It was a bustling day in the streets of several Alliance and Horde cities. The vendors were vending, the guards doing their regular patrols, wolves were howling and the horses trotting everywhere. Yet all over the Alliance and Horde cities, hired goons could be seen handing out fliers, and nailing the fliers on top of bulletin boards. Many of these hired goons were pinning these fliers where the shouldn’t have been. From city to city these hired goons would harass and hand out fliers to any patron that walked by. When the guards tried to stop them and ask questions, they ran.
The letters notes read:
Greetings to you Alliance or Horde. I Ravenhul Thaladrad wish to host a special event . On the 8th day of next month I will be hosting the most finest ball seen in ages. Please come, join us! Grab a drink, as many will be served. Enjoy the feast. Compliments of the one and only Ravenhul Thaladrad. Only finest meals will be served. Thank you, and may the light embrace you.
Greetings Emerald Dreamers, Wyrmrest Accordians, And Moonguardians. I’m starting a cross-realm RP Event 3 of these servers. I wanted to bring up discussion and get these three bastions of RP and RP-PvP Talking to each other. I will be using discord to discuss things OOC. All RPers are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Where: Shattrath City at the World’s End Tavern. Will be hosted on the Wyrmrest Accord Server.
When: Decemeber 8th 2018 09:30 PST(Wyrmrest Accord Server Time) 11:30 CST (Emerald Dream and Moonguard)
What: What to do? Drinks will be served, I recommend discord as I will bring up some topics, to discuss. **Make sure Warmode is off**.
Who: Both factions and ALL RP’ers are welcome. Smaller servers like Shadow Council, or Ravenholdt feel free to join us, as we are seeking participants.
I also heavily recommend the add-on “Cross RP” as well as joining the channel. (It will help because Ravenhul will be giving a speech)
If you have any topics or any suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact me in game or whichever means. I’m also on twitter.
Pretty sure this would be seen as treason and associating with the enemy. Enjoy getting swamped by Horde RPers wanting to slaughter you and those attending the event.
If I remember correctly Shattrath City is a neutral city, Ic and OOC. Just because some people support the war doesn't mean everyone does. Seem like an interesting event, I'll keep an eye on it on my more neutral characters.
I've done some cross-faction rp, and some cross-realm rp, and rp that is both cross-faction and cross-realm. What I can say is that logistically it is much more difficult to do both of these. There were times where we had to drop rp because suddenly the Horde or Alliance were thrown into a different realm or phase* and we had no reliable way to switch back even when relogging or going to a different zone. I would recommend you pick to be either only one faction, or one realm.
* This also made cross-faction rp difficult in new zones even when we were in the same realm. I heard our realms are not supposed to shard but it feels like they do at times anyways. Perhaps in an old zone this won't be an issue?
If I remember correctly Shattrath City is a neutral city, Ic and OOC. Just because some people support the war doesn't mean everyone does. Seem like an interesting event, I'll keep an eye on it on my more neutral characters.
Unfortunately, I already promised my own group that I’d be hosting some stuff for them that night, but I am always down to support another RP host. Giving this thread a bump!