Greetings Emerald Dreamers, Wyrmrest Accordians, And Moonguardians. I’m starting a cross-realm RP Event 3 of these servers. I wanted to bring up discussion and get these three bastions of RP and RP-PvP Talking to each other. I will be using discord to discuss things OOC. All RPers are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Where: Shattrath City at the World’s End Tavern. Will be hosted on the Wyrmrest Accord Server.
When: Decemeber 8th 2018 09:30 PST(Wyrmrest Accord Server Time) 11:30 CST (Emerald Dream and Moonguard)
What: What to do? Drinks will be served, I recommend discord as I will bring up some topics, to discuss. **Make sure warmode is off.**
Who: Both factions and ALL RP’ers are welcome. Smaller servers like Shadow Council, or Ravenholdt feel free to join us, as we are seeking participants.
I also heavily recommend the add-on “Cross RP” as well as joining the channel. (It will help because Ravenhul will be giving a speech)
((To find out more, click this link or contact me ))
((Reserved for Updates))
This seems like a really cool idea. I'm definitely down.
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11/12/2018 08:56 PMPosted by ShujaThis seems like a really cool idea. I'm definitely down.
((Thank you))
RAVENHUL! Hello old frienemy, I've missed your face!! <3 You know Tyr still thinks he's dead, but luckily for me she isn't likely to be going to any neutral place any time soon, so I can come on someone who won't have to try to kill him on sight. Woot! I'll let the guild know!
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It’s a honor to see you around Tyrnathera. I’m sure if Tyr was to show up it would likely result in Ravenhul being found dead shorty after the ball. Thank you for your guild’s participation. They are more then welcome! Feel free to contact me in game or here. This goes for anyone. I’ll be making announcements in the previous post too.
I am really looking forward to this event!
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((Just a reminder make sure warmode is off for the event.))
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Just spreading the info to the discords of my guilds. Hope to see a great turnout. Bumping!
((bump i hope to see ya’ll there
Make sure Warmode is off! Ravenhul#1694 is my btag