Roleplay: state of the servers

Come to Soldiers of Azeroth brother! You’ll find like minded people here. It’s a community server that’s built on respect and trying to show kindness to each other. Then whipping butts of course. :wink: Hahahaha.


Also if you or your friends need help on ED, all you guys have to do is ask. I love helping people and making new friends in the process.

They do have a big community, but those people hurt alot of other people. They know excactly what they are doing to people. It’s done intentionally and they enjoy it. I still have characters there and I was on an alt and they didn’t know who I was. They were gloating about the people that they had hurt and how much fun that they were having at the expense of other people.

Their is a clique that runs between Moon Guard Alliance and Horde Wyrmrest Accord. You are expected to bow down and kiss their ring and if you refuse you become a toy for them to play with and not in a fun way either. At least now that can’t happen and Blizz has perma banned alot of people already for that kind of bevhaviour.

I started playing MMO’s in the 90’s before UO and before Meridian 59. Shadows of Yserbius on INN/TSN and the original Neverwinter Nights on AOL. I’ve played plenty of MMO’s since. I have never seen nor even heard of a more toxic group of players than those of the clique. You want to know what true actual evil is like? Start dealing with those people. You’ll see it soon enough.

Then their are the TRP’s just oh my God. Pretty much Steiner hit the nail on the head with that. When I left it was so bad people were cybering in the street in Stormwind.

So yes I definitely dislike MG and WRA (which I also played on and saw the same types of things).

Hey, if you know some terminally caustic people, name names. Help others duck interacting with them.

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That goes against the Social Contract and the TOS. That’s exactly what they do too. I’m sure some of them have been banned. I heard at least one person is afraid to say anything about me now at least lol. Their are actually a few good people on there. However, the bad people overshadow them which is really a shame.

I have never once encountered something like this in all my time playing on WrA and MG (I’m an ED transplant from like… five years ago.) It’s all about finding a good circle to run in. Like… I’m really sorry that your experience was horrible, but… I don’t even see any ‘pornographic’ trp profiles basically ever. Folks just like to generalize.

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Thats not the can do ED attitude! We’d drop names in an instant, no one is safe. I got lists of people I’d still camp to this day from ED, notable others too. Never pass up an opportunity to expand it. Unless of course there is perhaps more to the story and there aren’t actually people to bow down to.


If you would like to get banned, by all means, go right ahead. They’ve banned plenty of people already ( thank you Social Contract! :smiley: ) and I don’t intend to put my head next on the chopping block just before you tell me to. I will however report someone and put them on ignore without even thinking twice about it.

The game has changed, and people expecting the game and communities to be the same as they were 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago will have to adjust. Communities change, shrink, grow, and evolve overtime.

In era of Wrath, the game has 10+ million active subs. Long gone are those days. The last report we had for subscriptions was 2.5 million players. There is an overall reduction in player base size, which means shrinking communities.

In my honest opinion, a -few- servers would benefit from being closed and players allowed to transfer off. However, we don’t need something as radical as only 1 rp server. There is certainly a place for have multiple rp servers such as ED, WRA, and MG.

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I am betting that the game is on its way to being a single server game like Star Trek, Champions Online, DCUO, and I am sure I am probably missing a few. I wouldn’t mind that one bit as long as they gave RP’ers their own instance. DCUO has that with regular and PvP instances that you can go into.

I actually joined a while back, just haven’t been active yet due to in-game officer duties keeping me busy since the launch of DF. I’ll definitely be more active there shortly though.

Awww ok. I totally understand that. Loyalty is an admiral trait that I wished more people had. I don’t know if you have yet or not, but pass the word onto your guild. Looking forward to doing stuff with you and hopefully your guild.

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Welcome back! I unfortunately can’t really give you much info. I started on ED, moved to WrA when RP started to decline and then moved once again to Moonguard after taking a break.

Only speaking of Moonguard Alliance side I’ve been having a blast with rp! I havent joined a guild but I’ve joined up in a few different communities and I’ve been getting a lot of good character interaction from both randoms and the events that I go to. There’s been a few troublesome moments with powergamers and such but they have so far been few and far compared to everything else.

Fair warning the realms really like to slam on each other but honestly from experience they’re all about the same. They all have their good sorts and bad sorts. Some will tout the fact that a closer nit community is better and others say having more verity through a larger population is better. At the end of the day its all preferences. Mostly just people embracing tribalism and the ol monkey brain.

I myself prefer the larger community of Moonguard. From personal experience the closer nit communities tend to be really elitest in their RP. Kinda my way or the highway logic. They’ll define what “good” rp is despite it being opinionated and turn you away if that’s not what you enjoy. You get WAY less of that in large communities because no one oppinion dominates the landscape. However the downside is because everyone has different oppinions it causes comflicts of ideals and arguments start. Pros and cons and just which ones you want to deal with.


Word of advice, you are not going to get people to join your server like this.
I could go into detail about how bad it looks to constantly mud-sling every other post then turn around and say “btw join my Discord” but that is obvious to anyone reading.


Depends on what kind of vibe you want.

