#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Announce it Blizz or I will send over the Confession Machine to get a yes out of each of you. “Yes there will be a RPPvP server!” Yeah! See how much better that is than this…


Day 24

The Overlords speak but not to us. Not regarding our cause.

I look around this meeting. While some have bickered and disagreed, we all agree on one thing. RP PvP is what we need. In time we will know if our pleas have fallen on deaf ears, or if our Overlords value us.


Happy 4th of July to all it matters to.

Blizz, I know you are enjoying the day as you should. Maybe playing a round of golf. But remember, don’t bet against the Baby!


Happy 4th all, I won’t be posting as much today. Son’s 6th birthday today and he demands a rainbow cake with rainbow frosting with rainbow sprinkles with dinosaurs drawn on the outside. :laughing:


Happy Birthday to your son…

Edit: I love dinosaurs too…for my mount!


Lots of blue posts surrounding EU language specific realms and even AUS getting their own dedicated Classic servers.

Can we get confirmation one way or another – this has been the second to last thing that has yet to be answered about classic wow!

Realm types and server names.

Are we going to have to wait till the name save?

Even a blue post with a silly joke to know the community mods even care about this would be great representation!

We just want to know so the RP-PvP community can make plans on other realms!


I don’t play on RP servers but see the need for this.

I encourage all RP guilds to ask their members to come here and sign this. As you saw with the EU realms fiasco, get enough posts (with a consensus) and they WILL listen.


I’m going to add myself here also, on the behalf of myself and a friend who will also be playing with me. I took for granted there would be a RP-PvP server (silly me) so this just boggles my mind. I really hope they change this because I don’t want to invest into a character that I may become attached to (IC and gamewise) only to end up debating re-rolling and starting all over. What a terrible - and weird - decision on Blizzard’s part.

Edited for typo.


The only consensus is that Role Players who strongly enjoy the most complete version of World of Warcraft – that is RP-PvP need a server or it splinters our community further!


Pls give us one rp pvp server. thank you


Which is ample justification for their implementation of course :). They are vital.


I think RP-PvP would be a great addition. It will also help avoid disruption (now or later) of other server types.

Yes, please.


It’s not fair to open RPPVP servers later than other servers and have them lag behind in fresh attempts at world firsts for Classic, or to have people reroll 40 levels into their toon when you do decide to do a U-turn. Make the right choice from day 1, include an RPPVP server for EVERY group that has its own servers (e.g. US, OC, FR DE).


Please give us the option to play an RP-PVP Realm from the start!


RPPVP Server!


At this point, I really can’t see Blizzard NOT giving us an RP-PVP server. They probably didn’t realize there was this much interest in that realm type at the time they announced not having them.

What’s the worse that could happen if they allow one or two? The RP-PVP realms are dead, everyone rolls elsewhere and Blizzards gets to say I told you so. No real skin off their nose, or bottom line.


I think one thing they don’t realize is that many different types of people roll on RP-PvP realms too. Some of us aren’t as into serious roleplay (although we won’t disrupt it), but we like the atmosphere of these types of servers. They tend to have more welcoming players, dedicated players, better faction balance, more spontaneous world activity and events, and just a good environment overall.

I enjoyed getting invited to events even though I wasn’t a well-known.


My fear is there won’t be one at launch, but then they’ll add an RP-PvP realm later, after I’ve already invested a lot of time into my character.


This seems more likely, but to get one from day one all RP communities need to get in here and send this thread into five figures.


Starting to get the feeling that as long as they do not respond, there is always a case for plausible deniability.