Rogues are seriously overpowered

Good Lord, so now Instant Poison VI gets to deal 224-292 armor ignoring damage to warriors in PvP?? You just made a lot of rogues happy! I gotta dust off my Venomous Totem.

Uh rogues are one of the most important classes in competitive bg settings.

Besides Druid and main mage, rogue is the top 3 required classes for wsg.

Rogues are also required in pre vs pre AB for ninja capping


Guy truly is completely clueless about pvp for someone who claims to be a pvper huh


Not on retail they aren’t the best

Berserker Rage works on Gouge and Sap and can be up before or be used during the effect. If you fight enough Rogues as Arms you should have a sense for when they will Gouge to recover Energy or whatever they seem like they want to do next

Great Rogues are really tough no doubt. No offense to anyone but most Rogues are 1500-1800 caliber players at best and fight in a very scripted way

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Very specifically a dwarf warrior would have an answer to blind+gouge on their stone form. Rogue is still going to be able to reset 99% of the time and come back and do it all over again with prep while you have nothing. The class is not balanced and never was.

Warrior was supposed to be a counter class to rogues in vanilla, but rogue is so overloaded that at worst they will waste minutes of the warriors time and still get away. If it’s a BG they can still peel the warrior or cap the point. They still win.

World PvP will always be the stealth classes sandbox. There’s no escaping it. The arena is simply too big and there truly isn’t much of an auxillary objective except zone-out.

I say give rogue cloak of shadow and shadowstep
raise the ganking to another level :slight_smile:


You really believe this? You are talking about classic pvp?

One on one rogues can do very well with all cooldowns available and they really need all their cooldowns to do the things your complaining about.

In group pvp setting which is what really matters, warriors are a much bigger threat. They do not need cooldowns to do the outlandish damage they put out. Also rage is a much more OP resource than energy.

Rogue with a healer is annoying, warrior with a healer is OP. I think rogues are well designed and are good at what they were meant to do.

I have personally never played rogue in arena. But i have played holy paladin healing warriors and i have played warlock along side both rogue and warriors. I have also played a lot of shadow priest into rogue comps.

I will fight a rogue comp over warrior anyday. Give me RMP all day into WLD.

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They are OP in a 1v1 situation maybe 2vs1 with a good rogue.

The reason for this is a for the fact Blind is on the Prep CD reset, hens why it was taken off in TBC.

Prep is the whole key to this OPness and you missed it.

To not DR your stuns you need to wait out with sap which in a BG situation isn’t always easy to do. Alot easier in Wpvp though.

If you ever played Ph2 Rogues were mostly solo or in small groups inside of towns/main hubs. In big battles they are pretty much useless.

My point being - the grass is always greener.

If OP levelled a rogue to 60 I’m sure they’d see that it’s not some overpowered superclass. It has flaws and weaknesses like all others.

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Superior damage doesn’t equal a win in a group pvp setting, particularly with objectives-based Battlegrounds.


This guy knows the true MVP in group battles.

And that were only OP every 10 mins.

Been playing a rogue, they actually suck in 1v1s but are such beasts in wsg. Sure you can blow all your cds to basically win any 1v1. But it’s much better to blow all your cds lockdown like 4 ppl and kill the enemy flag carrier

Or blow your cds to peel the whole team off your fc

Rogue is all about that: sap, cheap, blind, gouge, vanish cheap, prep blind, gouge, vanish cheap. Whole enemy team does nothing

If you hate rogues just play a dwarf


Scripted, expected, practically waiting for him to do this. You are writing this like it is new, it isn’t.

I think you should make one. Come back here in 4 weeks after you are level 60 and tell us how you feel after all that winning because its 100% the class abilities making that possible.

Just so you are aware, I have on Era right now a 60 Paladin, 60 Rogue, and just started a Warrior and Priest.

TLDR, you got owned because you have lots to learn.


You dont need to tell him anything; guy said he was on the best BG team in SoM or something like that. Even said he had tons of Video. I still excitedly wait!


Lol, this is pure world of roguecraft energy right here.

“Aside from that one fight every five minutes, I’m a free honor kill!”


Nah, I know how good / bad the class is; I play it. Tho I have played everything the game has to offer in Classic excluding lock… Every class is in reality really strong if you play it well… Some are way easier at lower gear / skill levels, and others are easier once you the player get good.

Overall if you play well and know each classes mechanics you are gonna do well no matter what.

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