On MG, alliance has more folks. On WyrA, Horde does.

On the faction with the most people, you’ll generally find a wider variety, more relaxed-ish people with varying standards, but also more friction.

On the faction with less people, you’ll find more insular/niche RP, but they might be very specific about what they’re looking for in a RP guild member.

That said, Alliance seems to be better on the whole for walk-ups, while imo horde side is better for insulated guild RP. I don’t really know anything about the other RP srevers. Just depends on what sort of atmosphere you’re looking for - good luck!

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We have people coming to ED because they don’t want involved with what goes on, on MG and WRA. If you don’t like it, be better people. Even since I got back into the game, I played on both, tried both, tried to see if it’s changed and it has definitely not. I’m not a chat room RP’er and I will never sell out and be one.

On ED I’ve only ever found the RP like you find in a D&D game… and that’s the way RPG’s are supposed to be. I am so grateful that these forums have an ignore feature on them.

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No ones buying it.


Keep being an example of why MG and WRA (your server) are so bad and welcome to ignore. I do not answer to you or those like you.

Sure thing bud.
So much for ignoring and not answering to I guess. What are you even angry at me over? Lol

If you like RP or are new to RP feel free to join the Soldiers of Azeroth. While it’s centered around the Emerald Dream server, anyone is welcome to join and even join in on events. We run anchors in the group finder. We treat everyone equally here. It doesn’t matter what you do or who you are, it only matters that you care and respect others. The last event that we had was one of the best that I have ever seen online.

Soldiers of Azeroth

Weird advertisement method, you sell NFT’s or something?


So, I’ve run the near-gamut of 3/4 of the NA RP servers: WrA H, MG A, MG H, and spent a small amount of time on WrA A. While I have not roleplayed nearly at all on Emerald Dream, which is the only other large retail RP server that leaps to mind, I have friends who do and have done, so will attempt to give a brief summation of each option:

-WrA Horde was where I got my start, and honestly is pound-for-pound the best writing in an RP context that I personally have experienced. It’s pretty easy to find complex and engrossing characters, and it’s just as easy to develop interesting narratives and relationships with those characters on an IC level. However, a lot of the RP occurs in-game, and there’s not much by way of large “projects” in the vein of what you might hear about on Moon Guard. Most players tend to congregate in one part of Orgrimmar, and “events” do not often occur. However, it is by a wide margin the most populated place for Horde RP; walk-ups are always on the menu, if you would like them, and you will generally find more RP there than anywhere else for the Horde.

-MG Alliance is sort of the inverse of a lot of how I just described WrA H. A lot of the culture of that faction is rooted in large guild projects, though walk-ups are still entirely an option, and are usually dispersed throughout the entirety of Stormwind. You will find engrossing characters there as well, and can nurture plots and so forth with them, both in and out of the context of a guild or project. Unfortunately, the faction (and server broadly) is victim of itself pretty commonly, so OoC drama will sometimes flare up. Also, be forewarned; while the infamy of Goldshire has waned, the faction still contains all manner of tropes and cliches, both with respect to roleplayers and fantasy characters (for example, the Human Male Paladin archetype). It’s by far the largest roleplay community I’ve ever experienced, though Epsilon did take a toll on the population a little over two years ago; the server used to be competitive with MG in terms of overall population.

-MG Horde is, as many defensive individuals will rush to point out any time comparisons of the servers come up, also active. For the sake of the point, I will note that the largest Horde guild I can think of on the server is smaller than 150 people, whereas the largest guild on WrA is over 800. Walk-up roleplay is virtually nonexistent, so you will need to try and find a guild that works for you if you are set on Moon Guard for some reason. Horde RPers on the server do not lack in passion, but they are much more insular than their WrA counterparts, and no less prone to OoC drama in the way Moon Guard often is.

-WrA Alliance is a scene I know almost nothing about. I have found more walkup RP there than MG Horde, for example, but I don’t think I could name a single extant guild from that faction and server at present. I have heard that the roleplay is, as is seemingly true everywhere, available for people who want to look for it, but I wouldn’t even know where to begin such a search. The few interactions I’ve had on the server have been pretty pleasant, though.

-My friends on ED tell me that the server took a hit when Classic WoW was released and many people migrated to Grobbulus, but they also tell me that the server is, while much smaller than either MG or WrA, still active and facilitating things. Based on their accounts of the server, it seems the factions are much more balanced than either of the NA servers, which makes sense when one considers that the server’s focus is on RP-PvP. A few people don’t even RP outside of War Mode, so far as I know. If you are looking for a decent balance between content and roleplay, it’s a good choice because you can default to content if no roleplay is at hand, without feeling overly obliged by RP in the way that sometimes happens with larger servers.

Overall, any of these choices are serviceable, but Moon Guard is probably the best choice for Alliance roleplayers, and Wyrmrest is decidedly the best option for Horde roleplayers; Emerald Dream is worth exploring, as well. Even if it lacks fulsomeness like the NA servers, that doesn’t diminish the quality of the roleplay. There’s a reason you hear most people in the RP community endorsing MG A and WrA H.

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