with you this very second now now now, but then ignore an invitation to an RP event? I find this quite confusing. I was sincerely trying to meet you half way with a friendly competition. Whatever.

When I play classic, if I use a sword or mace Im human. If I use an axe I’m an orc or if I need the stun resist. I then make my RP around that choice. I don’t disagree that min-maxing is bad.

I just don’t argue that as a gnome I should have the same racial as an orc.

I know people are going to argue against the comparison, but it stands. Like was said above, it doesn’t matter to me either way. Its Blizzards call.

If you all wanna argue, argue with them. I aint your enemy - I just don’t need to have things one way like you all do. All I did was say “Hey I think like this other person” and apparently that was enough to set a bunch of people off for simply agreeing with someone.

anyway Im out.

You still haven’t told me how having covenants be cosmetic and have the abilities function like talents would affect your experience negatively. How am I supposed to understand your side of the table if you don’t explain it to me?

Covenant choice aren’t racial choices or weapon choices. Also, covenants are not permanent and will only last the entirety of the shadowlands expansion. This comparison is kind of lacking.

I was joking. I didn’t demand anything. Like a fight in the Blizzard parking lot… ya know?

You came into this thread guns blazing saying that I an not a ‘real’ RPer and that I am being disingenuous about my love and commitment to role play. That’s just RUDE. Going to stay clear of you in game lol.

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(Re-post to not be a direct reply to any said person)


If you don’t know how it effects you, either read up on it or wait until launch.

#PullTheRipcord is not something against RP’ers or RP in general it was something to try to have Blizzard understand and avoid making a mistake for the third expansion in a row.

What’s different this time… is this time they blew a big plume of smoke up their loyalists a** with using RP as a :poop: excuse. Now I can’t speak for everyone behind said #

But in my opinion I don’t even want Covenants to be switch-able, all I want is the abilities to be in a Talent row or something similar to be switchable when needed.

As with 12 Classes and 4 abilites per Class (Ignoring the signature) there is very little chance of Blizzard being able to “balance” all of those abilities to be at least use-able with all 3 specs. (2 if DH, 4 if Druid)

Fun fact:
If your curious why it’s called #PullTheRipcord it’s because Ion used that analogy during a interview. And it works fairly well, as a ripcord is the string you pull to deploy a parachute.

What I’m wondering is if Blizzard will let Shadowlands go splat before pulling it.

Anyways, have a nice day. :wave: :slightly_smiling_face: