RP-PVP Conclave - **Updated Link**

I don’t want to have to go this route! I want RP-PvP servers read my post, i’m demanding RP-PVP @ Launch!

From the get go… the only difference of an RP-PVP server over an RP server is the “PVP” functionality option. The only difference between RP-PVP and the PVP server is the player mindset. If you want the RP experience you can technically roll on any server. Thus if you want the PVP experience you “NEED” and are 100% required to roll on a PVP server for an RP-PVP experience.

The option for a straight RP server is 100% out of the question if your pushing for RP-PVP. The server has to be a PVP or you lose that entire pvp feel.

My suggestions is have all RP-PVP enthusiasts agree to roll on the PVP server that starts with some agreed upon letter. That is what the guilds on my server’s community are doing and so far its running pretty smoothly.

I suggest you guys do the same just make it for “PVP servers” instead of “PVE servers” .

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I anticipate being forced into having to use a Blizzard Group for Classic RP-PvP events on said PvP server. We will continue to fight for RP-PvP!

Emerald Dreamer posting my support. :hugs:

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Well to be fair, RP servers where given “Special” treatment on the basis of there server type alone, if you couldn’t handle the idea of the server type you didn’t roll there, naming policy etc come to mind. Not saying i disagree with you, i don’t agree with special treatment of folk but Blizzard sometimes hint otherwise.

In my experience people seldom do this, infact it’s even sometimes encouraged to force conflict in em haha.

I’d most likely go with CST due to high want on both East and west coast, also eU.

This is only common on RP servers not RP-PVP servers.

Hm, the best course of action is to have anti grief guilds and or squads to work out deals with, or to make a agreeable enough community. Much like this happens in current RP community’s people still do Anti RP stuff on Anti RP servers. But i myself think a Case by case basis is the best way to deal with it. Being reasonable with agreeable enough folk can work wonders.

I agree with this 100% I myself will not roll on a PVE server. RP-PVP or PVP for me, those who disagree with my i do truly. Wish you the best of luck, but those who agree with me. Let us work together to build something. Every voice, every person is a brick, and you need quite a lot of bricks to make a decent home and community.

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Lol what’s the point of the empty discord where those who join are booted w/in an hour for no reason? Rejoined a couple times just to see the list continually culled and then booted again :rofl:


Not an RPer, but I support this and would play on an RP PVP server. I like the RP community.

Is there any way to get a count of those who want an RP PVP server?

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I thought it was something on my end for a bit with this, I suggest getting this fixed op.

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Server names and types will be announced before August 13.

Let’s just keep supporting the big RP-PvP thread. We can worry about Plan B if Blizzard let’s us down.

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Take over a PvP server for RP-PvP and recreate the glory days of ED.

200 v 200 WPvP every day until DHKs force us to grief world bosses for PvP Wars!

Speaking from experience, you can expect little enforcement on an RP server, and no enforcement whatsoever on a PvP server for anything less than harassment. Just abandon the whole run-to-mommy angle right now, and embrace the need for thick skin.


We need an RP-PVP realm :frowning:


@jezalik / @ashran I dont know why or how that’s happening!

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Just RP them away from that server.

Anyway this is just as bad as it is. We need RP-PvP servers.
Same for EU (even though the RP-PvP issue there is getting shadowed by the International Servers’ issue)

I did some looking and from what I read it might have to do with the link being used, apparently it can kick people after a certain amount of time if not set right. It might be set to a temporary option.

Closest I saw was this:


I’m all for an RP-PvP server, but acting like it’s the Battle of Britain is not endearing and not conducive to getting your message across.

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It also sounds kinda spoiled considering most MMOs out there don’t even designate an RP server anymore. The community does exactly what I hope this thread is for based on its title. Pick a server, all roll there, and slowly force out the non-RPers.

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UPDATE ON THE DISCORD: Issue has been resolved!
@Jezalik, You we’re correct! It has since been fixed! New updated posts on Barrens Chat and Reddit up now as well!

Edit: new link discord.gg/KTPgfZz

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Nice to hear, glad it got solved man. Always annoying when problems like this happen lol.

Hope to see the discord grow.

Yes please to RP-PVP. Always glad to see more activity on this front. It’s getting too down to the wire to leave it up to chance. Time to be the squeakiest wheel so we can get our oil.