RP-PVP Confirmed for Classic

Is “I’m only trying to enforce Blizzard’s rules” the new hotness amongst antisocial tendencies? First that guy who’s mad that people aren’t RPing right, now this guy who’s mad that people aren’t PvPing right.

Anyway, it’s perfectly possible to be antisocial while still following fictional rules and has been since “I’m not touching you, so you can’t get mad” was first uttered in a backseat.


I like donuts.

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Oh sweetie please get off of your cross and take stock of all your bullying here over the years and while you are at it, stop acting like the perpetual victim… I don’t think many people are buying it here anymore. I don’t have the time or inclination to go a dozen pages about it again with you.


You are making up your own rules again, Ursula. You don’t get to impose your rules on anyone.

If it’s red its dead… is supported by the ToS. (the actual legally binding contract thingy you signed and agree to…every time you log in)

Sure thing. See you the next time you pop up to get angry at me on behalf of someone.

I’m not mad at anyone lol. And I am not saying people aren’t pvping correctly… I am saying that if people are not wanting/willing to engage in WPVP to defend their RP events from attack…they should read the ToS and choose the appropriate realm type.

Questionable at best, but that’s a different discussion entirely.

The definitions of servers provision the ability to kill anyone flagged whenever you want, but not the requirement. A GM is not going to ban you because you didn’t kill that one person in Vol’dun. No one is going to take over your character to make you cast Fireball on that one mage wearing a level 20 green robe.

Technical legality doesn’t give you immunity from social consequences.


Lol. Luckily for me then I am 50 and have pretty solid RL social foundations so yeah… if people are madz at me for killing them in a video gamez… we’ll… I just bless them and send them on their way (and the ignore feature works well too!)

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Well, I think younger people really invest a lot in the social aspects of WoW… and internet friendships in general. I respect that perspective but do not share it.

I tend to RP with more mature people. Who enjoy RP and PVP…and don’t get butt hurt over a spirit run.

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This statement is at odds with your desire to inflict your presence upon them unwillingly.

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You are making assumptions again. My hope is that everyone enjoys PVP as much as I do. I don’t think PVP is a zero sum experience. I think everyone can have fun. I enjoy losing bgs almost as much as I do winning bgs (if the game is a good game)

I think its called sportsmanship.

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No one is making assumptions. You’re merely moving the goalposts by pretending people are irritated about PvP rather than your desire to attack them when they want to be left in peace. Hence why these two statements…

Are at odds.


Also, while I’m sifting through contradictions…

Why is it bad for people to assume things about you, but okay for you to assume things about others?


No these statements are not at odds. On RPPVP realms many of the RP event organizers (including myself) advertise their sincere desire that their events get attacked. People many people… RPPVP is a combined experience. Rping under the pressure of war is experience we crave.

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Yet you already said you assume that people want to PvP with the same intensity you do and attack them based on that assumption.

Now you’re changing your argument to that you only attack people who request it?

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I attack absolutely everyone. And do sincerely hope that they do not get upset by their corpse run… as I do not get upset by my corpse runs. Is this not a fair assumption? Should I assume that everyone flagged for PVP does not want to PVP?

I believe that Enekie is actually a hyper advanced argument bot and at some point we lost the off button.



The word you want is “mocked.”

I am honestly astonished any living person is taking that argument seriously.

Oh. Well, that bit of context helps.


Anyone seriously discussing this topic is an idiot of the highest order and not someone who should be taken seriously

I wish it surprised me


Lion King, anyone