RP Server Rules?

Are the rules for RP servers going to be enforced?
I recall a persistent and stricter enforcement of the ingame rules, and I only played on a Normal PVE realm. This included enforcing the Naming rules and seemed much harsher on things said in chat. Should the RP servers have these rules enforced like they were originally, and perhaps even stricter for RP circumstances?


The RP naming policy is strict, and for everything else we have RCR.


I don’t think it’s a good philosophy to be strict about rp rules, my only thing is that if you’re on an rp server, don’t troll rp.


Basically just don’t be a jerk to people around you and you can RP however you want. Not everyone will want to roleplay with a half elf bronze dragon time traveler, but if you find people who do…no one can stop you. Just don’t disrupt others.


Perhaps also it is a matter of “how strict” sure “RP rules” are one thing, but what about the basic ingame rules in public chats, and particularly RP naming is going to come up I feel like. Seems mostly it will just follow suit from how current RP realms are? A good example would even be that name above, “Lagspike” that wouldn’t be allowed in typical rp naming rules, but just for an example, I’m sure that would be fine in current retail RP realms? Where is the line drawn D: Even jaina!

Here’s my tip for playing on an RP server- be polite. Treat your character with respect and everyone else with respect.
If you’re not in the mood to RP, politely excuse yourself and go about your business.
Never, ever troll RP players. They’re there so they don’t bother Normal/PVP servers, they’re where they’re supposed to be, and you’re in the wrong for trolling them in game.
You wouldn’t do it in RL, don’t do it in RP.


My dwarf war on BB has a 3 letter name. It will coincide with how i RP. I will use the ooc and not interrupt anyones RP

I just hope im not going to get reported because my name is not rp enough like




if you read the naming policy, those names you mentioned being “rp enough” are actually absolutely NOT rp friendly at all


The hard part is that some people are more expecting than others when it comes to interactions. Sometimes people get upset if you accidentally clip your mount onto them while they’re at the mailbox, othertimes people are perfectly fine with meta game knowledge being used in RP events. It really comes down to the players you surround yourself with - this is why it’s best to find a guild that suits your expectations on an RP server and as Lunabrow said “treat… everyone else with respect”

All of those will be reported too, simply for multiple words.


It was silly names to get the point across. Rp has different levels is my point. Dont report a guy named “Carl” because you feel its not rp enough for your taste…

For all you know. “Carl” killed 15 dragons holding nothing but a gnomish shrink ray


I guess what I’m getting at is, on the tests, the global, general, trade- all the chats. They were pretty bad. Without sounding too “snowflakey” I don’t think the RP realm should be allowed to get as bad as that, and would ruin the integrity of the realm ruleset itself, it also brings the question, how moderated are the other realms going to be? Will a conversation, or topic, that is seemingly allowed on a pvp server’s trade chat, be treated the same way as if it were taking place on the RP realm’s trade chat? Even if the pve and pvp realms get moderated slightly inline with “darules” a lot of the playerbase is in for a wake up call, a guess rounds of silences may make a good point early on? Not sure

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Anyone going around reporting your name just because it’s not RP enough in trade chat isn’t gonna be well liked by the general server.

Now if you go around disrupting other people’s RP, or breaking the general rules, THEN you’re free game to get got.

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But is Carl rp friendly name xD if he’s human i think, sure, 0.o
it says im replying to you but it isnt ;( im new
wait, i see it now replying xD

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I am on BB and have one on grobb as well. Best times on this game was in ED when RP was fresh. Looking forward to it

Well what is your name lols:)

This is why I made myself a human mage named Katelynn. Plain name, plain looking farmgirl who has big magic aspirations. The name doesn’t have to display big aspirations; they can convey humble roots.


Mug…The Tavern Touring Dwarf :slight_smile:


What is the rp/ooc preference for each chat channel (General, Trade, Local Defense)? For example, is it OK to be ooc in General, but you must be rp in trade because this is your character selling their wares or their booty?

Usually any of the numbered channels are OOC. Custom channels and Guild/Officer chat are set by their communities. Say is almost always IC. Yell is the grey zone…