i get it and i think most of were expecting gold from expired/canceled auctions to be rolled back at some point, but randomly doing it with no communication wasn’t cool.
logged on to find a lot less gold in my bags and i think it was close to what i got through expired auctions.
that parts fine but doing it without telling us beforehand is lame.
blizzard you tout about how you know you need to improve communication yet you fail to do so time and time again it needs to stop. all you had to do was send an email saying “hi ralph, we removed 42,817 gold from your account due to the auction house bug, thanks for understanding” but instead you did nothing and just yeeted the gold without saying anything
what company screws with someones account without a word
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If you exploit, and they fixed it, they don’t owe you an explanation at all. You risked it for the biscuit, and they took the biscuit back.
oh im sorry i didnt know i wasnt allowed to use the auction house as i normally would.
thanks for your valuable insight
but of course you dodged the entire purpose of the thread
You got your items back right? All you lost was the gold from the bug? What’s the issue then?
I see people saying in trade chat that they got hundreds of gold each for multiples of some item that wasn’t worth much, and they aren’t grasping that the items didn’t sell at that price.
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I am an honest guy. No such thing as a free lunch. They fixed an exploit and didn’t tell anyone so they couldn’t shift gold to their alt accounts. That makes sense to me at least.
wiggles toes
i promote callings, 3k gold per on a 3 day roll, kinda win
It was a bug that happened to anybody who canceled an auction for any reason. A lot of people cancel auctions all day as part of their normal play. Seems excessive to label them exploiters.
Not everyone was an exploiter, but it’s awfully hard to differentiate between the two to be fair.
wahhh i didn’t get to keep the gold i wasn’t supposed to have in the first place
it is still fake gold though, right?
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Groschen. Kingdom Come Deliverance my boy!
wiggles toes
ya i know quoting out of context is easy and reading is hard right
yall trollin
I mean. I am a troll? You are too.
wiggles toes
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so does this come down to token buying? oof
there’s no context required. they don’t have to deliver a personalized letter to you via certified mail to notify you that the gold you obtained through a bug, which you know perfectly well you don’t get to keep, is being taken from you on X date
I need the mail notarized too.
wiggles toes
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call me crazy but it wouldve been nice if there was no bugs on a technology so old it should’ve been mastered by now
i feel like there’s little control and a lot of “figure it out on the go” stuff going on.
still the gold is not real, game money