Rogue Torghast Powers Disappearing

While playing in torghast, the unceasing chain link power decreases in count/disappears along with the effect.

They dont care, they already have our money.

Yeah there’s a couple powers we’ve been seeing with the same bug unfortunately… I hope they fix it soon, it’s actually game breaking for rogues trying to solo TC.

Here’s another forum with same topic and a bit more feedback from more peeps if you’d like to see.

idfk when they will try to fix it, its been like this for some people since day 1 even and a lot of ppl have posted complaints about it but nothing has been made to fix this. my friend suggested to log out, click the cog wheel on the app and click scan and repair. idk if it works or not but im trying this too but u probs jsut have to test torghast again to see if it works or no cause im still loading for the scan and repair

That’s not how this game works. Everything of any real consequence ingame is stored serverside. We locally have all the components for displaying and running the game, the servers pull the strings. Torghast abilities aren’t stored locally if that was the case that would make hacking too easy, then anyone could just files locally to bloat or break the game.