Rooted While Flying Leads to Instant Death

While flying, players are immune to most all CC: stuns and fear effects namely. However, you are not immune to root effects. Namely, if you’re rooted while flying, you just drop straight to the ground.

There is at least one, though probably more, Druids flying around in TWW casting Mass Entanglement mid air and killing players instantly (essentially). I suppose if you’re a DH/Evoker/Mage/Hunter then you have outs to save yourself. But most players do not.

This happened to me and I used one of my gliders. However, as soon as I mounted and took off, the Druid did it again and… no outs this time!

This may not be a bug, but just like when knockbacks were first invented and Mages (Blast Wave) and Druids (Typhoon) were dismounting and killing players in BC, this needs to be fixed.


This is only the case for skyriding mounts, not steady flight, and it isn’t a bug, it’s simple physics because that’s what skyriding mounts use, why would it be fixed?

I’ll use Survival Hunters as an example here, I root people with Trackers Net.

If a net entangles any flying creature, that creature can’t fly anymore (they have a whole body net around them for crying out loud). They’ll fall straight to the ground and likely die. That’s what happens to you and your mount.

Well, it’s also physics that if I was on a Steady Flight mount (which is all there was in BC) and a freaking Typhoon hits me in the air, I would get knocked to the ground. However, Blizzard deemed that problematic and removed that mechanic from dismounting people, that being knockbacks in general.

Also, if I am immune to stuns while flying (Steady Flight and Skyriding) and most CC, it would just make it consistent to be immune to all CC while mounted (and off the ground, of course, as simply being mounted doesn’t immune you to any CC).

Not really, since steady flight mounts don’t follow normal physics. They stay constantly in the air. That sounded like a legitimate bug X)

What doesn’t sound like a bug is being entangled in a net and falling to your death. You can’t expect to fly when you got a net around you, come on.

You’ve always been able to be slowed and rooted while flying though. This has always been the case for steady flight and most recently skyriding. If they got rid of that, it’d be significantly harder to kill someone on any type of flying mount because they could just quickly fly out of range.

I think it makes perfect sense for someone to fall straight to the ground when they’re rooted on a skyriding mount (plus its the only way I can “dismount” those pesky druids, since they’re bugged to be immune to Whirling Surge and Net-o-Matic)

They really shouldn’t be.

Do NOT take this away. It’s one of the most hilarious way to kill people. Don’t take my fun away.

Just learn to use other ways to reduce/mitigate fall damage. There are plenty in the game. you just have to discover them.

Your justification is L2P? There are not slow fall options for all classes on a 30sec CD (which is what these Druids are using, Mass Entanglement) outside of abilities (Disengage, Blink, etc). If there was counterplay, in any way, that would be one thing. If you could Whirling Surge (or whatever the equivalent is on the new expansion gryphon mount) out of it, fine.

If you are being camped, for lack of a better word, with no outs that is not fun. I enjoy WPvP, I have War Mode on all the time, but this isn’t PvP: it is a mechanic in the game that instantly kills you (or I should say some classes) with no counter.

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I was having this same conversation with the same folks in another thread a little while ago. Apparently they consider one-shot mechanics when you avoid any meaningful sense of combat to be “PVP.” Baffling, but clearly I have misunderstood “World PVP” all this time.

Sounds like you guys just don’t know how to mitigate fall damage correctly. Once again, go research how to do it. It’s super simple on what you can use.

So yes, that is my justification. Not my fault you don’t know how to play the game correctly.

This is such a toxic response. #cringe

You disagree, and that’s fine. If you actually wanted to provide a justification, you would highlight the toys or items classes without mitigation Talents/Skills for falling have available.

I stand by my point that, in general, this is a mechanic that is detrimental to fun gameplay and should be looked at as there is VERY minimal counterplay for some classes.

Why would I give away my enemies tricks to combat my roots in air? Nah not gunna do that. Takes away my fun.

Lol what physics allow something to be rooted in midair?

Trackers Net is a root. It’s a net that covers the enemy. Any flying creature caught in a whole body net will fall lol. That’s the physics, they fall.

Skyriding uses a physics system is what I’m saying. Normal steady flight doesn’t.

But what about mounts that aren’t flying by mechanical motion? Why should your physics based net cause something that flies by levitation or rockets to fall to the ground?

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Because my net cancels levitation and rockets. It’s a magical net. Sorry, I don’t make the rules x)

Lol. “I just wanna use a mechanic to kill other players without having to PvP nor justify my own “actual” physics argument. Ktnxbye and glhf!”

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“I just wanna be able to play in War Mode with no risks! How dare they make flying dangerous!”

Seriously though, you’re missing the point. Skyriding requires continuous motion to stay airborne. You’ve always been able to be slowed and rooted while on any mount, and if youre completely rooted while on a skyriding mount and can’t move, your mount will fall.

What are you hoping for here? For you to just… stay floating in midair when you’re rooted? For you to be immune to roots while mounted?

Forgive me if I’m coming off rude but it sounds like youre asking for a safe space.

EDIT (In response to this):

If you really want me to try to justify it that badly, it’s still pretty simple. Regardless if a mount flies by levitation or rockets, it isn’t perfect. If it could fly purely off of levitation/rockets, that’d just be a normal steady flight mount at that point.

Skyriding as a whole, as said, requires you to be continuously moving to stay airborne. If you can’t move, i.e you’re rooted, you’re going to fall.

Lol I just want to complain how I don’t know how to use fall damage reductions effects, die, and then complain on the forums.

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@op just create a macro that dismounts you and then uses goblin gliders or a parachute. Problem solved, its really not that difficult. Hell, now a days you dont even need to be eng for goblin gliders.

That was changed in wrath. Very early in fact