Rough M+ Affixes for Disc--Grievous + Spiteful

Strange thing to want.

It’s an age thing, I think, if you follow.

I think nail color has a positive impact on ability for priest.

Yea I did a 15 NW and the DPS weren’t on top of interrupts and I could never get a drink going. Pretty much have to survive with what you have between each pride

I managed a few keys yesterday but it was rough. The tank dropped after dying once in one key–and three quarters the way through when we might have timed–and prior to that with only one death. In another the tank also left halfway through. There were no offheals, and going into pride with zero mana and mana pots on cd was not fun. Some melee were consistently getting hit by spiteful.

My guess is it will get better soon. People or rather puggers anyhow, usually catch on after a day or two. With guild groups, you just never know.

This week sucks so much. Did my 4 weekly keys and called it good

Well, damn girl. You wimping out? I have healed more than 15 keys this week as disc, baby. Some were fine, to be honest, but lots of puggers out there continue, well… Clueless… Lol!

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I did a 14 for the vault and ten 12-10s for another vault. I like to get 3 choices, it also helps other ppl who need a healer.

I can’t see a reason to go above 14 though, so… I just don’t.

It can get really bad though, just depends who is in the group.

I healed a 16 with a friend of mine tanking on a bear. Two of us thought it was a 15 though, and did not even look at the timer the whole run… These guys were uber though, and I did not have to stop to get mana more than once or twice. It was amazing!!! I also healed a two chester 15 at Mists, but the deeps had some serious skill and got all of the kicks. Unbelievable!

I can’t find any good pugs. I just sit in the group finder getting a bunch of 1k IO huntards and warriors

Yeah, if you can avoid melee, do so. And huntards? Most never learn, but I dunno. Best tank this week is probably bear if you have a choice.

When is bear not the best choice haha.

I do prefer DH for the magic damage though. Gotta make my parses

Most Alliance DHs run or fly out of range of heals at some point most runs. That earns them a spot on my avoid list. Some are good though–horde ones with good scores rock.

Just did a 2, 4, 5 to help some newbs out. Wonderful

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It is fairly brutal. Timed a +12 HoA - but it seems that some still don’t understand you have to cc the spiteful mobs and can’t stand in junk for more than a second or two or you’re dead. Period. The second boss in SD is absolutely terrible this week.

When I do a 12, I really don’t care if they time it or not. If they arent, I’ll just say something to them and see what they do.


I timed a PF 14, helped having a great group. Even being a pug it went well. It was even fun.

Spiteful is the worst thing added to M+

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Its funny that the first week I started doing mythics was spiteful.

Hate those ghosts.

The success of runs this week especially depends on the tank planning out a good route. At HOA for example, a fair number of inexperienced ones still insist on jumping down after the second shard instead of taking the stairs. The success of timing that dungeon most weeks, and especially this one depends on having enough space to kite, outrange, etc.

A lot of tanks on the Horde side are light years ahead of Alliance tanks in this sense, among others.