#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Sign me on to this petition. I have never played an RP or a PvP server but I would absolutely roll toons on a RP-PvP server.

This should ABSOLUTELY happen in Classic, insane that it’s not. C’mon Blizz… ONE super nerd combat server?

DO IT!!!


Throwing in my lot with the RP-PVP. If they came out I’d 100% roll my main on one. Right now I’m completely torn between a PvP or RP server.


I need my PvP enabled server. If they deny us, the community will be scattered and weak, as everyone attempts to find a home, but they will not. The RP community will be disrespected as a whole on a plain PVP server, and will make them leave.


The fact is simple Blizzard.

You have enabled the community on retail, RP-PVP servers were a choice that existed for 14 years.

Only with the addition of Warmode did this community become “hidden” behind the current server rule sets. Emerald Dream and Wyrmrest Accord remain some of the most populated realms. Not to mention the combined lesser populated RP-PVP realms.

Giving only one realm is an underestimation of the community, not giving any is intentional disregard or masked statistics hidden behind the games current rule sets.

We are only asking for one.


Especially since RP-PVP is a label, not a mode. The RP element of RP servers is purely in the player’s treatment and GM’s expectations and rule applications.

For all intents and purposes RP-PVP is a PVP server with less bro’s.


Keep up the good fight everyone! We’ll get a responce… Eventually!


To me, normal realms are like bland pasta with not a lot going on, RP normal realms are like pasta with red sauce (which makes it better), PvP is like a fastfood burger that you crave when you’re hungry but with nothing to drink with, and RP-PvP is THE burger you like the most with a nice ice-cold glass of your favorite soda and fries on the side :thinking:

It has just a lot of passion and things going on, and it might not be the safest or healthiest thing to have, but it’s the one you crave for the most and it’s the most satisfying meal out of those ‘-’


Me if there is an RP-PVP server at launch :heart_eyes:
Me if there is no RP-PVP server at launch :rage:

You have the power to choose, Blizzard. Make the right choice. At least 1 RP-PVP.


Day 4

The lack of a response makes my hope wane. I fear we will never get a response and ultimately have no home. The support of others invigorates me to continue with the journey.

The hope and promise of finding a home endears all of us, horde and alliance alike. Even though we may be enemies, we are one in purpose. United to find a place for all in Azeroth.


Give them their realms!!!


Once Server Names are announced pick a server announce it on the forums, get community support for your project and flood it RP names when August 12th/13th hits. Perhaps they can flag it RP-PvP before official launch or even before Name Save Day.


No way.

They should be seeing our desire for a home, our desire for a RPPVP server for our community.

I’m heavily concerned that not a single one, or even a blue post, has been delivered yet.

2 months to go til we get to save names… Still some time…

I will post here everyday in hopes of garnering attention. :heart:


They have not even fixed the lock demon bug, or the FP in a group bug… It is easy to slap RP in front of a PvP Server…


Yes, and I am also concerned with the current exploiting of Layering on beta right now. :cold_sweat:

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Come on Blizz. Don’t make me keep posting these:

Give me my RPPvP


The community demands a post addressing our concerns for RPvP to be met!

  • RPvP Server(s) need to be included as they were in Vanilla, back in patch 1.8
  • RPvP Server(s) were demanded by the community in 2005
  • RPvP Server(s) must be added to World of Warcraft: Classic@ LAUNCH
    (Failing to do so compromises the already’too niche’ community)
  • RPvP Server(s) Affords Role-players and mature community members the choice of a contested, immersive world in a community of like-mined characters

Honestly, RPvP is a no brainer. Some of us have had our hearts, minds, guilds and wallets set on an RPvP server for World of Warcraft: Classic.

Don’t let me down again after BFA, Blizzard.


Not good enough – expect to see RPvP server name(s) or riot!


Say what Ion…

This deserves another one Ion. I feel like the dog. EDIT: This is what happens to young hunters with unhappy pets. Lucky he has his FD up.


European player here, I used to play on french realm Culte de la Rive Noire, an RP-PvP server. Was a proud member of Pavillon Noir (Black Flag), a RP-PvP guild from 2005 to 2011, having a pirate lore. We had strong ennemies, like Trident du Fou, a horde RP-PvP guild also revolving around pirate roleplay. How many events we organized together ? Hard to tell. We claimed STV as our home and only Cataclysm dislodged us from our boat.

We’re reforming the guild, nearly 10 years after it disbanded, because we think Classic is the perfect place to organize events and do Wild PvP. And for that, we need RP-PvP server. We were really shocked to learn that some people think it’s a niche demand. I created a test account and levelup that character just to be able to support this demand for french-speaking players.

Keep up the good bumps !

edit : and I am strongly against adding them after release, that would actually kill the community. If not available at launch we will settle on a PvP server at launch, but will NOT reroll even 1 week after launch since we will already have a reputation and a community, while new joiners interrested by rp-pvp realms will not be able to join us ! :frowning: Come on, it’s at launch that it’s important, not after !



Please give us our RPPvP server. You refuse to respond so I had to dig deep on this one. They will keep coming every day until we get our server. Enjoy the Night Elf in Goldshire: