#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

Thanks for the post Pintero.

Was originally excited for this game.

I just turned 40 and personally will not be coming back to this game if there are no PVP servers to choose from.

Just my two coppers.


Well, I look at it more like “offering constructive feedback” honestly. It’s great too that the community is doing the same thing. No-one’s slinging out ultimatums or raging. Every post here is well thought out and constructive.


I agree we are being very tame, no sky is falling, no AV 1.12 will kill us all. we are very respectful, all we want is Emerald Dream 2 Electric Boogaloo. That could even be the server name for all I care, the rule set is that important to me.


Please I beg the Classic team to consider one RPPvP realm! My entire current guild and all my friends were going to roll on an RPPvP realm

For some of us, the entirety of our retail Vanilla WoW experience was on an RPPVP server!

RPPvP is home for some of us. Please, let us come home, too…


I’m happy about the spell batching news, but it’s bittersweet watching people pour praise onto Blizzard while we might not get our servers. /:


I might not play Classic if no RPPVP server.


There is literally a poster named HOTCHICKIRL There’s no way blizzard would deny us information now. STAND FIRM Justice will prevail our hearts are righteous.


If they decide no RPPvP, maybe we should have a truce on a PvP server? I do think they’re incorrect on it’s too niche because Emerald Dream was thriving for an incredibly long time because of how renowned it was for PvP and RPPvP.

Warmode being implemented hit it pretty hard sadly enough, but it could be a different story on Classic because WPvP is going to be poppin’.


Classic is perfect for a RPPVP realm. What is the harm in having one RPPVP server?


Little did you know, small indie companies have limited server facilities.

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I played on SWC since the start of BC. What was your name?

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Not a bad idea but maybe hard to do

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The bad part of the idea is starting over if they decide a while after launch that “hey, I think people actually wanted this, like for reals” and open a couple.

Ion and his buddy Lore need to become more knowledgeable concerning this “niche” before release.


We need an RP-PVP server, thank you for fighting for us.


Actually he is wrong. Emerald Dream, a former RPPVP server, has the 12th most 120s of all servers, the 2nd most of RP/RPPVP servers, and more than his server of WyrmrestAccord. Moon Guard has slightly more people than Emerald Dream; I guess ERP sells better than PVP.


We will not stop fighting – what we need is a blue post with realm types! I have good faith blizzard is making a game for the players. I know it’s a business model. I loved the old Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo games. The Blizzard team used to love their games and the people who played them.


I’m expecting a news to be released at PAX.

Personally i can’t get into any PvP past bc plus, i rolled on moonguard to start an think 70 guild. Sadly no rppvp guilds when I started and didn’t get into rp till i hit a wall in t5 and had to stop playing, despite everything else Moonguard and WRA are just the most known rp servers out there atm.

The game itself just doesn’t seem as pro pvp as it use to. Vanilla is much more pro PvP, since the world is so vicious and dangerous rppvp fits in perfectly with it though honestly lol, if you ever say people erp on wra they’ll jump up and down and slam there fist, even though in my experiences they are almost as bad, but we aren’t here for server politics but to push outs agenda


I think Blizz just made it so easy not to engage in PvP. It’s almost a hassle to bother doing any. Even if you flag, there’s no certainty the opposing faction will flag themselves. So, even tho “you can if you want to”, you really can’t. It takes two to tango. It’s just not the same as being autoflagged the minute you set foot into contested territory. That whole element is missing. To me, it’s a necessary part of the game. To have it effectively removed, really, really diminishes the experience.
To go along with that, it’s the RP-PvP community that gets invested in faction squabbling. They’re much more likely to escalate / resolve the wpvp goings-on. They make not only the game, but the world itself, seem so much more alive.


I certainly hope there are RP-PvP realms. Emergent gameplay/story by people who like that can be great - speaking as old Emerald Dream - US player who loved the server.