Roleplay: state of the servers

Anyone who says that the server is doing is kafka. The big three are MG which is full to high most times and then WRA and ED who are both at high. I’m not sure how they are claiming it took a hit with the server being as big as it is. If you are looking for RP, go to tinyurlDOTcom/wowsoa which is the Discord for the Soldiers of Azeroth. Also ED is Horde heavy. Not just a little bit, but alota bit.

There used to be very strong RP communities on both Horde and Alliance on Earthen Ring, but most of them are just simply gone, having left the game long ago. The cross realm connectivity has simply destroyed most realm communities. Back in the day, you knew most of the people you fought in battlegrounds and that meant something.

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Is this the same clique that tried to run MG Alliance back in WotLK and Cata?

When I started roleplaying, I chose human too. Pick whatever you’re comfortable with! Also, download TRP3 and just wandering around observing and reading profiles and what other folks are doing. It helps to get an idea of the pace/tone when you’re new to something. Moon Guard is pretty friendly, and roleplay is much looser if you’re just doing walk ups. Have fun!