RPers Unite Support #pulltheripcord

This won’t happen right now why spam more threads?

Bipzi never said anything of the sort. Why are you trying to put words in her mouth?


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This seems a lot like they’re saying that an RPer would not hold the opinion of wanting to choose for strength. If I misinterpreted, I apologize, and would be glad to hear what you actually meant.

You’re right though, this was something Silver said earlier, and I just kinda carried it over, my bad. I am sorry for that.

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It’s not about conforming to some “vision”. It’s about how much time is in the day. A lot of people have to pick and chose what they have time for. Many RP sessions last longer than raids for example. I know people that only just now hitting 120 on their RP character. I never can, nor want to enforce some grand vision of RP, but that doesn’t change the challenges that people face trying to do both. It’s like your spitting in their faces and calling them not good enough.

Gotta say I agree with this. I don’t do hard core RP, but I do head cannon. I haven’t even researched the powers from each covenant. I am solely deciding based on how I am taking my character.

My DKs are prob going Maldraxxus
This warrior is prob going Kyrian
My Druids - night fae.
I might take my blood elf DK Revendreth

Again, I am just focusing on what’s right for each character. And I don’t consider myself a serious RPer. Just someone who has fun with different characters

So, I’ll ask you the same thing I asked Silver. Why are people restricted to being one thing? Why can’t a player choose to play to be the strongest player they can be, and also be a RPer? Why do you get to dictate what they are?

Nobody, literally nobody, said they had to be restricted.

They absolutely can.

He wasn’t, and neither is Bipzi.

I think you’re projecting something here into the situation that isn’t part of this conversation.



Apology accepted. That said, respect. It takes a better person to admit when they are wrong.

Did you just ignore everything I said or what?

He says, right there, that if you choose to play a strong character, you’re a min/maxer, not an RPer.

Silverleigh said that, not Cairnage or Bipzi.


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#PullTheRipcord my guys.


Can you show me where I am dictating what anyone else can be?

All I stated was this is my thought on it. I get why Blizzard is doing what they are doing and it doesn’t bother me

Cairnage as good as said it. And I already apologized for lumping Bipzi in, that was a mistake on my part.

I said I agree with what they said. I also agree with Blizzard as they are saying it.

Blizzard appears to be designing the covenants as something as important as race class and faction in WoW. Since Blizzard is designing it this way it is a choice like race class or faction and it DOES affect RP.


The whole argument that covenants as they are in any way reflect a well made RPG mechanic or a ‘meaningful choice’ has had more holes poked through it than Murphy in Robocop.

It’s disingenuous and always seems to come from those who don’t understand how it’s going to actually work - the covenant system is a mess, OP and others are right to voice disagreement with it, and the system needs change.



You agreed with them dictating what a person is based on their choice.

And it doesn’t matter as much as race, faction, or class choice…because these will be gone in two years. Races, classes, and factions will still be here.

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Are you sure covenants will be gone? We can assume but there may be a reason Blizzard is pushing this.

Have yo Sever thought of arguing with them about why they are doing something instead of people who are simply responding to the way Blizzard is setting things up?

Edit - I hope to the LIGHt that factions are gone in 2 years!

That’d be good, if they did it correctly

Tying player power to a decision that should be purely cosmetic / story driven isn’t the way to go about it.

Also keep in mind things like faction & race can be changed with a paid service and you have the option of making alts to try other Classes.

You don’t have that with player power tied to covenants.

What you have, is a poor excuse for Blizzard to insert a mindless grind into something as simple as wanting to change Covenants for a different ability. Something that should be as simple as a few clicks, dragged out for whoever knows how long.

Just to sate “RP” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just being clear, I’m talking about the Class specific covenant abilities. Not soulbinds.

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Is someone questioning my RP cred? Lol.

RP duel… gates of Org NOW!

…yes, covenants will be gone. They exist entirely within the realm of the Shadowlands. We’re not going to be hanging out in the afterlife forever. It’s borrowed power, if Blizzard wanted to saddle us with 2 new abilities taking up spots on our bars forever, they wouldn’t go through the trouble of designing covenants for it, they’d just give us the new talent rows.

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